
Liberal Afrikaner Turning? Issues a challenge to Black S.Africans…

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2006-11-28  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 11/28/2006
Liberal Afrikaner Turning? Issues a challenge to Black S.Africans…

<meta name='keywords' content='Liberal,Afrikaner,Turning?,Issues,a,challenge,to,Black,SAfricans,Not,long,ago,I,kicked,out,at,you,about,beeing,racist,and,about,apartheid,beeing,wrong



Liberal Afrikaner Turning? Issues a challenge to Black S.Africans…

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 11/28/2006

Liberal Afrikaner Turning? Issues a challenge to Black S.Africans…

Not long ago I kicked out at you about beeing racist and about apartheid beeing wrong.

You then answered me by saying I should not feel guilty for something I had no power over.

That has opened my eyes.

I still believe in Human Rights and always will. I believe black people to be human and as such i will treet them as humans and how I expect to be treeted with dignity and honour as deserving a fellow human beeing.

But I am white. I am proud of most of my heritage. My forefathers braught more than just colonialism and racism to africa.

They braught laws, education, health care and technology here. They also built a country to be proud of out of nothing. Yes apartheid was wrong, but I had nothing to do with it.

I am proud to be a white afrikaner but I will always be a South African first then an afrikaner.

I challenge all the black people to be South Africans first then whatever tribe. We will then maybe be able to move forward. As it stands if you ask a black person what he is he will answer you he is a xhosa or zula but they will never say they are Souuth Africans.

I challenge all liberals out there to ask them.

We have a right to be proud of our heritage. I have yet to hear that any black person has charged the zulus for the war that scattered them everywhere and if you were to tell the zulus that they had to apologise for it they will tell you to take a flying dump.

So stop feeling guilty, That is unless you were, then you better get out your flok bowl and start washing some feet.

But if you werent guilty why feel guilty. Rather be proud of not beeing guilty. Then go one step further and be proud of what you are.

I am a South African from the Afrikaner tribe and I refuse from this moment further to feel guilty about something I had no power over.

Thank you David, and I will pass this on to Jan. You know many in America feel the same way. Most of the people, governments aside, just want immigrants and the various ethnic groups that make up our society to be Americans first, participate as a people, in your chosen homeland. Yes, be proud of your heritage, but don’t thrust it on everyone around you.
Thanks for being a man of conviction. It all starts with caring enough to believe in something. I believe it is one heart and one mind at a time.

JAN Replied:
Hi David,
Thanks for your post and your thoughts. I will put them up.

I am glad that you are moving beyond the guilt syndrome. I wrote about that at length. If you ever read my book, Government by Deception, you will see the references to a fascinating old book called “The Brain Washing Machine” written by a man who was experimented on by a communist psychiatrist. It described the way in which this communist played with his head, his thoughts and perceptions trying to make him DOUBT HIMSELF. He was quite sane, but the communist psychiatrist was trying to make him think he was INSANE.

Returning to South Africa – and whites in Africa in general – the Liberation movements, having been trained by the communists, use guilt – fake guilt as a weapon against whites. This fake guilt is used as a means of getting us to surrender what is ours and to WILLINGLY submit to punishment (e.g. losing our jobs or houses or farms) because WE BELIEVE WE ARE GUILTY. So here you are… you’ve never committed a crime against black people in your life – most probably – and yet you are made to FEEL GUILTY for something you NEVER DID!

Well, its all complete nonsense and bunk of course.

I used to be a guilty white myself about 15-20 years ago and then the penny dropped and I realised what a load of bunk the whole subject was. There is virtually nothing – if anything at all in our history worth feeling guilty about. The blacks are themselves no saints and have stacks of their own crimes which they too perpetrated.

So I am glad that you’re over the guilt syndrome, especially given that you’re an Afrikaner. Exactly! Be what you are! As long as you are living a truly crime-free life – in that you are not stealing, murdering, etc from other people – there is no need whatsoever for you to feel guilty about anything.

I do agree with you, and it goes without saying that blacks are human beings. I’m not challenging that in the slightest. They have feelings, etc exactly like us. The only place I differ lies in intelligence and their perceptions and our perceptions. That is where I think differences come about. SOME are environmental… but others are built-in differences to do with how they think and how WELL or NOT they think. I have said in the past that I have a theory that Politics is driven in part by IQ. Why? Because how people vote and who they support is dependent upon PERCEPTIONS. Perception drives the world, and perception drives different races and racial groups. So the way the mind functions ultimately leads to its perceptions and finally to how they VOTE!!!

I do differ a bit with you about blacks saying they’re Zulu or Xhosa, etc. Well, I’m all FOR Black tribalism. I always used to think that yes, tribalism is bad – mainly because I heard other people claiming it was bad. But now that I’ve sat and thought about it, I think it is natural. I think Blacks themselves have every right to identify with their tribe. In the same way that you specifically identify with AFRIKANER as opposed to ALL whites – Afrikaner is your particular subset of the white tribe. Well, why can’t blacks identify with their own tribe?

I have no issue with that. You say that blacks FIRSTLY think of themselves as their TRIBE before they think of S.Africa – well, that says to me that their tribal loyalties are deeper and closer to them. And why not?

Ultimately I have become a believer in NATIONALISM (I can’t believe it myself because I used to be the tree-hugging type!)… and if I believe in NATIONALISM then Tribalism is really no different. Tribalism is the NATURAL NATIONALISM of black people in Africa (but not America where they lost their tribal identity).

So I think it is no crime for a person to say: I am a Zulu. That’s fine.

I think historically, that there is a balance between UNITY on the one hand and BENEFITS OF SCALE on the other. In short, the world pulls on people from two opposing ends of the scale. The one is the tendency to unity of small groups and the other are the benefits of being part of a large group. I think… that history shows that when groups grow too big and then it is hard to motivate unity and thus groups break down into smaller, but more united groups. Historically Nationalism is the more powerful force – where people group together according to common values, culture, etc.

The bottom line is, I don’t think the “New South Africa” (or much of post-Colonial Africa for that matter), can survive for a long time. I think forces will tear them apart. I think S.Africa will ultimately have to break up into a few component parts.
