
CESA: CrimeExpo: Neil/Juan’s Walter Mitty Power Fantasies

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2006-11-24  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 11/24/2006
CESA: CrimeExpo: Neil/Juan’s Walter Mitty Power Fantasies

CESA: CrimeExpo: Neil/Juan’s Walter Mitty Power Fantasies

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 11/24/2006

CESA: CrimeExpo: Neil/Juan’s Walter Mitty Power Fantasies

[I think Neil/Juan got drunk on web statistics. I think he watched his website visits and saw thousands of people streaming in daily, and suddenly, he imagined he had South Africa at his feet.

Nobody knows how much money he raked in – yet – but that will soon be disclosed when the investigations are finished.

I think Neil/Juan imagined he could unseat the government while being perched behind his computer screen. He thought he could give a command and people would fly out into the streets by their hundreds of thousands.

The fact of the matter is, that VAST NUMBERS OF PEOPLE DID LOOK UP TO HIM AND DID IMAGINE HIM TO BE SOME KIND OF LEADER in a country led by liars and fools. People hoped for something better. They thought their prayers were answered. They gave willingly, and they BELIEVED him… they took him on his word that he could help to save them from the living hell of crime. They were SERIOUS. They did not want their family members to be MURDERED and RAPED.

But Neil/Juan was really a child. And one can see it in many of his recent posts. While he was flying high and FACING NO OPPOSITION, he looked good. He looked solid.

But the test of any human-being, especially of any man who sets himself up as a leader… IS TO FACE DIFFICULTIES. How you shape up when you face OPPOSITION is the real test of any leader.

I watched some of Neil’s antics quietly when one of my co-workers gave generously to Neil. He told me that thousands were heading into the streets. He believed in Neil – deeply. But I watched and I wondered, based on my own past experiences of protests, etc (remember I helped some Zimbabweans 3 years ago) – and I wondered how many whites or even non-whites would pitch up at his protests. But I kept my reservations to myself.

All Neil saw were big numbers on his computer screen. But … when you see these numbers… they’re phyrric. Just because thousands visit your website – it does not mean thousands support you or will take a bullet for you. The Internet world also contains its fakes. The fake leader sits at his keyboard instructing his fake supporters. In the end, neither the leader, nor most of the supporters will get up from their desk to actually DO anything in the real world.

Neil thought he could instruct millions to do his bidding – but HE was not prepared to pitch up at his own protests! Consequently… neither were many of his supporters.

But the fault lies with him. Leading people, even in 2006, requires that the LEADER stand up and WALK IN FRONT. If he is not prepared to do that, then why should others follow?

Neil/Juan, in many ways was a child. His sudden support of Selebi was really aimed just at going against the newspapers. Suddenly, now that he was no longer the darling of the Mass Media, now he hated them. In his bitchy fits, if the newspapers now said Left, he’d say Right. He would do the opposite just to spite them. Neil/Juan… when he was under pressure… turned into a clown.

But to this day, he does not seem to realise the seriousness of what awaits him. I think Neil/Juan will gain infamy, AND he will GO TO JAIL for fraud – for taking money from people, promising them massive things but doing nothing. It is clear that he has not even spent so much as 5 minutes looking into a Section 21 company. I did that myself some years back for those Zimbabweans. Forming a Section 21 company is not difficult. You only need about 3 people as trustees and off you go. There are some costs attached – but its much easier to do that than to form a political party.

In many ways, Neil/Juan is just a temperamental bitchy gay who is otherwise harmless.

But if he was the same guy who was behind the supposed gay blood donor threat last year… now THAT I did not like. Gays threatening to donate blood even if they are HIV(43)+ – now that is akin to a kind of terrorism – murder in fact. To me, that is a real crime. In the end, it was just a blunt threat. But it was a cheeky, stupid and uncalled for threat.

Neil/Juan’s website statistics went to his head. He thought he had more power than he really had.

But this guy who cringes from publicity will get more publicity and infamy than he ever bargained for.

For people like me, with my own website, I think Neil/Juan leaves us in greater difficulties than ever before. He has broken a TRUST which generally existed widely on all websites. Generally, website and blog owners are HONEST and RESPONSIBLE – without ANY POLICING WHATSOEVER. But he’s broken the trust of many. And that broken trust and that harm he has done to his own supporters will actually rebound on the rest of us. To me, that is going to be the most miserable legacy of Neil/Juan. He will leave a bitter taste in the mouths of his supporters for years to come.

He still lives in his Walter Mitty world. If he thinks he can escape the Police – as a white man – he’s living in a dream world. We whites are too well “registered” and easily traceable. Blacks who have no fixed address, fake IDs, etc… they can melt into the masses.

I think Neil/Juan will be caught very shortly and will be prosecuted. Of that I have no doubt. He must make the most of his final days of freedom because I think he will be spending a good few years in jail. Then maybe it will give him time to reflect on the fantastic God-given opportunity he had to try and do something positive, but deep down, he was not up to the task.

He imagined he could lead. But leadership is one skill that he truly never possessed. Jan]
