WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.
Original Post Date: 2010-09-08 Time: 21:00:01 Posted By: News Poster
By Meshack Mabogoane
Johannesburg – PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma’s absence and lack of decisiveness during critical moments are not new. Such things have become conventions in the Presidency since 1999. The chief incumbents have spent much time away from domestic crises and do not apply their minds to public interest issues. Trips are needed as escapes. The president is feted abroad, his ego stroked, whereas in SA he remains estranged, ignorant, uninvolved – an albatross and pariah.
Zuma’s China safari highlighted SA’s oceanic changes – literarily from the Atlantic to the Pacific now that China has displaced western countries as SA’s major economic partner. This startling process is impressive by its size and speed and speaks of hard and deep planning long before 1994. Such plans have borne fruit since fellow travellers began piloting the ship of state.
Two decades ago Atlantic nations – the main founders, investors and developers of this economy, after contributing skills, taking risks and making sacrifices – were pressed to pull out. Their liberal Christian consciences had been pricked; their racist skeletons exploited. In the event, western countries imposed sanctions because, it was said, of the absence of democracy and human rights here.
Now the goodwill and sacrifices of well-meaning Americans and Europeans who supported a struggle – believed to have been for racial justice and democratic practice – have not only been rubbished but, retrospectively, the campaign sought, among other things, to switch this economy from the frying pan of western nations to the fire of oriental imperialism.
Parallel with black economic empowerment there has been a process of a lopsided international partnership among the nonwhite races – as shown by the ties with the emergent yellow economic power.
Like the promise of liberation given to Eastern European countries, which ended up satellites of the former red Russia, SA has been similarly hoodwinked, with its economy becoming a semi-colony and the dumping ground of an avaricious communist regime. China has none of the democracy and human rights about which the west was tricked into collaborating for its marginalisation or replacement. The proteges of the Soviet Union have showed, again, their true colours.
There are other manifestations of treachery. The United Nations had condemned this country for racial discrimination. It accuses Sudan of racial destruction or genocide. Of course, that body was merely used. Those who are now ruling here disregard its pronouncements by siding with perpetrators of crimes against humanity in Africa and elsewhere.
Another betrayal has burdened us with China. Its legacy includes the murder of millions in communist transformation that now fascinates the failed leadership of Africa because its “transformation” rests on replacement, corruption and parasitism.
Those supporting China by disparaging western countries are driven by spite, deceit and failure. The only genuine interests of a country with a patriotic and practical leadership are its long-term benefits. And no country can be effectively developed by others, especially when its rulers thrash opportunities and destroy or distort economic legacies.
China is preferred to western imperialism, yet it benefits from, and indeed exploits, the fruits of the work of western nations, which created states of Africa and developed the bureaucracy, health, education, cultural and other modern facilities. With this legacy in disarray China is now called in.
Without any political, cultural, economic, social, educational, scientific and technical contributions, without blood spilled, without prior investments, China has gained access to a great economy, a spring board to Africa and space to offload a chunk of its teeming population and products while sucking Africa’s raw materials. Such is selling out.
SA’s relations with China are fraught with danger. This country has a well-developed base for its transformation and that of the subcontinent – only the political will and vision are lacking. Inviting China shows a failure of leadership in SA and the region.
Mabogoane is a freelance writer.
Original Source:
Original date published: 8 September 2010
Source: http://allafrica.com/stories/201009080334.html?viewall=1