
S.Africa: SABC ‘purges’ cause outcry – Who is purging whom?

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2008-05-08 Time: 00:00:00  Posted By: Jan

[Political Commissar Snuki was supposed to be doing his little “Soviet” thing of controlling the news and manipulating it communist style. It is interesting that the SACP and ANCYL actually were happy about his firing. But anyhow, I’m glad Snuki’s ass was kicked out. Whether it will change or help things much remains to be seen.

As for Dali, I’ve never had a particular opinion of him. Perhaps it is a tit for tat fight in the ANC ranks? I’ll see what I can find out. Jan]

The suspension of the SABC’s chief executive Dali Mpofu and its news and current affairs executive Snuki Zikalala sparked a national outcry on Wednesday over the state of the public broadcaster.

Communications Minister Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri expressed “great concern” about the suspension of Mpofu and Zikalala.

“All will be done on [the minister’s] part to ensure the ability of the SABC to carry out its mandate”.

On Wednesday Mpofu was suspended apparently for failing to implement decisions of the SABC board.

His suspension came a day after Mpofu himself suspended Zikalala.

On Wednesday, Matsepe-Casaburri said she would ensure the SABC would deliver on its 2010 responsibility, perform its role in digital migration and ensure its image did “not suffer further damage”.

The Democratic Alliance said the atmosphere at the SABC was “thick with conspiracy and political purges”.

DA spokeswoman Dene Smuts said it was “impossible” to know the merits of the suspensions and inquiries into Zikalala and Mpofu.

“All that can be usefully said is that allegations should be properly founded, and enquiries fairly handled”.

The SA Communist Party welcomed the suspension of Snuki Zikalala as “long overdue”.

The party said Zikalala had become a huge liability who severely compromised the impartiality and objectivity of SABC news.

However, the party said the way the SABC board retaliated against Mpofu for his “correct action” confirmed that the board was “in cahoots with some of the elements hell-bent on leading the SABC down the drain.”

The SACP said the board must resign, a sentiment the ANC Youth League echoed.

ANCYL said Zikalala and Mpofu “ran the SABC like a spaza shop and brought its credibility, image and reputation into disrepute”.

Infighting at the SABC appeared to be about replacing people perceived by one faction as being loyal to another faction in the ANC, said United Democratic Movement president Bantu Holomisa.

“This nonsense of appointing people solely on their credentials as ANC ‘cadres’ must end,” he said.

“Surely they have now learnt that it keeps backfiring.”

Afrikanerbond chairman Pi(233)érre Theron wrote to Matsepe-Casaburri asking her to intervene in the “unpleasant infighting” at the SABC.

“The day to day activities of the SABC are under serious threat,” he said.

On Wednesday, Inkatha Freedom Party spokeswoman Suzanne Vos said the suspensions “would be laughable if it were not so serious”.

“What we are now witnessing is an ANC alliance power struggle. Outsiders to this unedifying public spat can only cause for all concerned to sit back and acknowledge the damage they are doing to the already dwindling image of the SABC.”

Freedom Front Plus leader Pieter Mulder said “irreparable damage” had being done to the SABC.

The SABC board on Wednesday appointed commercial enterprises group executive Gabriel Mampone as acting CEO of the corporation.

SABC board chairwoman Khanyisile Mkonza told SABC News that Mampone’s appointment would ensure everything would be carried out as normal.

“The meetings will happen. If there are events, the events will happen. Nothing will be set back by all of the developments,” she said.

Earlier, Mkonza said an investigation into the allegations against Mpofu should be concluded within the next 30 days.

If necessary, a disciplinary enquiry would also be held.

On Tuesday, Mpofu said his suspension of Zikalala was based on misconduct related to the leaking of sensitive documents.

But he denied it had anything to do with an internal SABC memorandum about rifts between the board and Mpofu which was leaked to the press.

Zikala was suspended pending the outcome of an investigation which was “likely to result in a formal disciplinary inquiry”, said Mpofu. – Sapa
