
IMPORTANT: Israel is walking the path of Ian Smith’s Rhodesia – The Starving Palestinians of Gaza

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2010-06-09 Time: 07:00:02  Posted By: JanOlifant

[What you are all seeing in this story below is pure PROPAGANDA. This is part of the war against Israel. This is the same sort of stuff they would have blamed the Afrikaners of or the Rhodesians of. Whenever Rhodesia attacked Mugabe’s military bases, it was portrayed to the media as: “Those nasty Rhodesian soldiers are attacking REFUGEE CAMPS KILLING WOMEN AND BABIES.” The real historical facts of course totally disprove this lie. Israel today is being portrayed in the same light as South Africa and Rhodesia once was. And if you will study the art of propaganda you’ll see that this is just one of many propaganda items being pushed out into the mass media to give you a false impression of those hideous Jews who run Israel.

Israel is anyway on its way down the drain. The Liberal strategists in America see Israel as a liability and they will push for Israel to be destroyed as a nation just like South Africa was. The path is the same. The logic is the same. I have discussed this with a former Intelligence Officer in the USA, and I understand fully the logic of how these guys think, and I can tell you that the Western world, especially America, will be pulling the plug on Israel in stages just like the plug was pulled on South Africa.

All this propaganda will merely accelerate the pulling of the plug on Israel. For Israel to survive, it will ultimately have to rebel and “go it alone” like Ian Smith’s Rhodesia, for as long as it can economically and militarily sustain itself. The Middle East is heading for serious conflict, BUT the West is NOT going to support war by Israel. Instead, like in Africa, the West will be on Israel’s case more and more. In the next 10 years you are going to see utterly bizarre things happening in the Middle East.

The Western Liberals have made a decision a long time ago, to defuse all REVOLUTIONS by supporting the MASSES. In the same way that in Africa the West supports the aspirations (no matter how crazy they may be) of the black masses, so too, in the Middle East, will the West support the views of the Arab/Muslim masses. There are 100 million Arabs and 7 million Jews. That is how the West sees it and weighs it. The Jews will be shoved out, and shut up. They will become a minority.

Already, there are people who have called for the Jews to return to Poland and other places and to abandon Israel. Israel is walking very firmly down the path that Ian Smith’s Rhodesia walked. Watch how Israel’s moves will be frustrated more and more, and calls will increase for the dissolution of Israel. In the end, Israel will stand alone… AGAINST THE WHOLE WORLD, just like Rhodesia did, just like South Africa did. I hope the Jews arm and prepare themselves because they have two choices:- (a) A fight to the finish (b) Surrender of their nation.

Watch 2010-2020 – you’ll see what I’m saying. America is on a mission different to what people are expecting. Jan]

There have been many false reports of how the poor Palestinians are starving in Gazastan from those mean and nasty Jews, the world’s greatest oppressors. Yeah, right and I have a full head of hair like back when I was 18 years old. Israel, the world’s top dog in practicing Apartheid like what used to be found in Southern Africa. Israel, barely letting any supplies or medical goods into Gazastan, turning all those Israeli trucks back at their own border to make sure the poor Palestinians are starved in submission. Now Egypt has decided to keep open it’s border with Gazastan to help the horrendous burdens that those poor Palestinians suffer from. I feel ‘so bad’ for them I will help show you just how bad this situation is in Gazastan. You will not be needing any kleenex but perhaps a few doggie bags. I think you will get the point here.

The facts put these charges to rest – just take a look at how much aid Israel regularly delivers to Gaza, and what it means in real terms for Gazans:

* Over one million tons of humanitarian supplies were delivered by Israel to the people of Gaza in the past 18 months – that's equal to nearly one ton of aid for every man, woman and child in Gaza.

* In the first quarter of 2010 alone (January-March), Israel delivered 94,500 tons of supplies to Gaza. It's very easy to miss what that actually means for the people of Gaza. The breakdown includes:
o 40,000 tons of wheat – which is equal to 53 million loaves of bread;
o 2,760 tons of rice – which equals 69 million servings;
o 1,987 tons of clothes and footwear – the equivalent weight of 3.6 million pairs of jeans; and
o 553 tons of milk powder and baby food – equivalent to over 3.1 million days of formula for an average six-month-old baby.
* This reflects a long-term effort on the part of Israel to deliver a massive and comprehensive supply of aid to Gaza's civilians, while restricting the ability of Hamas to import missiles that have been launched at the cities of southern Israel. In 2009 alone:
o During the Muslim days of Ramadan and Eid al-Adha, Israel shipped some 11,000 head of cattle into Gaza – enough to provide 8.8 million meals of beef;
o More than 3,000 tons of hypochlorite were delivered by Israel to Gaza for water purification purposes – that's 60 billion gallons of purified water; and
o Israel brought some 4,883 tons of medical equipment and medicine into Gaza – a weight equivalent to over 360,000 260-piece mobile trauma first aid kits.
Over one million tons of humanitarian supplies were delivered by Israel to the people of Gaza in the past 18 months – that's equal to nearly one ton of aid for every man, woman and child in Gaza.
Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 16-22 May 2010
– 523 truckloads (13,517 tons) of goods were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
– 938,127 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 645 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
– 281 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons via the Erez Crossing.
Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 9-14 May 2010
– 637 truckloads (14,069 tons) of goods were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
– 810,209 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 897 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
– 781 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons via the Erez Crossing.
Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 2 -8 May 2010
– 714 truckloads (17,060 tons) of goods were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
– 1,535,777 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 293,796 liters for transportation, and 917 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
– 370 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 93 entered Israel for other reasons via the Erez Crossing.

Now here are some more fun filled facts and pictures that will tear your heart to pieces:

Gourmet Bakery in Gazastan full of day old baked good.

Night life in the slums of Gazastan

Cactus Roots fine dining Club that is open in Gazastan
Take a look at the 16 page menu

Here is a Youtube video on the run down and impoverished greasy spoon:

Need some catering done for your Hamas buddies as they occupy your home or local elementary school?

Poor Palestinians are forced to eat outside in the elements.

And the Palestinian people are among the most malnourished in the entire world:

Is obesity still a problem in Gaza?

Hope you have your checkbook or credit card out to donate these poor Palestinians who have no weapons, bombs, missiles, er ah, I mean food and supplies.
