
Zimbabwe: Uproar Over Sabina Mugabe Heroine Status

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Original Post Date: 2010-08-02 Time: 18:00:02  Posted By: News Poster

By Caiphas Chimhete

THE unilateral declaration of President Robert Mugabe’s sister Sabina as a heroine by Zanu PF last week violates the Global Political Agreement (GPA) that led to the formation of the unity government, Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara has said. The Zanu PF politburo on Thursday unanimously declared Mugabe’s sister national heroine hours after she died at Avenues Clinic in Harare following a long illness.

She will be buried at the Heroes Acre today.

The declaration of heroes and heroines is one of the many outstanding issues of the GPA signed by Zanu PF and the two Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) formations in September 2008.

Mutambara last week said while the nation grieves over the death of the former Zvimba MP, it was wrong for Zanu PF to unilaterally declare her a heroine without consulting other political parties.

He said the conferment of the hero status must not be the responsibility of one political party alone.

Mutambara said the government of national unity (GNU) was planning to set up a national body that would determine people who can be buried at the national shrine.

“It is one of the outstanding issues of the GPA,” said Mutambara. “We are going to set up a national body that will be responsible for declaring national heroes.

“It should not be one political party but a body independent of political parties but inclusive of all Zimbabweans.”

MDC-T spokesperson Nelson Chamisa said his party was never consulted on the declaration of Sabina as a heroine.

“There was no consultation,” he said. “It was a Zanu PF affair. This is an area of contention, as a party we want it to have national appeal and this will give it credibility.”

Regardless, said Chamisa, MDC-T will join the nation and the Mugabe family in mourning and laying to rest the former legislator.

Zapu spokesperson Methuseli Moyo, whose party was also not consulted, said declaration of Sabina as a heroine confirms that there was favouritism in the awarding of the status.

He claimed that Sabina was accorded that status because she was a senior member of Zanu PF and President Mugabe’s sister.

Said Moyo, “This was the quickest and easiest declaration I have ever seen.

“I cannot imagine any of those guys in the politburo (Zanu PF) opposing it.

Moyo said there were a lot of heroes and heroines who were not recognised because they were not members of Zanu PF or were strong critics of Mugabe’s policies.

He cited the late Zanu Ndonga leader Ndabaningi Sithole and Lookout Masuku, who was declared a hero “posthumously and grudgingly”.

“My own grandmother did as much as Sabina or more but I am dead certain that when she dies she won’t be declared a national heroine.”

Sabina’s body will be taken to Stoddart Hall in Mbare this morning before it is interred at the national shrine.

Yesterday, the Harare City Council had to rush to Mbare suburb to clean up rotting garbage along the route that the funeral procession will use to the hall.

The road from Mbare Musika to the hall had virtually been barricaded by uncollected rubbish.

When The Standard news crew visited the area, city council workers were filling up potholes, clearing the rubbish and re-painting demarcation lines on the roads leading to the hall and the shrine.

“I was shocked to see these big trucks and graders here,” said Anthony Mukambo a resident of the suburb.

“If it was not for this unfortunate death, we would have never seen them coming to clean this area.”

Original Source: Zimbabwe Standard (Harare)
Original date published: 31 July 2010
