WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.
Original Post Date: 2006-05-30 Posted By: Jan
From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 5/30/2006
A Friend asks: Is the Govt fostering crime to drive Whites out?
From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 5/30/2006
A Friend asks: Is the Govt fostering crime to drive Whites out?
Bit by bit, some people are waking up. One neighbour of mine who is a Liberal guy, and who just wants to see the good in this govt seems to have gradually realised that all is not well in this country and that the blacks are out to get us. Its been interesting, after knowing him for 10 years, to see his mind changing and opening up to the possibility that they intend nailing us. I must tell you, he caught a black guy stealing his video and TV some years ago. He did not have a weapon on him. He confronted the black guy in broad daylight and the black guy tried to stab him with a screw driver. The black guy then ran away. Anyhow, my neighbour wrote this:- My response:- Blacks – in any country on earth – are a lawless people and they have plenty of crime and murder among them anyway. But I think in S.Africa there is reason and evidence to suggest that masked underneath this crime, is a Low Intensity War on White people. Consider too, the many things the Govt has done to SABOTAGE good Policing. They shut down ALL the specialist crime units like the Brixton murder and Robbery Squad. By shutting them down, they also stopped the accurate counting of crime statistics. As far back as 2000, when I was researching Government by Deception, I mentioned the first ANC moratorium on crime statistics. I mentioned how the ANC kept the stats from the public for a year, and then when the new “massaged” figures came into public view it painted a rosy picture of the situation. Time and again, Govt officials ignore or lie about crime. But their very actions actually make crime worse. And I believe it is deliberate. Look at how difficult they’re making it for a civilian to own even one handgun to defend himself and how easy it is for you, the innocent, to end up in jail on charges of murder or assault if you harm a criminal who came to kill or steal from you. There are complex laws that the Govt enacted, and these laws FAVOUR THE CRIMINAL – everyone can see it. Is this an accident of nature? I don’t think so. I think it is very deliberate. re: Blacks fomenting crime as a war… One professor of Revolutionary warfare at RAU told me that in many revolutions crime becomes a mask for political activity. For example, if they want to assassinate someone, they get a criminal to kill him… then it looks more like a robbery than an assassination. I spoke to Mwezi Twala, who is now dead. But he was in the ANC and was trained by the KGB in Moscow. Man, he told me wild stuff. He was a member of the DA until his death. Mwezi told me outright that senior people in Govt have their own crime syndicates and they use their connections to get their own guys out of jail, etc. He reckoned farm murders is a war orchestrated by Govt. Look, almost 2000 farmers have been killed and I believe in total… only 60 or so criminals have ever been caught. You know, there are interesting stories when one digs. I know, on my website, a few years ago, I was following news stories which said that Police had obtained a training video on how to stalk and murder farmers – but it was hushed up. There was also a story about bounties being paid for each farmer killed. All those things were completely hushed up. I think, personally, crime is intended to make things uncomfortable for us in the hope that we’ll leave. Deep down these blacks fear us also if WE become violent. Look at the history of warfare in Africa… We whites kick ass … even with our small numbers… and I think they don’t like 4.2 million of us around… we could become a serious problem for them one day if we got new ideas and we decided to defend ourselves. So I think they want as many of us to leave as possible to reduce the threat of a future racial confrontation. They may even feel that a future racial confrontation is inevitable and this is one way of them gaining the upper hand by reducing our numbers, demoralising us, and intimidating us. There is another aspect to this: What if Crime also serves as a practical “training ground” for a future racial confrontation? Crime is a good way to learn hit-and-run tactics… to plan small surprise attacks and ambushes. I have wondered whether Criminals could be the ANC’s “Hidden Army”. A whole army exists… of armed criminals… who can be called upon one day if they needed. A command and control structure may exist for this hidden army. It is not as far fetched as you may think. Look at Mugabe’s youth Militia – the Green Bombers. They are his secret army. They beat up, spy on and intimidate his enemies. The ANC’s real army might be the criminals. In my book, I sarcastically said that I think the ANC doesn’t want us to kill the criminals because we’d be killing their buddies!!! And I think it is true. In my book… I also theorised that Cash-in-transit heists were part of the strategy – in this case to get large amounts of cash. There was a court case I quoted where one Cash-in-transit robber donated millions out of his share of R20 million – to the Communist Party. I quoted from a news story about his court appearance. Remember too… even during Apartheid… the ANC also used crime and bank robberies (as many terrorists do around the world) to help to get cash to fund their operations. There is a fuzzy line between terrorism and crime. So think about it… They might never have stopped, and they could easily use their new positions of power to carry out criminal activities on an even bigger scale than before. Look at how many criminals conveniently escape from prison. There are various studies that have been done to do with farm murders which show that it is planned. For example, General Van Zyl, of the Transvaal Agricultural Union pointed out in a recent radio interview, he and I were part of, that the people who do the hits on farmers come from the cities. They are not local people. They come from far away… hit the farmers and then leave. So to him, it appeared to be a military operation. He also presented a paper to the University of Pretoria showing a correlation between Land Claims and farm murders. So blacks are driving whites off the land which they want. We are living in a murky world where our Govt are also former terrorists and criminals, and in my book I made the point that I could not see them merely settling down to play the “gentlemanly game of politics”, and in many ways, they would be tempted to continue to use their old methods. Look at Mugabe… look at the militia he created… the Green Bombers who run around intimidating and beating his opposition into submission. As I see it, these people have a plethora of tricks up their sleeves and they will use it to ensure they not only get into power but that they stay there. I wrote about “Power Forever” in my book. They have no intention of giving up power willingly. Do you know that S.Africa has in recent years become one of the biggest drug trafficking routes in the world!!! I will bet you that people in our Govt and our officials are taking cuts… the size of the drug shipments are incredible. Single drug busts sometimes have a value of R60 million! I have a theory that the only reason these shipments are intercepted occurs when the Americans or Interpol actually formally inform our Govt, and then they have no choice but to comply and to catch them… but when nobody warns them, they quietly let the drug shipments through. Keep in mind that Crime and Terrorism are the weapons of the weak. The weak and inept who are not able to defeat us in open combat sneak around and use these tricks against us. Crime serves the purpose of TERROR – Terror after all is aimed at striking fear into people’s hearts and making them run away… And crime serves that purpose nicely. Look at the cruelty and viciousness of some crimes. In farm murders, people are sometimes tortured before they are killed. I don’t think these things are accidents. Jan] |