
Namibia: President Nujoma: Racist White Farmers are lying

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2004-06-24  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 6/24/2004 3:22:22 PM
Namibia: President Nujoma: Racist White Farmers are lying

Namibia: President Nujoma: Racist White Farmers are lying

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 6/24/2004 3:22:22 PM

Namibia: President Nujoma: Racist White Farmers are lying

[Watch this lying black Marxist President of Namibia. I received the following address to the nation from one of my regular visitors from Namibia. I know one of the farmers quoted by Nujoma. Nujoma calls them a bunch of minority racists who are DECEIVING the general public.

But it is not that small group of 30 extremely brave farmers who are the liars. It is he. He claims there is a willing-buyer-willing-seller program. This is not true. The new laws state that the farmer MUST respond within 14 days on the value of the land, and then a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL can override this amount if he “feels this is excessive”. This is NOT willing-buyer-willing-seller. The farmers are being FORCED to “sell” their farms to the Govt at prices which the Govt officials can determine if they so wish.

The “minority racist white” farmers… are the ones telling the truth.

These are 30 really brave men out of 4,500 white commercial farmers. I think we should support these few very brave men in all the ways we can. They need our support. I urge people to send emails around and help build up support for these few farmers who were brave enough to TELL IT LIKE IT IS AND TO CHALLENGE THE GOVT OF NAMIBIA OPENLY BY SAYING THIS IS GOING TO END UP LIKE ANOTHER ZIMBABWE!!! Jan]


16 June 2004 – WINDHOEK

Good Evening Fellow Namibians,

In the past few weeks, we have witnessed negative reactions from some members of our society as my Government continues to implement Land Reform in our country based on the policy of willing-buyer, willing-seller in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution which is now being implemented simultaneously with land expropriation in order to redistribute land to the landless Namibian citizens.

I want to make it categorically clear to Siggi Eimbeck, Georg Friedrich and the rest of the minority racist commercial farmers whose objective is to distort the facts concerning the Government’s land reform and expropriation policy, that the land question in Namibia is a sensitive issue, which can have far reaching economic and political consequences, if it is not handled carefully and maturely in the interest of the entire nation.

The option of land expropriation by the Government is not new. It is provided for in Article 16, Sub-Article (2) of our Constitution, which states that “the state may expropriate property in the public interest subject to payment of just compensation, in accordance with the requirements and procedures to be determined by an Act of Parliament”.

The Act of Parliament being contemplated here is the Agricultural
(Commercial) Land Reform Act, Act 6 od 1995. This Act has put in place the necessary requirements and procedures regarding land expropriation, as required by the Supreme Law of the Land, the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia.

The National Land Conference which was convened in 1991, where all citizens of our country participated had resolved that land owned by absentee landlords should be expropriated in the national interest.

Moreover, the Land Conference also resolved that “very large farms and ownership of several farms by one owner should not be permitted and such land should be expropriated”, with a clear purpose of benefiting landless Namibians.

It is in the spirit of Article 16 of our Constitution, with the view to implement the provisions of Act 6 of 1995 and in concert with the resolutions of the Land Conference of 1991 that we decided to exercise our discretion to expropriate land in the public interest.

The National Farmers Support Initiative and other minority racist commercial farmers should not deceive or mislead the Namibian public deliberately. The expropriation of land will go ahead in the public interest and in line with the relevant laws, procedures and requirements as decided by the Namibian Parliament.

After independence, my Government adopted the Policy of National Reconciliation, which is a two-way street in order to heal the wounds of the past and to unite all the Namibian people and enable them to participate in the social and economic reconstruction of our country.

Although my government extended a hand of friendship to the white landowners, some have continued to abuse our policy of National Reconciliation and mistreat their farm workers. I would like to warn the minority racist commercial farmers that any farm owner who illegally evicts his farm workers is considered a criminal and will feel the full wrath of the laws of the Republic of Namibia.

I wish to point out that Namibia is big enough to accommodate all our citizens. Therefore, we should all share the land equally so that all our people can make a living by utilising the land for productive agricultural purposes.

In each and every case where land will be expropriated, the Government will pay the affected land-owner just compensation, as determined by the official valuator.

It must be categorically understood by each and everyone that those who harbour the illusions that Namibia can be re-colonise are making a mistake. The Government of the Republic of Namibia has the capacity to defend the territorial integrity, airspace and territorial waters from external aggressors.

We are committed to the maintenance of social and political stability, peace and security for all our people. Anyone who threatens such peace and stability will face the full wrath of the laws of the Republic of Namibia.

Finally, I would like to re-assure all the Namibian citizens, as well as visitors who find themselves within the borders of the Republic of Namibia that their lives and properties are protected by the laws of the Land of the Brave.

Remember, a united people striving to achieve common good for all members of the society, will always emerge victorious.

Long Live the Republic of Namibia!

Good Night.
