
Why all Whites should support the MDC to the hilt…

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2008-04-20 Time: 00:00:00  Posted By: Jan

[Spiculum was not impressed with Morgan Tsvangirai. I replied to him giving him the reasons why Whites in South Africa should not pooh pooh the MDC and why they should support it if they care about their own futures. This is a Golden opportunity – for those with the eyes to see it. Jan]

Hi Spiculum,
I am curious why you think Morgan is weak.

I really thought the last while he has been really bold and tough in a way I’ve never seen before. I like it.

With regard to Farms. The MDC has said it will do a land audit. My understanding is that this process will lead to some of the farmers getting their land back. This is how I understand it.

Spiculum, there are many reasons why we *MUST* throw all our support behind the MDC. I’m not joking about this. The reasons are many and varied.

I met last year with some people who were HEAVILY INVOLVED in the MDC. I had deep one on one discussions with them about the MDC. The view is that the MDC is going to be the best we will ever get in terms of Blacks who want to work with us and that it does not even matter how much we agree with the MDC – we must support them FIRMLY. The MDC is going to be as good as it gets. NB: The MDC also has whites in its ranks who participate openly and frankly and who give valuable input to it – like Roy Bennet, Eddie Cross and others. Mugabe HATES THIS! In fact, Mugabe regards the MDC as “puppets of the whites” – which is not true. But Mugabe hates even the small presence of these independent whites in it. Remember the Whites in the MDC are all capitalists and not socialists. Roy Bennett and Eddie Cross had/have thriving businesses. Mugabe and the others hate the presence of white pro-Western capitalists in the MDC.

But there’s more. There is another reason to support the MDC even if you hate everything about them: My Enemy’s enemy is my FRIEND.

Mugabe has made no bones about the fact that he will fight the MDC and they will *NEVER RULE*. For that single reason alone, every White person *MUST* throw their full weight behind the MDC without further discussion. The mere fact that Mugabe feels the MDC is a THREAT should tell you that the MDC is NOT part of the old Liberation Movement communist clan.

Supporting the MDC is like supporting the IFP in SA. Same thing.

The MDC must be supported by Whites because they represent a new hope in Africa for Black/White co-operation. We must NOT stand by and let Mugabe murder them and kill them.

There are *MANY* reasons why we must throw everything we have behind the MDC. It gives us a chance to tell the world about the fate and hell that awaits the blacks as well as the whites. It gives exposure to our problems and plight too.

Spiculum, the MDC will *NOT* just walk into power in Zimbabwe tomorrow, next week or next year. They will have *HELL*. But to leave Mugabe to just murder the MDC is wrong. The MDC must be helped for many excellent strategic reasons.

I’m going to repeat this: Whites must not have ifs and buts about the MDC. Whites must just knuckle down and support them like hell. Many EXCELLENT things will come out of this for us – on so many levels you cannot even begin to imagine – most of them international.

Supporting the MDC will open a ZILLION new doors to us whites in more ways than you can imagine – and that goes for all whites from Africa.

What the MDC has proved in recent weeks is its ability to start matching Mugabe’s game. The MDC has grown and matured. The MDC is now heavily in the game and we must not muck around. We must give them our moral support at the very least. I urge Whites to help the MDC and the Zimbabweans in every way they can. This is so incredibly important I cannot overstate it.

Spiculum, I suspect that being newer to this website you are not familiar with some of my older posts about strategy.

I have said for a long time that we will have to see which country burns first – Zimbabwe or South Africa. The answer now seems to be clear: Zimbabwe is going to burn first. We must regard Zimbabwe as our struggle – even if you don’t come from there.

The two struggles are linked and the principles are the same. I am firmly convinced that the ANC will use all its resources to assist Mugabe and to keep him in power at all costs. We must therefore assist the Zimbabweans or else, with Mugabe and the ANC and others, they will be defeated.

Let me put it another way round: If the MDC wins in Zimbabwe it helps us all a lot in many ways – including even giving us a black country that would be friendly to whites. Even if the MDC loses in the end, helping them in every way possible will still have excellent benefits.

I’m thinking strategically here, and I’m telling you, that my personal view is that the MDC’s struggle is going to be part of a bigger struggle. In fact, Mugabe and Mbeki have known this for years. They too know the odds fully and properly. That is why I believe they will (to everyone’s surprise) fight like maniacs. I believe the ANC will support Mugabe to a degree that will utterly shock South Africans beyond belief. Make no mistake, they know what the full game is, and everything that is at stake here.

Understand this: Mozambique and Angola had a civil war against their communists. The communists won both wars. Mugabe and the other communists have every intention of winning in Zimbabwe. They will all work together to make it happen. If the communist winning streak can be broken in Zimbabwe it opens up the possibility of breaking it in South Africa. The ANC knows this and so they will help Mugabe. In Zim, like in Mozambique and Angola it is the blacks trying to break it – and they failed. That is one of the reasons why Whites must also get involved.

Remember, South Africa was UNITA’s ally too wasn’t it? The Apartheid Govt sent White troops and weapons to help UNITA. That is why Whites must also help the MDC. We can help them a lot, and in the process, we too will learn a lot. In the end, the first enemy for all of us, of all races, is going to be communism.

Mugabe is the worst communist in this region. He is the accepted leader of communism in this region and he will spread it through this continent. His evil will get worse AND it is also anti-White. If Mugabe is allowed to throw Whites out of Zimbabwe, then the ANC will be allowed to throw Whites out of South Africa. The MDC’s struggle indirectly is a struggle for ourselves. If the MDC fails, then our own hope will be much diminished.

Remember, if the commies aren’t broken in Zim, then they’ll all be turning on us Whites here in SA next. When the MDC is defeated – WE WILL BE NEXT – and we will have NO FRIENDS – nothing. But we can make friends, among the MDC, and even among OTHER BLACKS and even among the WORLD BY HELPING THE MDC. We can score so many points its not true. We can even score points among blacks in South Africa by helping the MDC. The ANC will support Mugabe, but many Blacks already know how evil he is. The way other non-whites view us, will change for the better.

Who can call us racist if we are seen to be helping the majority of blacks? If we are seen to stand up for their rights, then the day when we need to stand up for our rights, not only might we have black friends, but the rest of the world will remember the day when we stood up for the Blacks.

Morally and spiritually – can you ask for a greater opportunity than to PREVENT GENOCIDE? On the other hand, if we Whites stand by and do nothing, while Mugabe murders, in the end, perhaps millions… how can we then ask anyone for help or sympathy when the ANC tries to destroy us? Do you see – it is IMPERATIVE that we ACT in support of those blacks – in order to save ourselves one day. To help those Blacks is to save ourselves on so many levels. Not only that, but it would give us a credibility in the world AND EVEN IN AFRICA that people will not forget. The ANC might hate us, but tens of millions of blacks will have a much more favourable attitude towards us.

I’ve looked at this MDC thing a lot this last year, and I’m throwing every ounce of weight behind them that I can manage. These guys present us with the first REAL HOPE I’ve seen in a very long time.

You will see all the Liberation Movements siding with Mugabe. The MDC are not just going to walk in and win. Not in a million years. I still think that SA will arm and assist Mugabe if he is in deep trouble. I could be wrong.

But I think the MDC will need help from the staunchest and toughest people because for them, victory will be very dearly paid for. But if we assist them, we will get so many opportunities the likes of which we could never have imagined. It will also give us a chance, to get some first hand experience in the struggle for survival. This will be utterly invaluable.

The ANC of course will hate us for it – but so what. We’re on their list to be destroyed anyway, so what does it matter? And with their hands full, propping Mugabe up, it won’t be so simple to just destroy us.

I will not believe Mugabe is gone until he is actually gone. Don’t think this struggle is over. It has just moved to the next level, and it will move up many more levels.

My own thinking, and my own suggestion to Whites is that, when the Zimbabwe problems move to ever greater levels of hell, Whites must seriously look at pitching in and finding all ways of helping. Even ask for help from whites overseas. All whites must pitch in to help them.

We Whites can sit around and park off and do nothing, and then when our turn comes – we will have nothing to show for it. We will have done nothing. We will have learned nothing. We will be completely unprepared and we won’t even have any friends. Then we will be destroyed like those Zimbabweans and nobody will bat an eyelid.

Look, its an individual decision. But I have come to see the light, and these days, AS LONG AS THE MDC REMAINS STRONG AND DETERMINED, I will back them with every ounce of energy I have. If they become useless and wussified – I will let them be. I want no part in people who aren’t determined. Also, if they just cave in to Mugabe or Mbeki and go along with their deceit, then I will not be interested. But as long as they remain determined, I will be there egging everyone on to assist. My sense of events, is that we’re moving to the next level and the MDC is starting to get up on its game and its been pulling off some really surprising moves.

I would urge not only whites, but people of all races to back them. However, I would particularly urge whites to take this whole issue VERY seriously. Treat the MDC’s strugle as you would treat your own. Take it that seriously. There are very serious issues on the table here – many of them – legal, moral, spiritual, economic, etc. There are a 1001 different reasons to support the MDC. There are 101 benefits from it.

Remember too what we have said in the past: If we Whites support self-determination for ourselves we must be prepared to support it FOR NON-WHITES TOO! Remember we said, if we are willing to support an Afrikaner country then we must be willing to support a Zulu country too. So why not support the MDC in its valid right to rule Zimbabwe? The enemy they face is the same enemy we will face.

And learn from the MDC too. Look at how they got the moral high ground. Look at how they came from nowhere. The MDC is less than 15 years old, and it has won more than one (crooked) election.

The MDC is an excellent opportunity to get involved, to do something positive, to learn, to make friends and so forth. There are PLENTY of positive things that can come from it.

For years now I’ve urged people to “do their bit”. Well, on your list of “bits to do”, I’d like to ask yu to support the MDC. Support them as firmly as you would support your own independence.

I’m a firm believer in letting people DO things. I believe in DOING. Even if it is only sending emails and chatting to people. But the more you can DO the better.

Remember something: We must all learn skills. We must learn all the kinds of skills we will be badly in need of to save ourselves. These skills come in all shapes and forms – from winning friends and influencing people to financial and other. Learn. Learn, learn, learn.

Remember: They can take your land from you, and your wealth and your houses, cars and money… but they can NEVER take your knowledge away from you.

This is actually nothing short of a God-send, and everyone should grab this opportunity with both hands.

Take the Zimbabwe issue under your wing and take it seriously. Hell is just across the border. Make the most of getting to know hell, and surviving in hell. It is a skill that will be utterly invaluable to you and your loved ones. And thank God for bringing us this Golden opportunity. We can use it to make ourselves so much stronger on a personal and spiritual and group level.