WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.
Original Post Date: 2003-01-22 Posted By: Jan
From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 1/22/2003 4:14:06 PM
WOZA – Women Of Zimbabwe Arise
[Note. This is a note I got from Zimbabwe. This is but one of MANY anti-Mugabe, anti-ZANU(PF) groups which are in existence now. I am stunned at how many exist. Clearly, this whole Mugabe/Land-Grab thing is finally resulting in a BACK LASH. From what I can see it will be quite a big one – world wide – it is coming. Jan]
Sheba Dube-Phiri – WOZA – Women Of Zimbabwe Arise presentation to the
Christian Together for Justice and Peace Service St Marys Cathedral Saturday
18th January 2002
‘We are Gods work of art, created in Jesus Christ to live the good life as
he had meant us to live it from the beginning’ Ephesians 2:10
I greet you all this morning in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ our
Savior! Amen.
My name is Sheba Dube-Phiri and I am a human rights activist by nature
working for Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights). I am here
representing WOZA (Women Of Zimbabwe Arise) a network of women to act on
issues that concern them and the society as a whole. WOZA is an action group which seek to remove the culture of fear from the women and build a strong arm of women who will face up challenge and stand up for their rights when they are violated or facing oppression.
These women have gone the extra mile to identify areas which people take as teething problems e.g. the shortage of tampons, cotton wool etc. the unfair distribution of basic commodities such as maize/ mealie-meal. This has taken some women to lose their dignity by doing wrong deeds in order to obtain these commodities.
We have organized very successful peace marches where women sounded their
anger by beating spoons against pots. Also lobbying women from faith based
organizations and participating in platforms like this one.
WOZA says, ‘Enough is enough’.
I will now talk about problems in our country that affects both women and
men. You know all these through other avenues used for information
WOZA also challenge the Church on these critical issues which I am going to point out:
* The violent political conflicts
* Ethnic animosity
* Failure by authorities to bring to book those who violate
human rights
* Culture of fear among the general public and NGO’s
* Passing of draconian legislation e.g. POSA, AIPPA etc
* General ignorance on rights and duties
* Internally displaced persons
* Uncomfortable operating environments for NGO’s
* Politicians of civil servants ‘war veterans hold positions
in public service and they work on partisan lines’
* Electoral fraud ‘rigging, violence, vote buying, etc.’ The
above reflects the problems in the country that affects enjoyment of
human rights and democracy in a country.
WOZA demands cooperation from all bodies working in the field of respect and protection of human rights in Zimbabwe, the Commonwealth and SADC in the following means to:
1. Publicize Zimbabwe human rights abuses
2. Pressure must be given to those in authorities
3. Pressure the Zimbabwean law enforcement agents to
investigate cases of human rights abuses and bring abusers to book
4. Pressure political parties to respect human right and
We have formed WOZA to drive the women’s liberation bus around Zimbabwe.
All women are invited to join our prayer meeting on the 28th January 2003 at Main Street Methodist Church Hall starting with prayer and mediation and onto discussion.
Church leaders you are challenged to use your Christian Social
Responsibility Committees to address issues of human rights and democracy,
domestic violence, rape, corruption, gender imbalances, child abuse,
poverty, victims of political violence. Church leaders/ pastors you
protected politicians during the liberation why not do the same now?
Stand up, talk, unite and call a spade a spade! Enough is enough. God gives leaders to us but Christians should desist from praying for ungodly leaders.
God will never leave us alone! Let us live with this hope! WOZA will do
things that have never been done and we will bravely give voice to issues
bedeviling Zimbabwe!
I thank you!