
The Latest Lies about Mugabe"s failing health

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2005-06-09  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 6/9/2005 3:34:09 PM
The Latest Lies about Mugabe"s failing health

The Latest Lies about Mugabe"s failing health

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 6/9/2005 3:34:09 PM

The Latest Lies about Mugabe"s failing health

[Just when the old bastard is facing a real crisis, they start this nonsense. Readers of my website will know that this has been going on for years, and that every time public anger grows and people are talking of mass action or an uprising, then all these stories are deliberately spread about how he is dying, his heart is failing, or he is seeing ghosts or he is losing his mind. Its all BULL. They do this to try to get people to say: “He’s old and about to die… we don’t need to kill him ourselves… God will take him from us…” and people fall for this nonsense every time.

Mugabe needs to be run out of power like a dog… or, better still shot dead… and like in ancient times, his head should be severed from his body and brought around on a plate to not only prove it really is him, but to also prove that the old Marxist scumbag reall is DEAD! That is the only thing that would make me happy!

Look at all this RUBBISH from these “intellectuals”. They say Mugabe promised to step down in 2008. NOT!!! He never said that. He’s winked and LIED several times about stepping down after the “next election” and never did. This is rubbish – this garbage is intended to keep this hideously evil man in power.

What Zimbabwe needs, right now is war, civil war, and the sooner the better. The old bastard could be out of power in a week, if everyone worked together and pulled their weight. But every time – people lose their nerve – people get scared and they fall for carefully planned deceptive lies which encourage them to do nothing. What is needed is FOCUS, and a will of STEEL, and DECISIVE ACTION. Then the DEAD BODY OF ROBERT MUGABE can be dragged through the streets afterwards. Jan]

The international community must ensure that the situation in Zimbabwe after President Robert Mugabe does not become explosive, a study says.

Rumours arose over the state of Mugabe’s health this week following media reports that he had sought medical attention from a cardiologist. He has said that he will in any case stand down in 2008.

The study ‘Post-Election Zimbabwe: What Next?’ by the Brussels-based International Crisis Group (ICG) warns that Zimbabwe faces greater chaos and violence as President Robert Mugabe’s era draws to a close unless the international community starts planning together for a peaceful transition to democracy.

“The post-election situation may seem like business as usual, but Mugabe’s era is ending. Both ZANU-PF and the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) now face existential challenges,” Peter Kagwanja, South Africa project director of the group says in the report.

“The ageing of the old and the conflicting ambitions of the would-be new ZANU-PF chieftains, as well as the growing frustration of what until now has been a remarkably non-violent opposition ensure that change of some kind is coming soon. Unless Zimbabwe’s friends get busy and get together, it is all too possible it will be violent and chaotic,” he says.

Mugabe, 81, and his ZANU-PF party won parliamentary elections earlier this year. But they were widely condemned by the international community as being flawed.

The Crisis Group, which tracks and analyses developments in trouble spots says Mugabe and ZANU-PF “again manipulated the electoral process through a range of legal and extra-legal means to ensure that the election was basically decided well before the first voters reached the polls.”

Mugabe’s party now holds the two-thirds majority required to amend the constitution. Many experts believe that ZANU-PF will use that power to prepare a safe retirement for its leader.

But the think-tank warns that a peaceful transfer of power from the Mugabe to a successor is far from guaranteed.

ZANU-PF, which has ruled Zimbabwe since independence from Britain 25 years ago, is bitterly divided over Mugabe’s succession, with powerful figures in the party positioning themselves for what could turn out to be a vicious fight for power, the Crisis Group says.

“ZANU-PF is beset with factionalism, spurred by the desire of powerful figures to position themselves for the succession fight. The main factions substantially represent still unreconciled ethnic interests, suggesting that holding the party together may be difficult,” the report says.

The ICG insists that the only route with a realistic chance of resolving Zimbabwe’s interlinked crises is Mugabe’s exit from office at the earliest possible time, while the international community, ZANU-PF and the MDC should begin planning now for the post-Mugabe era.

The Crisis Group is urging the United States, the European Union (EU) and the international financial institutions to make it clear there will be no end to targeted sanctions, no prospect of substantial aid, and no resumption of normal relations unless there are real changes, “not only in the names at the top of government structures but in governance.”

It also urges the Zimbabwean government to set a date for the President’s retirement before 2008 and to show restraint in amending the constitution without taking opposition views into account.

For the MDC, the Crisis Group says the party must decide fundamental questions, including whether to pursue more confrontational and extra-parliamentary opposition despite the risks.

The group adds that it is particularly important for South Africa to undertake an “urgent review” of its unsuccessful policy to explore new options such as cooperation with the Commonwealth and the G8 countries (the United States, Canada, Japan, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and Italy) to urge its neighbour back on the path to more moderate political and economic policies.

“The policy of ‘quiet diplomacy’ has failed. The international community must act now to ensure that a post-Mugabe Zimbabwe will not be explosive,” warns Nancy Soderberg, Crisis Group vice-president and acting director of the Africa programme.

Source: AllAfrica.Com
