
S.Africa: Leaving the Blacks to fool themselves… The End of History or…?

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2010-07-31 Time: 17:00:45  Posted By: Jan

This world is really bland and boring. Apparently some Japanese Professor who lives in America wrote a book called: “The End of History”. He basically said that there was no greatness in the world any more and that everything was quite bland and boring. America rules the world… and the last great leaders were Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. Since then… everyone is much the same. And its the same around the world. We live in an age of small people.

I often sit back and think hard and trying to think of a way forward for myself and those who support me…

I love analysing situations. Analysis and thinking is what I love the most. In warfare, analysis is a matter of life and death. In European history people have always admired the greatest military leaders because of their incredibly incisive minds.

Battles were won or lost and nations rose or fell based on the analysis of the sharp mind of a single man.

In this modern age we have lost most of our ability to use small amounts of information on which to make big and important decisions accurately. Lots of those skills that incredible minds had in the past are now lost.

Nowhere is this more evident than among the black Affirmative Action types of people.

I have worked with so many blacks who had skills coming out of their ears – as university graduates of the highest order … and yet… they seem to lack the power of original thought.

One former boss of mine had a Masters Degree in Computer science and he had to fly to Rome, Italy to read his papers. On paper… they are supremely qualified… but in the real world… it is another matter.

I can see where many of them go wrong. Its quite easy to spot actually. The blacks are taught certain things and what they are taught is based on assumptions … which in the real world often aren’t true.

What fascinates me is the lack of incisive thinking. The inability to spot the key things that will solve a problem. It is incredible how fuzzy the thinking of people has become.

Of this fuzzy thinking leads to an inability to solve problems.

Then you have all sorts of politically correct concepts also cluttering people’s minds. I find it amazing the needless claptrap that fills their minds and thoughts. Thus… simple problems grow and become complex!!

Often, when a problem thus looks complex, they come to believe that they are exceptionally clever at dealing with complex problems! But… everyone seems to forget that often, simpler is the true path of genius.

In this politically correct, fuzzy, (needlessly) “complex” world… everything grinds to a halt. The inefficiencies are simply staggering. Bosses give direct orders which their own subordinates refuse to carry out – OR: more often, the blame game begins. Everyone is a coward. Everyone is pointing fingers at everyone else.

I find myself, almost daily, differing in my interpretations of things and that of others. Yet, I see example after example where I am right and they are wrong.

I’ve reached the point where I think that what I can “see” in my mind’s eye is completely invisible to them. What I see CLEARLY, and perceive CLEARLY… is completely hidden from view for them. My co-white workers and friends agree with me… and they see the same things.

Black people are not as united as you may believe. They’re very racist and they also have little loyalty towards each other.

In many ways the blacks have been fed a diet of “feel good” psychology and they are quite happily fooling themselves on so many levels.

To be frank with you… some days I think one should leave them to their own devices to fool themselves.

They truly overrate themselves – more than you can believe. Yet, they are unable to see their own glaring faults right before their eyes.

I see a lot that is of interest. I ask myself how the world can continue on in this way. In many ways, their self-delusion is a real boon for us whites.

When people think they’re great… it may be really good. If they don’t recognise or see their errors it will be extremely valuable to us one day.

I see so much fuzzy thinking its not true. But it does not bother me. As long as it does not affect me directly… that’s great.

A lot of black “progress” is highly illusory. Whites 100 years ago were more incisive and were achieving more than those blacks are today – even while they are armed with computers, etc.

Fuzzy thinking leads to a situation where everything appears to be complex and where solutions are either slow or they never materialise.

We must not let our minds be clouded by fuzzy thinking. We must keep on striving to keep our thoughts incisive and cutting. We still very much have the mental edge in just about every way imaginable.