
S.Africa: Will the Communist Party run in the next Election?

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2006-05-30  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 5/30/2006
S.Africa: Will the Communist Party run in the next Election?

<meta name='keywords' content='SAfrica,Will,the,Communist,Party,run,in,the,next,Election?,I,wrote,in,my,book,about,Joe,Slovos,plan,if,the,ANC,ever,dumped,the,SAfrican,Communist,Party,This,could,be,the,beginning,of,the,breakaway



S.Africa: Will the Communist Party run in the next Election?

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 5/30/2006

S.Africa: Will the Communist Party run in the next Election?

[I wrote in my book about Joe Slovo’s plan if the ANC ever dumped the S.African Communist Party. This could be the beginning of the break-away.

Now you might think the ANC can defeat the S.African Communist Party – but I disagree. The SACP is highly respected by the blacks in this country. The SACP is also perceived as being truer to the REVOLUTION.

And we are getting to a point where the (fallacious) argument can be made that the ANC did not deliver to the masses. This is true. But the SACP also can’t deliver. In fact, they will never be able to deliver to the masses. But the situation is perfect for the blacks to fall for this junk argument one more time – since Mbeki and the ANC can be blamed. Then once the communists take power… we become another Zimbabwe. Jan]

Johannesburg – The government is heading towards a dictatorship and could be on an identical road to that of Zimbabwe, says the Congress of South African Trade Unions in a hard-hitting attack on its alliance partner.

Cosatu said, as well, that the African National Congress government had developed an “alarming culture” that was ignoring its internal democratic processes.

This is the strongest language yet used by Cosatu to take its ANC partner to task.

The statement comes in the wake of a Cosatu central executive committee meeting (CEC) that ended on Wednesday.

The committee also decided this week to discuss at its September congress an SA Communist Party discussion document which, in effect, proposes an end to the alliance with the ANC.

The SACP document proposes that the party stand independently in the next general election.

This step is being considered by the SACP because the ANC government is claimed to be excluding the party from important decisions and is not acting in the interests of the working classes any longer.

Comparison with Zimbabwe

Cosatu’s viewpoint on this matter will be published next week in an identical document.

This is the closest the junior partners in the alliance have come to even discussing an end to the alliance with the ANC

Addressing the media on Thursday on behalf of the CEC, general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi said South Africa could be on an identical road to that of Zimbabwe.

He said: “Dictatorships do not announce themselves like a troupe of drum majorettes marching down the street.”

He said the CEC thought there were several significant signs that South Africa was heading for a dictatorship.

Among them were:

(194)Â(183)· a recent ban on the viewing of an SABC programme which was allegedly critical of Mbeki;

(194)Â(183)· the abuse of state institutions “to get even with” individuals, such as the national prosecuting authority in the case of former deputy president Jacob Zuma;

(194)Â(183)· the use of selective leaks to the media to influence public opinion;

(194)Â(183)· the manner in which political opponents, such as the Zuma faction, were being “ousted” from state institutions such as the security services; and

(194)Â(183)· The arrest of Cosatu leaders at the Swaziland border and last week in Cape Town.

Vavi said: “This is exactly how the problems started there (in Zimbabwe).”

In addition, he said some ANC leaders were trying to undermine resolutions taken at the national council meeting in Pretoria last year.

Among these were the deterioration of workers’ protection by labour legislation and a so-called “modernisation of the ANC”.

Vavi said: “These proposals have been discussed and rejected.

Major businessmen

“There is a massive new project under way to force the ANC to the mid-left camp.

“The national executive committee (NEC) is today comprised of members of the cabinet and major businessmen.

“There are no representatives any longer of civil organisations or trade unions.”

According to Vavi, big business had benefited from transformation in the past 12 years.

“We want a radical ANC that agrees to acceptable salaries, proper employment opportunities and true equality.”

Woman president mooted

In a direct attack on Mbeki, the central committee also expressed its disgust at his recent statements that he would like to see a woman as his successor.

This was especially so after Mbeki had led the NEC meeting in which the ANC Youth League was taken to task because it had started “too early” debating the succession issue.

Vavi said: “It cannot be regarded as correct that certain hands are bound by protocol, but the president, himself, declares his personal preferences for his successor.”

