
Mugabe’s U.S. Propaganda Man Goes Berserk

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2010-06-08 Time: 13:00:02  Posted By: News Poster

THE abhorrent behaviour by Robert Mugabe’s propagandist ambassador in the United States, Machivenyika Mapuranga, in heckling like a drunkard the US undersecretary of state for Africa, Johnny Carson, was very revealing of the barbaric nature of members of Zanu PF.

While this rowdy behaviour by Mapuranga was an embarrassment to other African diplomats gathered for the briefing by the US State Department, Zimbabweans are now used to this unruly action bordering on dementia because they experience it every day under the repressive and dictatorial rule of Mugabe and Zanu PF.

Having enjoyed a monopoly of violence against the people of Zimbabwe, Mugabe and Zanu PF are very uncomfortable facing the truth of their crimes against humanity.

There is a psychotic tendency on the part of Zanu PF to become violent, unruly and dysfunctional especially when their crimes and repression of Zimbabweans are made public and in their presence.

This explains why Mapuranga behaved the way he did. Carson’s crime was to expose in public and in the presence of Mapuranga, the murderous regime of Mugabe and Zanu PF.

Carson told the truth about Mugabe and Zanu PF. And there is documented evidence to support this truth. But for Mugabe and Zanu PF the truth is like a red rag to a Spanish bull.

Mapuranga’s psychotic behaviour will not shield him from liability or from facing the crimes he and his Zanu PF cronies have been committing against innocent civilians in Zimbabwe.

He should listen carefully to what Mark Anthony said at the funeral of Julius Caesar: “The evil that men do lives after them.” This is equivalent to the saying among the Shona people mhosva haiwori, or crimes will continue to dog their perpetrators.

In this respect, both the international community and all like-minded Zimbabweans will and must continue to speak out loud about Mugabe and Zanu PF’s crimes against Zimbabweans.

For too long Mugabe and Zanu PF have tried to shield themselves from their crimes by controlling and repressing the freedom of the press and expression. The notorious Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, imposed on Zimbabweans by Jonathan Moyo was a flagship of Zanu PF’s totalitarian control of the press in Zimbabwe.

The international community, and indeed all Zimbabweans, would like Mugabe and Zanu PF to own up to their crimes against humanity.

When the United States president, Barack Obama, recently told Americans and the world that he was ultimately responsible for the largest oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico shores of the United States, he was exhibiting the kind of leadership qualities that are so conspicuously lacking in Zimbabwe.

In contrast, Mugabe has never in his entire 30 years of misrule accepted personal responsibility for all the mess he and Zanu PF have created in Zimbabwe.

He is quick to pass blame for virtually everything that goes wrong in Zimbabwe to the British, the Americans, the Europeans, sanctions, enemies of Zimbabwe’s independence that his fertile imagination spews on a daily basis. And virtually anyone who is not a member of Zanu PF is viewed as an enemy.

Mugabe and Zanu PF had been hoping that the signing of the global political agreement and the dysfunctional transitional administration would help bury or sweep under the carpet, rather than make public, Zanu PF atrocities against Zimbabweans.

Quite the contrary; the global political agreement, despite its imperfections, has, in fact, unintentionally helped to keep alive Mugabe and Zanu PF’s mayhem against Zimbabweans as part of the unfinished business in the agreement.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that Mugabe and Zanu PF will have NO reprieve, NO rest, and NO vindication for their crimes just because they have drawn in MDC as a junior partner in the transitional administration.

And equally becoming more clear is the failure of the transitional administration to restore democracy and justice, or to create an equally shared power structure in the administration.

Like the house of cards, the deceptive political structure set up under the aegis of the global political agreement is now tottering on the precipice of complete collapse.

Recent statements by the MDC and its president, Morgan Tsvangirai, point unequivocally to rising frustration in the MDC that the global political agreement has not been implemented in full.

The statements may also be a warning that, unless significant steps are taken towards the full implementation of the global political agreement, MDC may be left with no choice but to consider leaving the transitional administration.

The detailed account of the unfinished business in the global political agreement is the strongest yet evidence in support of any decision MDC may take to leave the transitional administration.

Moreover, statements by Tsvangirai indicate that the MDC leader is now pinning his hopes on the elections that he said will be held next year.

It is particularly significant that the MDC has now belatedly recognized that Mugabe and ZANU have never had any intention of implementing most of the provisions of the global political agreement that they signed in September, 2008.

But what was probably puzzling many people is that it took so long for the MDC to learn that they were being taken to the cleaners by Mugabe and ZANU.

MDC had been repeatedly warned and advised that signing the global political agreement and joining the transitional administration without guarantees for an equal sharing of power was politically suicidal.

It appears now that the MDC has rightly no more faith that the global political agreement will be implemented in full. MDC appears to be now settling for elections. Both Tsvangirai and Mugabe have reportedly agreed to hold elections next year.

Recent polls show that Mugabe and ZANU will be soundly defeated in free and fair elections. How much faith can anyone place in Mugabe and ZANU allowing free and fair elections next year?

MDC has argued that some mechanisms are being put in place that will hopefully mitigate rigging elections by Mugabe. Tsvangirai has pointed to the licensing of independent daily newspapers, as well as the constitution-making progress as positive indicators for next year’s elections.

But these are breadcrumbs of concessions given by Mugabe and ZANU. Human rights organizations are recording and reporting the revival of the torture camps used by Mugabe ‘s youth militia thugs to terrorize Zimbabweans.

In addition, Mugabe and ZANU will most likely refuse to allow United Nations supervisors, let alone monitors, for the elections. They have done this in the past on the grounds that Zimbabwe is a sovereign state and is capable of conducting its own elections without external intervention.

Worse still, Mugabe and ZANU are most likely to refuse to allow UN peacekeeping forces into the country.

Mugabe has vowed openly and publicly that ZANU will never step down from power if he loses any elections. He has stated that ZANU liberated Zimbabwe and has, according to Mugabe, a mandate to rule indefinitely.

Civil society in Zimbabwe, the MDC and the people of Zimbabwe must now join forces to set the agenda for the elections.

They must stay on top of the situation by closely monitoring the voter registry, the delimitation of constituencies, as well as the deployment of polling booths to make sure they are adequately positioned, especially in urban areas, to ensure Zimbabweans will be able to vote within a reasonable period of time, and also that polling stations will remain open until all the citizens who came to vote are not prevented from doing so.

Mugabe and ZANU have an arsenal of dirty tricks they will try to use to rig the elections. Civil society’s duty is to protect the electoral and democratic interests of the people.

Experience is the greatest teacher. As MDC statements now attest, Zimbabweans and the civil society have learned by now that dealing with Mugabe now requires new strategies whose gravitas is the people’s ability and willingness to engage in civil disobedience.

In today’s Letter from America Dr Stan Mukasa comments on the recent signs that MDC is now belatedly recognizing that Mugabe and ZANU have absolutely no intention of implementing in full the global political agreement. Full Story

Original Source: Zimbabwe Standard (Harare)
Original date published: 5 June 2010
