
S.Africa: Important: A Shocking thing a Black Woman said…

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2007-02-26 Time: 00:00:00  Posted By: Jan

[I have also said to people blacks aren’t always as stupid as you might think. Sometimes they know the truth very well, but they are just too INSECURE to talk about it and they’d rather lie instead.

Last week and Afrikaner friend of mine had to take a young black woman from his work to her home. While driving they chatted in quite a relaxed way.

While casually chatting, at a point the topic of race came up.

The young black woman then said something like this to him: “We know you whites can do the job better than us, but we are afraid if we give you whites the chance that before long we would end up being oppressed by you again.”

This explains Affirmative Action. Have you noticed that the ANC would rather import whites from anywhere in the world while NOT HIRING LOCAL WHITES EVEN IF THEY ARE UNEMPLOYED AND SKILLED BY THE THOUSAND!

The ANC fears us – deep down. The ANC does not want us in positions of any kind of power because they know we hate them and they don’t want to give us the slightest chance to rise.

The ANC fears us more than we fear them.

The ANC knows it must oppress us constantly because if they don’t, we’ll squirm out of the cracks and whack them a shot. They know some of us hate them and one way or another we’ll try to f*ck them over.

They know it. And I know it too. And that’s why I say, we should part company. We cannot co-exist in the long term.

But they fear us parting company even more – because if we have our own territory – we’ll be able to organise our own army and they’ll fear that even more.

The ANC knows strategically that it must hold us down, and sit on our necks and impoverish us, and constantly kick us in the faces… its their best hope – because if we get ourselves free of their binding chains… we’re going to wind them.

Blacks in Africa KNOW WE ARE SUPERIOR MAN FOR MAN – AND IT SCARES THEM SHITLESS. Gedhalia’s book will amaze you when it comes out. He talks about how blacks see whites… and he has travelled and worked extensively all across Africa. He came here as an American Liberal Academic. His book is very important and is written with the “new eyes” of an American who truly understands Africa.

Back in the early 1980’s, and I’ve told this story before…

My brother chatted to a black Zimbabwean. My brother is excellent in their own language. The Zimbabwean said pretty much the same thing. He said to my brother that blacks in Zimbabwe are too afraid to give the whites even the SLIGHTEST CHANCE because they know that before they know it, the WHITE MAN WILL COME OUT ON TOP AND BE IN CHARGE AGAIN.

They know we’re more than capable of facing them, man for man – and it scares the living shit out of them. If they see us rising, it could be the one thing that sends them over the edge to kill us all – because they know they had better get the first blow in, because if they don’t – we’ll take them – militarily, economically – in every way.

I think, behind the scenes, Britain, America and the West have given the ANC the guarantee that whites will not be allowed to rise again – and the ANC relies on that heavily. Even so… they fear us. And the Afrikaners worry them the most because of the Afrikaner’s track record as a fighter in general and the long history of the Afrikaner fighting them endlessly. Make no mistake – the blacks don’t like living side by side with Afrikaners who have a 300 year history of fighting and opposing them.

The Night of the Long Knives will come – just not now. Rest assured they will attack us first. It would be wise on our part to let them get the first blow in… because then we have the excuse we need to fight non-stop… no cease-fire… we ask for no quarter and we give no quarter. Just let them fire the first shot – because even with the element of total surprise… we can still take the bastards.

We’ll never be able to live side-by-side.

For now Britain and America guarantee the status quo. But wait… Britain and America won’t always be able to… their wars will keep them busy… and when everyone else in the world is too busy… and nobody is watching… the ANC will lay into us, and we’ll return the favour plus interest. Jan]