
USA: America’s Black face: Is Obama good or bad for Race Relations in America? Is Obama’s game pure RACISM?

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2010-08-01 Time: 11:00:01  Posted By: Jan

[Here is a quick discussion between myself and one of our AmericanCrisis volunteers. Jan]

The lady wrote:-
When Obama was (s)elected I projected it would set our race relations back decades and now we see that those who said “give him a chance, we have elected the first black man.” But the game he is into is racism. Instead of being an American, he was purposefully, imo, groomed for his position to be the one to bring his country down and his color, limited though it is, works in their favor. It gives them the race card and in so playing it, they are raising issues which have been a part of the past, until now they are utillized at
every turn. O never mentioned is half white, in fact, we are not sure who he is… he could be all white. I tend to believe he identify himself internally as an Arabic black from Africa. Nothing he would share with the people of this country because it would negate his lofty position. He is a spoiler, a deliberate choice to do the most harm in the least possible time. Can I prove it? No, but when one starts connecting the dots, it becomes more and more apparent. One thing for sure his ego is enjoying his sudden and undeserved rise to power.

My quick reply to her:-
Some thoughts like yours below are worthy of articles, even short pieces like this. I agree with you.

During this trip I want to start understanding you folks face to face and chatting to you. There’s a lot I need to learn. New York seems to have a lot of political stuff going on… but it seems very hushed up…

My own take on matters is that Obama is a strange, but deliberate tactic by Liberals to engage a Far Leftist political bedfellow because, in theory, it gives them some great advantage – or so they believe. Many Liberals in your media loved Obama because they believed he could give the USA some massive international diplomatic advantage.

When I visited the US Consulate in Johannesburg, there was hardly one white face among the American staff. The demographics at the US Consulate does not match the demographics of the USA. I assume this is a deliberate ploy to put a “black face” on America in this country. I am sure you will find that across Africa, Black Americans are posted to the consulates and embassies in large numbers so that America presents a “black face” in Africa. This, no doubt is to make America more acceptable to the blacks (who themselves are probably more racist than any white ever was!!).

And I see Obama as a tactic in a similar vein. Having a “black” President (even if he is not truly black…) is something that your country seems to be keen to exploit for political points around the world.

I think the Liberals and other strategists in your country believe that Obama will allow you to score all sorts of points in international diplomacy now that your country can pretend not to be exclusively white. But, frankly, I see no indication that this “cunning tactic” of teaming up with him has bought anything strategically for the USA… And I agree, he’s using this as a brilliant opportunity to throw race into your faces every day.

And we must also see if he manages to remain in power for 2 terms!! Never exclude that possibility.