
Mom gets 7 years in jail for killing sons

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Original Post Date: 2008-04-27 Time: 00:00:00  Posted By: Jan

“The killing of your two innocent sons was atrocious,” a Pretoria High Court judge on Friday told a mother before sentencing her to seven years’ imprisonment for the crime.

Sharon Paul (38) cried while family members hugged her in the dock.

The spokesperson for the Paul family, who does not want to be identified as he is a top police official, said they were satisfied with the “fair” sentence. “We are happy that it is over now, as the case had been dragging on since 2003. At least we now know her fate,” he said.

The family said they would stand by Paul while she was in jail. They blamed her misfortune on her former husband, Donnevan Soombar, a compulsive gambler.

Paul was emotionally dependent on him and his gambling habits caused the family to lead a nomadic life. They had to stay in various hotel rooms and their money often ran out. Paul stole R500 000 from her former employer, which she gave to her husband to gamble away. When she murdered Aiden and Ashton (11), Paul was in a state of severe depression as they had no more money left.

She and her husband were also on the run from the police following the theft.

Paul said she had no one to turn to and claimed her husband suggested a suicide pact. She said he handed her sleeping tablets to give to the children. Paul said the idea was that she and her husband would also commit suicide by taking an overdose of pills.

Paul, however, woke up in the hotel room at Carnival City, where they were staying at the time. She saw her two sons were dead and her husband was gone. She then tried to commit suicide by slitting her wrists and hanging herself.

Judge Lettie Malopa yesterday told Paul that she was the author of her own misfortune, although she had tried to blame it all on her husband.

She said by killing the children, she violated their right to life.

“You may have been depressed and down and out, but it did not justify killing your two boys. You chose to live the kind of life you did.”

She said the two boys were the victims of the life Paul had chosen.

“Unfortunately for you, they died and you lived.”

Soombar was earlier acquitted on the murder charge.

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