
Zimbabwe to Collapse in 12 Months…

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2004-06-24  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 6/24/2004 3:20:22 PM
Zimbabwe to Collapse in 12 Months…

Zimbabwe to Collapse in 12 Months…

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 6/24/2004 3:20:22 PM

Zimbabwe to Collapse in 12 Months…

[I received this from Colin in the UK. Interesting assessment about Civil War. I would rather suspect it will be One-Sided Mass Murder by Mugabe. Civil War… I WISH… I wish there was enough strength in the blacks to stand up against Mugabe. I doubt it. But if it happens… I’d be really pleased.

But, other clandestine news I have from Zim is this: Mugabe is preparing to rig the election to completely cheat the MDC out of existence. The MDC is soooo heading for complete wipe-out if they don’t get their asses into gear soon… IF the MDC ever shows a BACKBONE… I’ll support them… Any enemy of Mugabe (regardless of colour) is a good friend of mine. Jan]

On Radio 4 (England) yesterday evening there was more news on Zimbabwe. I might add that the situation in Zimbabwe has become daily news in the UK these days.

A senior economist in Zimbabwe reckons that the ZANU PF Government knows that there is no more money to œsteal.his words.and that the country is nearing its final economic collapse..within 12 months!

When this happens he anticipates all out civil war in Zimbabwe. This will be followed by a crisis across the Southern African region in general as an exodus of starving refugees descends upon mainly South Africa and Botswana pushing resources to the limit.

He also said that as already poor and pushed South Africans have to compete with Zimbabwean refugees it could trigger a lot of political and social unrest.

Source: Radio 4 (UK)
