
Rot at the top: America’s Marxist-dominated Universities

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2004-05-13 Time: 13:46:27  Posted By: Jan

[Here is the article I wrote in February 2002. Jan]

In the early days of communism there was a massive move to infiltrate Universities to grab students and turn them into communists. This was common knowledge 40 and 50 years ago. But what nobody dares to point out is how successful this was.

Here, as I engaged in my own little open-minded dig into science I have never ceased to be amazed at how the academics of the world are closed minded to new ideas and thoughts. When I was on the Art Bell show recently, I mentioned the “Athiest” Scientists, and Art was quick to smooth my comments over. But as one learns more and more about academics, their leftist, herd mentality, etc one’s view of them drops more and more. When I wrote my book, I used reliable scientific sources. I quoted religiously, made extensive notes and comments so that people would be able to follow up on my material. I never once said anything bad about science or scientists. That was then. But as the years have gone by, and I have put my book on the desks of university lecturers and scientists my attitude has changed. I have come to see these people in a different light.

An American student e-mailed me one day and remarked that “university professors” were the most closed-minded people he had ever met!!

A friend of mine in the USA, Jeff Nyquist, told me how he was studying for hid PhD in Sociology and then had a fall out with his professor who was a Marxist. Jeff could not accept this man’s views and walked out. Jeff went on to say that he had lectured at the University of California for some years and that the US “Intelligensia” (if you can call them that), were mostly closet communists, Marxists & Socialists. I thought Jeff was exaggerating. I was wrong.

Long before I wrote my book, I was curious about communism here in South Africa. We have the 2nd oldest communist party in the world, and the first one formed outside the Soviet Union, the South African Communist Party (SACP). It was the early 1990s, the ANC and SACP had been unbanned. I was very curious about communist activity in South Africa, so I decided to take a tip from an ex-Communist and I decided to “join them”. I phoned the SACP’s head office and asked them if they had any communist publications I could read. They told me their main publication was called The African Communist, which was published quarterly. I spoke to a man named Ronnie Kasrils. I asked him about communism. I pretended to be an aspiring communist. We chatted away for about 20-30 minutes about communism, me “bubbling over with enthusiasm” and he recommended books, publications, etc. He gave me a tip. He told me, go to this little book store in the centre of Johannesburg, there you will find stacks of material. Mr Kasrils then told me how to subscribe to the SACP’s journal.

I went to the small book store in Johannesburg and could not believe my eyes!! There were books galore NEW BOOKS – BRAND NEW BOOKS – PRAISING COMMUNISM! I saw magazines and journals from communists across the world just sitting there. I couldn’t believe this world I had just entered. Here were books, published in the late 1980’s, early 1990’s praising communism, praising Karl Marx. It was unbelievable. Communism was supposed to be dead. I did not have enough money to buy these things. So I bought a couple.

I subscribed religiously to The African Communist for some years. I read it, and was amazed at how much rational thought went into communism. These creatures were alive and living and discussing what to do with South Africa and what their political front, the ANC, was to do.

But they had guest-writers – from all over the world. They were linking up with communists in Brazil, America and all manner of countries – some African, others not. While everyone thought communism was “dead”, the communists just carried on as before, attacking the Western world, ESPECIALLY AMERICA. All the articles seethed with a hatred of capitalism and everything the Western World stood for.

One day they had an article, “by an American Intellectual” – so ran the commentary. His name: Naom Chomsky. I did not know this name. I then read one of the most vitriolic, hateful, anti-American articles I had ever read.

Some years later, the ANC came to power. Very shortly afterwards, suddenly, on TV, there appeared lots of pro-communist material. One day there was 4 hour special about a “great American intellectual” a fighter for freedom. Guess what, there was Professor Chomsky!! Yep, it was the same guy who had written that vitriolic, hateful anti-American article in the SACP journal. But, here he was, NEVER ONCE USING THE LABEL COMMUNIST. He pretended to be interested in helping people understand “language”.

As one watched this guy, it was clear he was a communist, but he never once used that word, nor alluded to it. Instead, his whole approach was to attack EVERYTHING AMERICAN, EVERYTHING WESTERN.

As the years went by, I grew tired of reading the communist literature. But it was obvious the commies knew a lot. I read of a small place called East Timor, YEARS BEFORE THERE WAS TROUBLE THERE. Chomsky mentioned it in his hateful anti-Western article. It later turned out, East Timor has oil, and is also near a submarine route which is important to the Russians. The propaganda surrounding East Timor, suggested to me that the commies were hard at work “liberating” East Timor to remove it from Western influence because it is of strategic importance to them.

By reading communist literature, I gained new perspectives. Communism is dead? I laugh!! We are surrounded my communists and Marxists all occupying high positions! Do you know, that man I spoke to at the SACP Head Office, Ronnie Kasrils, went on to become the Deputy Minister of Defence in South Africa!! He was promoted and is now holds a full Ministerial position! (He is a white communist by the way). The Minister of Trade & Industry in South Africa, Alec Erwin, is also another white communist who is not even shy of his communist views. We have communists of all colours here in South Africa, but I wished to show, that even if you are white, as long as you are a commie, you can go right to the top.

But, the Marxists/Communists, dominate America too. Take a look at Berkley University after Sept 11. Look at Berkley’s anti-American attitude. Then there was former President Bill Clinton, giving a rousing speech – a hateful anti-American speech, deliberately misrepresenting America’s history. Well, as we know, Clinton was in Oxford University in England at a time when communists were very active there. And we know Clinton went to Moscow in the winter during the late 1960’s (1969?) – a fact which he has never explained. Jeff Nyquist was the first to advance the theory to me that Bill and Hillary Clinton are closet Marxists. Their healthcare and other plans for America, were all Big Government, Marxist-style affairs – trying to clandestinely shove communism down America’s throat.

But look at American Universities, and the so-called “Intelligensia” of America. They HATE AMERICA. They HATE THE WESTERN WORLD. They HATE everything our culture stands for. They use every attempt to break the Western world down, most especially America. If I did not know, they could have been Communist Propagandists!! Oh yes!!

I’m not joking. When I was working on my new book, Government by Deception, I interviewed many amazing people. One of these was a black man who had been trained by the KGB in Moscow as an intelligence agent. This black man, who now refuted communism in all its forms, remarked to me: “Only academics still believe in communism. Everyone who lives in the real world knows its rubbish. But only those academics who are out of touch with reality still believe communism actually has merit.” (I paraphrase, but that in short, is the message he conveyed to me).

I spoke to a black woman who had been trained by the Bulgarians as a propaganda writer. She explained to me what she was taught to do – and you know what, if you see what academics in the USA do in this day and age, you will see that are consciously or unconsciously doing the same job as a propaganda artist.

Here is what she told me: She said they were trained to rewrite all the news with a communist slant. The Rule, taught to them by the Bulgarians, was this: Rewrite everything so that (a) It is slanted against the West (b) Never mention Russia, China, Cuba or any other communist state in a bad light (c) RESERVE YOUR WORST COMMENTS FOR AMERICA!!

So, as a propaganda writer for the ANC (African National Congress), this woman listened in to news reports from around the world by radio. When she had the main news she would go to the library and research the subject. The key being, find any colonial history, or something in the past which can be used to make the Western world, or especially America, look bad. So if the news report was about a country with a colonial past, the report would have to be rewritten to mention this and of course slate the colonial country, the West, and if possible, America. No negative mention of Russia or China would ever be made.

Look at the “Intelligensia” of America. Look at them all. Look at the top icons of the world, be they Bill Clinton or Nelson Mandela. Watch them attack America, attack Israel, attack the West, while virtually never commenting negatively on China or Russia. They will cite what America did to say the Red Indians, hundreds of years ago, but will not mention Tianamen Square when China slaughtered 7,000 students before rolling cameras.

After the Art Bell show, I received another e-mail from a man saying the problems he experienced with American universities. It was his e-mail to me which prompted me to write this piece. Take a look at Mike’s comments below, which only add to my belief that American Universities are basically Marxist-dominated structures intent on destroying America and the Western World (or what’s left of it). Mike wrote:-

“Right now, throughout the English-speaking world, the academic system, atleast, is operating under a Marxist doctrine developed in the 1930s called “Popular Frontism”, meaning an alliance of liberal (in the American sense),labor, socialist and communist parties and organizations, all manipulatedby the hard-core Marxists. This means, in practice, that the PopularFront, when it has power, defines what forms of opposition are allowed toexist. This means, in America, that some like myself — an intellectuallytalented person who grew in a very poor family — are allowed only certainoptions. These are 1) Be some sort of tortured activist passing outleaflets on the street somewhere 2) Collect a check from the government,show up to vote on election day, and keep my mouth shut the rest of thetime 3) Start a business to pay the taxes to provide for everyone else’s self-actualization (their graduate and professional degrees) but my own. Mike”

So, I rest my case. Not only are most American Academics and the “Intelligensia” basically Athiest and anti-God, but they are actually Anti-American and Anti-Western. Why not load them in cattle-cars and ship them all to wonderful countries like Cuba and Communist China? It seems they should not be living in America and reaping the rewards of a country they hate and wish to destroy.