
My Trip to America: US Govt asks: Have the SA & Zim Governments harrassed you? When Dan Akroyd was interested in me…

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2010-08-02 Time: 21:00:02  Posted By: Jan

Let me tell you the full story of what transpired a week ago when I first went to the US Consulate in Johannesburg to apply for my visa for my trip in October.

They hit you with a lot of questions, including security questions. There was one question on my visa application form that caused me some pause for thought. The question was this: “Have you ever had a visa before?”

I wanted to ensure that my answers were squeaky clean and accurate. I did not want my application turned down on some simple technicality. The problem with this question was that the answer to it was complex and I did not want to open a can of worms. As it turned out, it opened an even bigger can of worms than I realised… but it led to an interesting result.

The highly suspicious African American officer at the consulate saw my answer as: “Yes”. Then he questioned me about it. Then I explained to him that I wrote a paranormal book, and this paranormal book came to the attention of the actor, Dan Akroyd. Dan Akroyd, back in 2000, was proposing a paranormal TV series and he wanted me to appear on one episode to discuss my book: Hollow Planets.

They paid my air ticket, accomodation, etc and even covered my various expenses. I was to fly to New York in winter to be interviewed. THEY arranged everything… the tickets… the flights… AND, I PRESUME A VISA TOO. I assume I must have had a visa – though I do not recall seeing it or going to the consulate to get it. But I presume they arranged it all.

Then one week prior to me flying… the whole series idea was cancelled. Dan Akroyd’s people were very nice… they refunded certain costs that they had promised to refund, etc. I scored a few thousand Rands out of the deal and I was quite happy for doing nothing. I was sad of course at not going to New York and not going through the whole process. I had become quite excited about the idea of spending a few days in New York.

So I had to explain this to the Black American officer at the consulate.

The consulate is quite impersonal. You stand in front of bullet proof (probably bomb-proof) windows and you are asked questions and there are about 50 people sitting there in the room with you able to clearly hear the answers to these personal interview questions.

One black woman was interviewed about her past criminal record and I was there to see them turn down an “explosives expert” who wanted to fly to the USA with his wife.

I really had done my utmost to try and make my application as inconspicuous as possible and not to raise my political interests… but my whole “cover” was about to be blown.

It started thus with this question about the past visa. So I stood there explaining to the consulate officer the aborted invitation which came from Dan Akroyd.

So then the black American officer asked me, “Have you written any other books?” … “Yes”, I said, “Government by Deception”. I did not explain anything about it. I did not say it was political. I hoped he would think it was another paranormal book… But then he said to me I must stand aside because he would call me again.

So I stood aside for probably between 5-10 minutes while he dealt with someone else.

Then I was called back to the window. There is a telephone, like you see in prisons, which you can talk through. The black American officer then said to me, “Pick up the phone”.

I picked up the phone, and then he asked me this question which only I could hear. The question was: “Have the South African & Zimbabwean Governments harrassed you?”

By now, I’d given up on any thought of privacy… so I just replied to him: “Yes, there was an incident back in 2003.”

“What did you do?”

“I arranged a meeting with the American Military attache”.

“Did you meet him in Pretoria?”

“No! I met him in a restaurant”. (A bit of a funny answer on my part – I met him in a restaurant in Midrand – away from Pretoria)

“What was the outcome of the meeting?”

“He told me to report it to the Police. But I never had problems again”.

“Do you remember his name?”

“No I don’t, but I do have his details on my computer. I do recall he was a Colonel (in the US Army)”.

The people in the room could not hear the questions, but even so, my answers must have been food for thought… I’ll bet not many discussions like that take place!!

The black American then told me that he could not make a decision on my application and that he would have to refer it to his supervisor. He gave me “the Green form” and told me to bring it back with me if they called me to return. He said I would hear from them within the week.

As it turned out, they called me the very next morning, but I could only get back 3 days later.

What really amazed me was how quickly the black American could find out about Government by Deception. But of greatest interest to me was that he did not ask about the book or its contents. His first, and exact words were: “Have you been harrassed by the South African and Zimbabweans Governments?” … this, coming from a black American I might add… I thought about the question afterwards. In many ways it was quite a sympathetic question to ask me.

They could have harped on me being “right wing” or “racist”, etc… but actually, their focus was on whether *I* had been harrassed by Governments for writing this book!!!

And I had been… In fact, I had met “off-the-record” with the American Military Attache in a restaurant where I had given him documentation about attacks on my website and the threatening phone calls I was getting and the threatening messages I received on my website. I had even handed him a copy of my book Government by Deception. I had spoken to the American Military Attache at length about the ANC Government being communists, just like Robert Mugabe and that they were hiding their real (communist, racist) intentions behind a cloak of fake liberalism.

The US Military Attache was a colonel in the US Army who had, among other things, been taught in Los Angeles to speak and read Afrikaans. When I met him he was sitting at the restaurant table reading an Afrikaans newspaper. I think it was the “Rapport” (can’t remember properly…)… I was surprised to see him reading it and enquired as to how he could read Afrikaans. Then he told me the story. But he was clearly an American with his obvious American accent.

I had his cell phone because I had been trying to help some Zimbabweans who hated Mugabe. I had even paid them to sneak into Zimbabwe to snoop around and gather information which I sat and tediously compiled into a report. I compiled this report and gave it to them, and then I personally arranged the meeting between them and the US Military Attache – in the same restaurant in Midrand (between Pretoria and Johannesburg) – where I later met him myself when I was in trouble.

The American Military Attache asked me how I knew the Zimbabweans and I explained it to him. I admitted to him that they did not write the report and that I had written the report.

Among the things I recall writing in the report was the claim that Mugabe had sent military officers to Cuba to learn to murder opponents of the Zimbabwe Govt by LETHAL INJECTION which was undetectable. I was told how people would be brought into a Police station and beaten and while this was happening, someone would inject them and they would then die later and there would be no evidence that they were murdered. In the report I gave details of when the Zimbabwean officers were sent to Cuba for this training. I wrote of “Black Jesus” who was one of Mugabe’s militia leaders who was murdering black people. I wrote about how black people were being murdered… who was murdered, and how. I wrote many things that I was told. I wrote it all up for the US Government.

The black Zimbabweans went to the US Consulate to ask for military support to fight against Mugabe.

Over the years I helped multiple groups of black Zimbabweans who wanted to get WESTERN MILITARY SUPPORT to fight Mugabe. I helped and advised them on who to approach and how. None of it came off… but I did do my best to screw Mugabe whenever an opportunity presented itself.

I helped in many ways to set people up to have positive relations with the American, Canadian and other governments. I gave advice to the few who would listen so that they got some attention from those governments.

Nobody ever got money or weapons, but these Western Governments did indeed ask interesting questions and said interesting things – some of which I have reported on this website.

Yes… I had made serious enemies with the South African and Zimbabwean Governments – for sure. But… at the same time, the US Govt and the West were engaging the South African Govt with a view to influencing them in a positive, Liberal direction, rather than in a negative, Communist direction. The West has no desire to go to war with the ANC or even with Mugabe.

But they know many things… make no mistake…

The fact that the US Govt gave me a 10 year visa at least shows that they do not regard me as an enemy or a negative influence. I might not agree with them on many things, but I’m clearly pro-Western and I definitely hate communism with a passion.

In some ways, I was quite touched by that question. It also made me feel that I’m not completely alone and that even according to their records, they know that I could draw some serious heat from 2 African Governments.

I still believe that the American Military Attache was the man who put an end to my harrassment by the ANC. I am convinced of this. The US Govt knows what I faced.

What I did not tell the black American officer was this:-
When the American Military Attache told me to report the harrassment to the Police, I actually IGNORED HIM. I NEVER reported the incident to the South African Police. I never believe, for one second that the South African Police would actually help me and so I never wasted my time speaking to them. The American Military Attache no doubt wanted me to speak to the Police so that if my harrassment stopped that I would then believe that the South African Police did the job. The truth is… I reported it to *ONLY* the American Military Attache and nobody else. And my harrassment stopped.

I believe that my free speech in South Africa is protected by the US Government. And I use my free speech as I see fit. It is my constitutional right of course, but I also do not believe that the ANC/S.African Govt would ever allow me to actually have that right – after all – they were the ones trying to shut me up.

Recently when I was interviewed by that worldwide Islamic station regarding my statement that if President Zuma wants a race war with Afrikaners then he should just come out and say it… the interviewer then ranted on and on about how I have free speech thanks to the ANC.

That is complete BULL.

I am convinced the ANC harrassed me and tried to shut me out on many occasions going back to 2000 when Jani Allan and I did shows on Cape Talk.

The ANC tried to shut me up… tried to intimidate me… and tried to cut me off… and I’m sure that even now, certain orders exist with respect to me and my website and how the media is allowed to deal with me.


The ANC and their supporters can talk all the nonsense they want about my free speech and how “they” gave it to me – and its complete bulldust. I know the truth.