
Nigeria: Nimasa Concludes Training on Identification and Tracking of Ship

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Original Post Date: 2010-08-01 Time: 17:00:06  Posted By: News Poster

As part of its mandate to ensure effective Maritime Security as well as Search and Rescue, the Nigeria Maritime administration Agency (NIMASA) recently concluded a three day Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT), National Data Coordination Centres training in Lagos in compliance with SOLAS Convention regulation.

SOLAS Convention regulation V-19- of the 1974 relating to LRIT came into force on 1st January 2009.

The LRIT according to the agency provides for the global identification and tracking of ships. LRIT’s information helps in contracting governments as well as search and rescue services. The LRIT could receive information upon request through a system of international LRIT data exchange.

In his address on the occasion, the Director General of the agency, Mr. Temisan Omatseye expressed government’s desire to obtain updated data on GRMs of all vessel coming into the country. This would enable the system in Nigeria link up with London to track and closely monitor all vessels in Nigeria waters.

The exercise also extended to non solas vessels in Nigeria waters like tug boats, fishing trawlers,badges, yatchs and speed boats.

According to NIMASA boss , the plan is aimed at ensuring that all vessels must be to be identified and know. He also said it would enable the authority’s knowthe owners of vessels and their mission at all time.

Omatseye said “if we do not have the system in place we will not be able to protect our waterways, if you do not know where you are we cannot be able to protect you. So, it is important that we embark on the LRIT training.

He noted that there are challenges in the area of availibility of platforms but stressed that it was being worked on.

NIMASA, according to him is undergoing a lot of trainings that everybody needs to know what he or she must do achieve a much clearer and safer waters.

It could be recalled that in efforts to fulfil LRIT compliance requirements a Nigerian delegation met with the LRIT coordinator and two of the six application services providers recommended by IMO during the eight fitfth season of the MSC from the 26th November to 5th December 2008 at IMO’s headquarters in London.

NIMASA has thus engaged one of the services engaged one of the service providers star application Limited , a London based organization for the provision of an outsourced national LRIT Data Centres compliance with the Imo resolutions MSC 202(81) and MSC 263 (84) in accordance with IMO’s resolution of MSC 211 (81).

Pole Stars provision of a fully outsourced maritime LRIT data service consists of the most cost effective, low risk and expendable National LRIT Data Centres Solutions available through a server System based in London.

Presenting an overview of LRIT and how the system worked as well its relevance to Nigeria, the Executive Officer of Pole Star, Mr Travis Bowland who also dwell extensively in ship’s Security System explained that in an event of pirate attack and any alert the Ship’s Security Reporting System would alert the Naval authorities who will then advise the best positional Navy asset of the position course and Speed , free bond and direct conflict details.

Mr Bowland said while LRIT provides general position report data while LRIT provides position report from a vessel when Navy and Security forces need to receive actual security alerts, unlike LRIT, Ship security Alert system only reports when the vessel comes under threat the system had been designed to report to the Ship owner and the flag administration immediately when the alert button was pushed on board the ship.

It therefore widely accepted that LRIT cannot be relied upon by port or Coastal State for use as an alerting mechanism.

He said the system has been so well received during operational use in the Golf of Aden, by both ship owners and naval force that this year, it has expanded to cover other high risk areas.

Also speaking, the Nigeria ‘s Alternate representative to IMO, Mr Williams Azu said the two system work hard an hand for affective maritime security services, He noted that the system can now be implemented for use in Nigeria navy and security agencies at no cost to the Nigeria Government.The Nigeria system will include an area of operations for the Nigeria counter piracy forces.

Within the area of operation any ship Security alert will be routed with out delay to the designated co-ordination authority whether directly to the Nigeria Navy or via the Nigeria Navy and port state authorities are already working hard to combat the growing piracy, kidnap and armed robbery attack and threats with the ships security reporting system in effect the method will automatically help in alerting Nigeria authorities of possible threat and attack on the waters.

Original Source: Vanguard (Lagos)
Original date published: 28 July 2010
