
Zimbabwe: How Robert Mugabe defeated the Secret Revolution of March 2008

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2009-03-05 Time: 02:00:02  Posted By: Jan

As you know, in March 2008, the MDC won the elections in Zimbabwe. This election victory has since been whittled away in little steps. We will see where this leads, but I am most skeptical.

What has not been published is that there was a serious attempt at revolution by certain persons inside Zimbabwe at the time. A plan was hatched whereby those people opposing Mugabe and ZANU(PF) decided to launch attacks on businesses and buildings owned by ZANU(PF), which is the ruling party.

They prepared Molotov cocktails and wanted to go on an offensive against the ruling party. Everything was ready and in place for a large offensive against anything which belonged to ZANU.

But then the planners made a mistake. You will recall that in 2000, the MDC rose strongly when it used a campaign of cell phone text messages (sms’s) to spread the word among the common people that they should reject Mugabe’s change of the constitution. That campaign was extremely successful and it was the first time that anyone had stood up to Mugabe’s rule in 20 years. It was this which was one of the triggers of the events in Zimbabwe.

The planners of the 2008 revolution wanted to make use of this previously successful formula. The problem was that in the meantime, Mugabe had acquired from the Communist Chinese the technology to intercept all cell phone text messages. And when people started spreading the word by cell phone, they hunted them down.

The entire revolution, despite careful planning and preparation was destroyed when the cell phone messages were intercepted.

The full story of the events of 2008 have yet to be told, but various sources have confirmed that during this time, people’s hands were cut off, people were murdered and their bodies were thrown into rivers and dams all across Zimbabwe. The full extent of the events of 2008 will most probably only come out in later years.

I have warned about the dangers of technology and how easily all messages via the Internet, email, cell phone and telephone can be intercepted and are intercepted regularly. I’m sure that in the CIO (Central Intelligence Organisation) HQ (and even here in South Africa), that people sit and draw all sorts of organograms and “social networking maps” showing who talks to whom, and how messages spread. I’m sure they analyse who spreads messages more than others and where the bottlenecks may be found and how one can counter it. If you put person X out of action then you break the link in a valuable chain which would other lead to 30 other people, etc.

For those who wish to actually make headway, the UTMOST SECRECY is required, and you need to avoid ALL ELECTRONIC AND ELECTRICAL METHODS OF COMMUNICATION AT ALL TIMES. If you want to spread a message you MUST MEET PEOPLE FACE TO FACE. It may sound like more effort, but there is no easy path to this. A former co-worker of mine worked for a Cell phone company in South Africa and each week, someone from National Intelligence would pop around to collect the week’s recordings of people under surveillance by Govt order.

Voice, because of its analogue nature is more difficult to process than TEXT which goes by email or SMS. Email and SMS are the easiest things of all to intercept, and filter out automatically using programs. Although by now, no doubt voice is catching up.

Currently in my work I’m actually involved in designing systems where Telephones and Computers interact. I’m still learning, and there’s a lot to learn. There is amazing technology out there.

Back in the 1980’s, the ANC produced a manual on How to do Secret work. No doubt their friends in the KGB helped them to compile this document. Even in the 1980s they warned that as far back as World War II all electrical means of communication could not be trusted. Telephones, in all their forms can be compromised easily.

A cell phone is extremely dangerous. Now remember that a cell phone network is run by computers. That means that all calls can be logged and processed and checked by computer in real time. They even know where you are when you make a cell phone. Your cell phone is a tracking device from which your movements can be deduced. If you get into your car and drive somewhere with your cell phone alongside you. Someone could get tracking data from that cell phone to find out where you went and when you went there. The only way to prevent this, is to either not take your cell phone with you or to switch your cell phone off altogether so that it does not talk to the cell phone towers.

I want to refer you to the ANC Manual on How to do Secret Work. Feel free to download this manual, email it to friends and to print it out and spread it around.

If you don’t understand the implications of technology then DO NOT USE IT. The same holds for encryption and decryption programs. Most of them, if not all of them, have back doors – even if they claim they don’t. And I’m sure that all Windows Computers have back doors too. I would not be surprised, if deep inside Windows are mechanisms which can be triggered from the Internet, by the NSA in America to cause it to scan your computer and to feed back lists of folders on your PC and the contents of documents on your PC. People should not write any documents and store them on a computer which has access to the Internet. I will bet you, that an Intelligence Agency, like the NSA can read documents off your computer while you are connected to the Internet.

The solution to all this super technology, is to unplug your computer and keep your computer off any networks and off the internet AT ALL TIMES.

Even things like SKYPE are dangerous. Do NOT trust ANYTHING ELECTRONIC. If it exists, chances are, someone’s already built back doors into it to catch criminals, terrorists and spies.

Below is the link to How to Master Secret Work:-
The ANC Manual: How to Master Secret Work