
S.Africa: Infighting at the Voice of the ANC – SABC board told to go

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Original Post Date: 2008-05-08 Time: 00:00:00  Posted By: Jan

[Goodness knows what’s going on there. I’ve not been following it. Jan]

By Sibusiso Ngalwa, Siyabonga Mkhwanazi and Moshoeshoe Monare – Political Bureau

The SABC’s board is currently locked in another meeting where it is said that some board members are pushing for the reinstatement of the suspended head of news Snuki Zikalala.

The meeting follows an all night emergency meeting which ended in the early hours where the board decided to suspend SABC boss Dali Mpofu after he refused to lift Zikalala’s suspension. Zikalala was suspended on Tuesday afternoon.

Independent Newspapers has reliably learnt that the board had demanded that Mpofu re-instate Zikalala but he refused and the board then suspended him.

Mpofu confirmed his suspension saying it was based on “trumped up stuff”.

“Well I’ve just received the news myself so I’ll just consider my options. It’s just trumped up stuff based on the memorandum that was never given to me… It’s clear this is some kind of revenge,” he said on Wednesday morning.

It is understood that the board, which is considered to be close to President Thabo Mbeki, favours Zikalala while Mpofu has now switched allegiances and is close to the new ANC leadership.

Mpofu suspended Zikalala for alleged “serious misconduct”.

Before Zikalala’s suspension was announced, ANC had already cautioned both Zikalala and Mpofu should not compromise the integrity of the public broadcaster.

Cosatu, on Wednesday morning called for the board “to go”, with secretary general saying that the SABC board had lost its credibility.

“We have told the ANC that they will be risking it if they allowed this hostile board to continue. Cosatu can’t afford that and the society can’t afford that,” said Vavi.

Vavi said they had picked up on a rumour that “some fellows” wanted to get rid of Mpofu and appoint a new CEO who will be hostile to the new ANC leadership.

“We have heard all manner of rumours that the SABC board has a strong mandate to get rid of Dali and get a new CEO who will take over the reigns and deal with the ANC in the next election… Dali’s contract ends next year and his replacement will be determined by the new cabinet… some fellows are not happy about that and want to determine the new CEO now,” he said.

The board was a “choir” of businesspeople who were pursuing personal agendas, said Vavi.

Mpofu on Tuesday told SABC radio that Zikalala’s suspension had to do with the leaking of serious company documents, but denied that it involved the leaked internal memo, written by chairperson Khanyisiwe Mkhonza, that criticised Mpofu’s performance.

ANC whip in the portfolio committee on communication, Khotso Khumalo told Independent Newspapers that the two senior suspensions were testimony that the SABC could not function.

“This indicates that all is not well in the SABC, it’s clear they can’t function all together,” said Khumalo.

The committee would meet to discuss the new developments. The SABC board, in a statement read by Morning Live presenter Leanne Manas this morning, said Mpofu had been suspended with full pay.

“The allegations (against Mpofu) include (his) alleged refusal and or failure to abide and implement the decisions of the board. The board wishes to assure the public that the day to day operations of the SABC will in no way be affected by this decision,” said Manas.

“This followed a resolution of the board… to resolve to conduct an investiagation of very serious allegations about the conduct of (Mpofu),” said Manas.

In a statement board chairperson, Mkhonza said they would announce the name of the acting group Chief Executive during the period of Mpofu’s suspension

The board is also considering disciplinary action against Mpofu.

Last week ANC MPs in the committee had passed a vote of no confidence in the board while some called for the resignation of the entire board.

The two suspensions are associated with the intra-ANC political fights for the voice of the SABC following accusations by factions within the party that the SABC took sides in the succession battle.

Zikalala was associated with Mbeki’s faction while Mpofu is seen as a useful ally and pawn of the new ANC under Jacob Zuma to fight the SABC board.

The ANC has previously raised objection to the appointment of some members of the board who are perceived to have been imposed by an Mbeki faction.

However, the two men had their own personal clashes which culminated in Mpofu instituting a probe into allegations that Zikalala had banned commentators critical of Mbeki.
