
Australian Professor: African Immigration increases crime

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Original Post Date: 2005-07-21  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 7/21/2005
Australian Professor: African Immigration increases crime

Australian Professor: African Immigration increases crime

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 7/21/2005

Australian Professor: African Immigration increases crime

[This professor is saying that Australia must not become a “Third World Colony”. While the other so-called “intellectuals” are running and hiding and are quivering in their boots at the term “racist” – this Professor is saying it like it is. He remarks that his observations are self-evident and most ordinary people would see this is so. Absolutely!

It is amazing how modern “education” enables people to completely fool themselves and to blind themselves to the very things that are happening around them.

Its great seeing someone in Australia coming out and speaking so directly. Thanks to Eric in Australia for sending me this. I really must hurry up and finish off the News Submissions section for my site so that people can contribute material. Jan]

Macquarie University is standing by a senior academic who opposes non-white immigration, arguing that academics must be free to say what they wish, while also distancing itself from his views and declaring racism abhorrent.

An associate professor in the Department of Public Law, Andrew Fraser, claims that African migration increases crime, says HSC results point to a rising ruling class of Asians and wants Australia to withdraw from refugee conventions to avoid becoming “a colony of the Third World”.

Associate Professor Fraser, originally from Canada, believes cognitive and athletic abilities, testosterone and “impulse control” vary according to race, and “civilisations” should look after their own.

The university said yesterday it was “distancing” itself from Associate Professor Fraser’s views but backed the right of academics to say what they wish in a “responsible” way.

The acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Loxton, said there was no place for racism at the university, but it “recognises and protects academic freedom as essential to the conduct of teaching, research and scholarship”.

AdvertisementAfter seeing a photograph of a Sudanese child in the Parramatta Sun, Associate Professor Fraser wrote to the newspaper saying “an expanding black population is a sure-fire recipe for increases in crime, violence and a wide range of other social problems”.

“The fact is that ordinary Australians are being pushed down the path to national suicide by their own political, religious and economic elites.”

Associate Professor Fraser wrote in an email to a Woollahra councillor, David Shoebridge, that Chinese immigration directly threatened the “social, political and economic interests of ordinary Australians and their children”.

“Look at the annual HSC results – the consequence of which is that Oz is creating a new heavily Asian managerial-professional, ruling class that will feel no hesitation in promoting the narrow interests of their co-ethnics at the expense of white Australians.”

Associate Professor Fraser told the Herald it was only the “educated middle class” who opposed his views. “I think most ordinary people would find what I’m saying more or less self-evident,” he said.
