
What Google reveals about: Black Racism versus White Racism…

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2010-02-25 Time: 05:00:02  Posted By: Jan

I was doing some google keyword analyses this evening because I am experimenting with some advertising. While going through all manner of keywords and talking to friends, I stumbled on some interesting statistics on Google.

The one thing which made me sit up and think was the following: According to Google’s statistics, there are more searches done monthly on Google for BLACK RACISM than for WHITE RACISM!!

I was quite stunned by that. We’re so used to only White being called racists… yet… somewhere… some how… lots of normal people are searching Google regarding BLACK RACISM!!!

I found that quite eye-opening!