
Uganda: Al-Shabaab Calls for Attack On Country’s Embassies

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Original Post Date: 2010-08-02 Time: 06:00:09  Posted By: News Poster

By Moses Mulondo and Agencies

Kampala – Somalia’s Al Qaeda-linked Al Shabaab militants have called for worldwide attacks on the embassies of Uganda and Burundi, whose troops make up a large African Union (AU) force in Somalia, a terror monitoring group said on Friday.

In a video aired on the Islamic militants’ ‘news channel’, Al Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Mukhtar Robow called “for attacks against the embassies of Uganda and Burundi around the world”, US monitoring group IntelCentre reported.

Reacting to the threats, the Permanent Secretary of the foreign affairs ministry, Ambassador James Mugume, yesterday told Sunday Vision, said Ugandan embassies were on alert.

“We have taken the threats seriously. The protection of our embassies is the mainly the responsibility of the host governments. But we have told our embassies to be on alert and to be more security-sensitive,” he said.

“We have asked embassy officials to talk to the host governments to give them more security. We have also asked them to increase on their internal security within the embassies.”

The threats on Uganda’s embassies came after hardline Somali rebels promised Thursday to turn Mogadishu into a graveyard for AU troops, after the pan-African body announced it had received pledges for 4,000 additional troops for the Somalia force, also known as AMISOM.

But UPDF spokesman Major Felix Kulaigye dismissed the Al-Shabaab threats as empty.

“They have tried before to make it a graveyard for our soldiers but instead we have made it a graveyard for them,” he said. “They are actually continuously losing more ground. We shall not allow criminality to thrive in Somalia and on the African continent.

Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage, another Shebab spokesman, had warned that beefing up the AU force currently made up of some 6,000 Ugandan and Burundian soldiers would only reinforce their jihad, or “holy war.”

The English-language video released on the group’s channel also claimed responsibility for an attack on World Cup fans in Kampala which killed 76 people on July 11, IntelCentre said.

Suicide bombers detonated deadly explosives in the midst of revellers watching the World Cup final at two separate entertainment venues in the Ugandan capital. Scores of people also were injured.

Uganda became the first country in early 2007 to dispatch troops to AMISOM, which remains the main obstacle preventing the Shebab from seizing full control of the capital.

The July 11 blasts were the worst in East Africa since the 1998 bombing of US embassies in Nairobi and Dar-es- Salaam and which were also claimed by Al Qaeda.

According to the US monitoring group, Al Shabaab announced “the beginning of their own ‘news channel’ on July 27.”

Original Source: New Vision (Kampala)
Original date published: 31 July 2010
