
Uganda: Families of Bomb Suspects Appeal for Their Release

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2010-08-02 Time: 05:00:01  Posted By: News Poster

By Joy Wanja & Jacob Ngetich

The wife of a Kenyan suspect arrested in connection with the July 11 bombing yesterday pleaded that her husband be returned to the country. Mr Idris Magondu,42, and two other Kenyans Hussein Hassan Agade, 27, and Mohammed Aden Addow, 25 were arrested last month.

Ms Saida Rosemary, Mr Magondu’s wife, termed the arrest as depressing, adding that her husband was innocent and could not have participated in the bombings.

“On the day of the Ugandan bombings, we went for shopping at Eastleigh with my husband before we returned home,” Ms Rosemary told journalists.

The raid

Recounting events on the night of the house raid, Mr Magondu’s wife said more than 20 police officers wearing hoods ransacked her home in Kawangware at about 1.30am.

She said they then handcuffed and blindfolded her husband before driving off with him. She said her husband worked as a driver besides being a part-time preacher.

Mr Magondu was charged alongside two others with 76 counts of murder but the trio did not enter a plea. Ms Rosemary says the police officers confiscated her personal belongings including her national identity card, family photo album and mobile phone.

Ms Rosemary said the police officers did not write an inventory of the items that they had seized.

The following day, she said, she searched for him at various police stations, in vain. More than 75 people died on July 11, after bombs went off at Kyadondo and Kabalagala.

Ms Rosemary describes her husband as a ‘peaceful God fearing and law-abiding citizen,’ who has not committed any crime to warrant his continued incommunicado detention.

Kenya Muslim Human Rights Forum chairperson Al Amin Kimanthi on Saturday accused Kenyan authorities of breaching the law and said handing the suspect over to Ugandan authorities was illegal.

Father of suspect

Another suspects’s father, Mr Hassan Elijuma Agade, is yet to come to terms with the circumstances surrounding the arrest of his son Hussein Agade.

“He is a very polite young man, very understanding and has just started his marriage life. His wife is six months pregnant so I don’t understand when they implicate him in this,” said Mr Agade.

He said Hussein had wanted to be a journalist, a dream that took him to a journalism school. However, Hussein’s dream was jolted when he failed to finish his journalism course at East African School of Journalism in Nairobi due fees problem.

Original Source: The Monitor (Kampala)
Original date published: 2 August 2010
