
NEW: Government by Deception launched as an eBook!

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2007-09-24  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 9/24/2007
NEW: Government by Deception launched as an eBook!

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NEW: Government by Deception launched as an eBook!

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 9/24/2007

NEW: Government by Deception launched as an eBook!

[Finally, I’ve finished it. I’m launching Government by Deception as an eBook for the people outside Africa who were battling to get hold of it.

Exclusive Books in South Africa forced me to make 2 changes to the book before they would stock it. It cost me a lot of money and looking back, it wasn’t worth the money and the effort. These days I prefer to market it via my own network and I don’t care about what others say or think!

1. I had to remove the face of Nelson Mandela from the cover. I put Mugabe’s face on instead.

2. I had to remove the dedication.

With the eBook, I have UNDONE these changes and reverted back to the original book as it came out in the USA. Nelson Mandela’s face is back on the front cover, and most importantly I have reinstated the original dedication which I was forced to remove, and which I very much want people to see, because there is no book out there with a dedication like this. It must have made the ANC blow a gasket to see it.

Here is the dedication which I was forced to remove and which is back in the eBook:-
This book is dedicated to all the men and women, of all races who fought, and struggled so very bitterly, against tremendous odds to prevent southern Africa from becoming a Marxist hellhole. Some of you lost those dearest to you, or perhaps lost your limbs or still bear the scars of the struggle. This book is in memory of everyone who opposed Marxism in their thoughts, with words, and above all those who took up arms against this evil force.

Nobody ever thanked you for your efforts, but I will. I want to let you know that while most of this world has forgotten you, there are some, like me, who never will.

I am certain that God smiled upon your efforts.

I decided to add an additional introduction just for the eBook which I think people may be interested in. Here it is. I’m sure it will make my enemies see even more red, and that pleases me – see how I end it!

Introduction to the eBook (2007)
In 2001, I published Government by Deception at my own cost in order to avoid having an editor force me to remove or change the text in any way. I am glad I did that. The mass media avoided the book like the plague!

The Star newspaper in Johannesburg refused to even do a book review of it because they said it was œtoo provocative. I was not allowed to even appear on Radio Today in Johannesburg for a book review paid for by the owner of a mail-order book store! The only radio station in South Africa which ever did anything close to a decent interview with me was Radio Pretoria back in 2001.

I have given up on getting a decent hearing via the mass media and am quite content to continue spreading my message via the Internet and via independent radio stations in the USA.

The Zimbabwe crisis which started in 2000 has resulted in a plethora of books being written by those of us who come from there. Most of us have no outlets to the rest of the world, except those which we created. I used to be unhappy about this, but I am no longer concerned. The Internet is the only place where one can have any chance of Free Speech. The growth of the Internet ensures that it is the wave of the future as far as Information and also Disinformation is concerned. I think those of us from Africa must not be too worried about the fact that we have been ignored and sidelined by the powers that be, because in due course we are going to have a worldwide effect, whether they like it or not “ regardless of how long it takes us. In many ways it is good because it forces us to stand on our own two feet.

In 2000, we were like a baby learning to walk. We needed someone else™s help but it won™t be long before we don™t need anybody. We will organise ourselves. We will help each other and we will stick together and fight together if need be.

Among the many experiments I have engaged in since I originally published this book, was to experiment with eBooks. The first eBook that anyone wrote at my suggestion was œWithout Honour, by Robb Ellis who went to school with me. Robb wrote about his first-hand experiences as Mugabe was busy murdering the Matabele people in the 1980s. I want to continue encouraging people to write eBooks. This is a way whereby we can save for posterity our experiences and enlighten future generations about what really happened and why it happened.

It appears to me that Government by Deception is probably the book which contains more successful predictions than any other which has been written in South Africa in recent history. Liberals, including Tony Leon the leader of the Official Opposition in parliament attacked me over what I wrote in this book. However, this book as stood its ground. Many things herein, which were never discussed before have gone on to permeate the consciousness of whites in South Africa.

For example, I™m sure I™m the first person to have discussed Crime as a Low-Intensity Racial war being waged against Whites in South Africa. Many people now agree with this viewpoint.

I also predicted that the South African Govt would support Mugabe. South Africa has in recent years signed a military alliance with Zimbabwe.

In the chapter, œThe Marxist Brotherhood, I predicted that Mugabe, along with his allies in South Africa would try to spread their evil among other black leaders in Africa. The world was completely shocked when in early 2007, the 14 African countries making up the SADC, together agreed to support Robert Mugabe in his œwar against the West and against œNeo-Colonialism.

I said too that Black people in South Africa would be worse off than they were under Apartheid. The Institute of Race Relations issued a report in recent years saying that poverty among the poorest of the Blacks had doubled since 1994.

Take a look at these links on my website for more info:-

At the time of writing, I am busy rewriting my AfricanCrisis website. Currently it is at: However, I intend reinstating it to: in the next year.

One of my recent readers said that even in 2007, Government by Deception is uncannily œcurrent. That pleased me. I had said to people in the early days of my book that this book would have a long life. This was not just another political book. This book™s full value has yet to be realised. I may consider writing a follow-up book after 2010.

In this book I mention the idea of Whites in South Africa seizing their own territory in the Cape if a future race war should occur here. In 2006, I did a tentative exercise showing the smallest homeland that contained a city, an international airport and harbour, which was very easily defensible. You can find the article here: http://localhost:81/acarchive/articlevw.php?Rec=8386&

The only major thing missing from my analysis when I wrote this book in 2001, was the intervention of the CIA in ending Apartheid and in bringing an end to White rule in both Rhodesia and South Africa.

I was not aware of how the Liberals who came to dominate the CIA thought. I learned about this when an intelligence friend pointed me to a fascinating book written by Dr Richard Cummings in the USA. He had also worked for the CIA in the Middle East. But prior to that, he had written a book about Allard Lowenstein called œThe Pied Piper. In it he told the story of the CIA™s activities in southern Africa. In 1995, Dr Cummings wrote about it in the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence. The article is called: A Diamond Is Forever: Mandela Triumphs, Buthelezi and de Klerk Survive, and ANC on the U.S. Payroll.

You can read the whole article here: http://localhost:81/acarchive/articlevw.php?Rec=11102&

I also summarized and explained the logic in a series of newsletters I wrote called œStraight Talk which are in the AfricanCrisis book store.

Dr Cummings explained the logic of the CIA in his book œThe Pied Piper. In short, the CIA supported Apartheid for as long as there was the threat of Soviet Communism. But when the Soviet Union collapsed, the CIA felt it was safe to end Apartheid and to install the ANC.

Robert Mugabe may be a liar much of the time, but on one thing he is right. He says that there is œNeo-Colonialism. What Robert Mugabe describes is exactly what Dr Cummings discusses as the CIA strategy!

In essence, the CIA and the US Government œhelped these Black Liberation Movements to power so that they could then control them and pull their strings from behind the scenes. The CIA™s strategy was to take these openly Marxist/Communist organizations and to then try to hijack them and turn them into Liberal/Capitalist organizations by twisting their arms. They do this by using diplomacy and by using financial aid from the West. You will notice the explosion of super-wealthy Black ANC œcapitalists like Tokyo Sexwale and Cyril Ramaphosa for example. And yet, underneath it, they™re really Marxists! Robert Mugabe is stinking rich as was other famous Communists. Wealth does not rid them of their Marxist beliefs as the CIA thinks.

So if we look back on the history of the Liberation of Africa we see that White Colonials were usurped by Black Marxist Liberation movements which the American and British Governments then tried to control via œNeo-Colonialism.

The events of 2000 in Zimbabwe are the beginning of the Second Liberation of Africa, this time to throw off the yoke of Western Liberalism. The Blacks want to become Socialists as per their original intentions decades ago!

Robert Mugabe and the ANC must carry on with this plan, because they are alienating the last friends they have in the world. They are alienating the hand that feeds them. Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, and the South African Government are reverting to being what we said they were all along “ Black Marxists!

Recently in the USA, Professor Kirchick, a highly respected Liberal has launched ferocious attacks on Mugabe in Zimbabwe as well as on the South African Government for their policies. It appears to me we are seeing the beginning of the end of the honeymoon between the Western Liberals and the Black Marxist Terrorists of Africa.

South Africa is a very important country to the Western world. Africa is the Western world™s playground. As Liberal as the West is, it is not going to be charmed with the path Mugabe has embarked on.

Mugabe can spread his hatred of the West in Africa. Mugabe can continue with his racist agenda. But he is looking for trouble.

I do not believe that we Whites from Africa, both those in Africa and those who left should give up. In this book I wrote about a hypothetical race war which I referred to as œThe Whites™ Last Stand. Rest assured of two things. Firstly, the Last Battle for South Africa has yet to occur. Secondly, things will get a worse before they get better.

But I must tell you that I am much happier in 2007 than I was in 2001 when I first wrote this book. Back then I feared that we would be destroyed and nobody would notice. Thanks to so many of us going on an Information offensive of our own accord we have actually raised the alarm to such a degree that this will not be so easy for our enemies to pull off.

A former Major in the Rhodesian army asked me one day what I thought the future held for Zimbabwe. I told him that I thought things would simmer and burn there for a long time but that a Civil War there was possible. I also think things may get even worse there once Mugabe is gone. I see no hope for the MDC opposition as it stands currently. The MDC really have to wake up if they are to have any hope. For them, war is the only hope.

I remain confident that the problems which Mugabe started in 2000 still have a long time to go to play themselves out. It is possible that Mugabe™s Communist Racist nonsense may ultimately lead to one or more future wars in southern Africa.

I hope that happens because I always thought that the proper response to what he did to the farmers and to the country since 2000 was to destroy his regime completely through war and nothing less. And anyone who supports him deserves the same fate.

Jan Lamprecht
South Africa

September 2007

Click here for Government by Deception the eBook
