
SA / Zim: Jus a Bellum

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2008-05-08 Time: 00:00:00  Posted By: JoAn

Submitted by Fox:

By Mike Smith

Cape Town 7 May 2008

In Zimbabwe, we saw the Marxist tyrant and dictator, Robert Mugabe, defeated at the polls despite his use of intimidation, election rigging and gross human rights abuses. However, he refused to accept the results, insisted on recounts and a run off elections, all the while…waiting for a shipment of arms from Communist China that would keep him in power for ever.

On 23 April, the not yet president of South Africa, Jacob Zuma (president of the ruling ANC terrorist regime) asked the European media, when pressured to do more to resolve the crisis in Zimbabwe, “”What else must we do? Send the army?”

This is a popular trick by Communists. They know Liberal, Western and sometimes Christian propaganda tries to convince us to find a political solution, turn the other cheek, negotiate…anything but war. Their mantra is, “Violence never solves anything.”

What do you do when you have won an election in a country, but the defeated ruling party refuses to step down? The crisis that followed the Zimbabwean elections in 2008 has brought about a thought that very few people dare to acknowledge, but knows exists in their minds…Is war ever justified? Journalists are starting to ask, “Is Zimbabwe on the brink of a civil war?”

Carl von Clausewitz teaches us that “War is not a mere act of policy but a true political instrument, a continuation of political activity by other means.”

The ultimate purpose of war is to achieve peace. War is always an option and should not merely be discarded. Many times war can bring peace and stability faster than other means and in fact, save many lives.

Just war theory

Just war theory has been studied for millennia, but is mostly attribute to St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274).

Just War Theory has two set of criteria. The first establishing jus ad bellum, the right to go to war; the second establishing jus in bello, proper conduct within war.

Firstly the right to wage war can only be justifeied when:
1. All possible recourses have been completely exhausted (i.e. diplomacy).
2. A war is based on just criteria (i.e. self-defense, or defense of one's property) and just intention.
3. Only legitimate authorities are authorized to wage war.
4. Arms may not be used in a futile cause or when a disproportionate amount of force is required to achieve success.
5. 1) If the people support it and 2) must not force people (anti-nephi-lehis) to participate.
Second, there is the issue of how the war is waged:
1. Acts of war should be directed towards combatants, not towards non-combatants.
2. Force used must be proportional to the wrong endured.
3. Force used must be kept to the minimum required to achieve the desired ends.
I might also add that it is the state that decides to go to war, not the people, most of whom want nothing to do with war; that is, until the state sufficiently propagandizes its citizens, as Herman Goering explained. The state always claims that it is acting defensively, has the right intention, has the proper authority, is undertaking war as a last resort, has a high probability of success, and that a war will achieve good that is proportionally greater than the damage to life, limb, and property that it will cause.

Pre-emptive war

If you know that an individual is to commit a crime of aggression against you, are you justified in entering his house before he attacks you, and incapacitate or even kill him before he makes an attempt on your life? Traditional morality, western or eastern, rejects this as a moral possibility. We are only justified in attacking an aggressor when he is at the verge of his act of aggression. Imminent danger must be present.

And of course, in pre-emptive aggression, there is also the question: how do we know his intention to commit an act of aggression will lead to the actual act?

In short, the morality needed to justify pre-emptive wars of aggression is a rejection of the Just War Theory, and opens a Pandora's Box of unending moral questions and quandaries which are best answered by a totalitarian ideology.

(149)• Just war theory is untenable because it is difficult to know with sufficient confidence whether all of its conditions have been met.
(149)• Just war theory is untenable because some of its tenets are impossible to realize.
(149)• Just war theory is untenable because it is used to justify, rather than to prevent war.
So, should we wait to engage in warfare until after the harm in question is done (Pearl Harbor), or strike preemptively at threats in order to prevent such harm (Iraq 2003)?

South Africa

Considering the misrule of the ANC government in South Africa, there is very little doubt that South Africa is another Zimbabwe in the making, only in slow motion. Many people speculate whether there will be a backlash from either the disgruntled whites or disgruntled blacks. In South Africa, EVERYONE is fed up with the misrule, corruption and incompetence of the ANC government.

One group in particular, the white farmers, is targeted in a slow genocide. In the last ten years since the ANC took full control of the Government, 3000 white farmers have been attacked, tortured and murdered in a slow, but systematic genocide. The ANC, who is still classed by the USA as a terrorist organization, claims this is just, “Normal Crime”.

The mainstream media and the world refuses to acknowledge the facts, such as that these farmers are killed with most of the time, nothing stolen from their homesteads. A few blogs and websites tries to bring the plight of these farmers to the attention of the world, but on a whole the world is ignorant and simply buries their heads in the sand. The ANC does nothing to protect the farmers and just leaves them to fend for themselves. Fact is the ANC introduced disarmament policies and scrapped the commando system that protected the farmers, leaving the feeders of our nation even more vulnerable.

These farmers are now starting to realize that they will sooner or later have to face the truth. Sooner rather than later they will have to start defending themselves and fight back.
Von Clausewitz tells us in “Vom Kriege”:

“Although the concept of defense is parrying a blow and its characteristic feature is awaiting the blow, “if we are really waging war, we must return the enemy’s blows. . . Thus a defensive campaign can be fought with offensive battles. . . “The defensive form of war is not a simple shield, but a shield made up of well-directed blows.”

The fact is that most of these farmers are deeply religious Christians who have been brainwashed by liberal, secular humanistic church ministers called Dominees. They have been told not to fight back, but to rather trust in God and pray for their enemies. 3000 dead, tortured farmers later and no-one has started defending themselves. How many more must die before these farmers will see that, “God helps those who help themselves”? When will the line in the sand be drawn and the farmers say, “Up to here and no further!”?

Everyone is looking towards Zimbabwe and wondering about a looming civil war there, but why are they ignoring it in South Africa? Is it what they really want?

The farmers should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend themselves. They should maintain peace through the show of strength. Nobody picks a fight with someone when they know the opponent is stronger and will destroy them. It should be common sense. The ancient Spartans showed us how powerful a small group of people can be. No army in their right mind would ever have taken on Sparta, even if they were numerically superior. Modern day Israel is another example. Why is it that the white farmers of South Africa cannot learn from ancient Sparta and modern day Israel? Why do they prefer to listen to their liberal, Secular Humanist leaders and Dominees? Liberal policies kill people. Liberal policies cost lives. War saves lives. The ultimate purpose of war is to achieve peace as quickly and efficiently as possible. War should always remain an option. If “Ordinary Crime” is what tortures and kills the farmers, then the farmers have the right, “Jus a Bellum”, to wage war on “Ordinary Crime”.
