WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.
Original Post Date: 2008-04-20 Time: 00:00:00 Posted By: Jan
That Liberal friend of mine who had once been a Commandant in Military Intelligence phoned me with an idea that I thought was nothing short of genius.
He said to me that there may be a correlation between the arrival of the shipload of ammunition and the announcement of the RECOUNTING OF THE ELECTION RESULTS!
Listen to his idea. He said that the day the ship with 6 containers of ammunition arrived in Durban harbour they announced the start of the re-counting of the 23 electoral districts – no doubt in order to ensure that Zanu and Mugabe cheats their way into power. On the same day as the ship arrived and they started the counting, they said the recount would take 3 days. That is enough time for the ship to unload the containers and to get it to Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare for unloading and giving to the troops.
Then when the ship was blocked in Durban (by all those fabulous South Africans doing their bit for humanity), and the ship took off for another unknown port (either in Mozambique, Tanzani, Angola or whereever…)… they announced that THERE WOULD BE A DELAY IN THE RE-COUNT!!
So my friend says that he thinks Mugabe needs to hold back the announcing of the results of all this cheating UNTIL THE AMMUNITION ARRIVES! Since it is not clear when the ammunition will arrive, they are “delaying the re-count results!”
I said to him this is a very definite possibility.
Mugabe no doubt needs the ammunition to start killing people when they start getting angry and rioting.
So maybe, by watching the announcing of the re-count results we will be able to figure out whether the ammunition has arrived?
My friend did some google searches on Mugabe and this ship-load of ammunition. He said that he was shocked at how many results for it exist on google! It is now a world-wide issue. He remarked that maybe now Zimbabwe will get as much prominence as Tibet.
It utterly delights me. Its about time. We’ve all been struggling hard to expose this criminal bastard in Harare.
My friend and I are both convinced that the Army is in power and that all this “democracy” is really just a thin veneer to try to fool the world. In reality, the Coup D’Etat has been executed and the Military is the only thing keeping Mugabe in power.
The Sunday Times did a brilliant expose today on how weak Mugabe’s army really is. But more on that later. For years I’ve been saying that TIME IS ON OUR SIDE and that the more he buggers up his economy, the weaker he will be militarily. Well, The Sunday Times now exposes just how bad things are for him. I *LOVE IT*. His only remaining hope is the Army, and if they’re weak… he has a problem. Chances are he will have to unleash his militia to beat the opposition to death with sticks and stones.
But if he is forced to arm his people with sticks and stones – then it evens up the odds a lot! Man, the military possibilities of taking Mugabe BY FORCE have now grown a 100-fold. Taking him down by military force is becoming a very real possibility. My friend and I were discussing a lot of things I wrote about before. I said that FUEL and other logistics can be the death knell of Mugabe.
What a wild ride the last few weeks have been. With everyone inside and outside Zimbabwe working so hard to defeat Mugabe, and with boldness on the part of the MDC, and perhaps even with a bit of clandestine Western Intelligence tip-offs to the Press… its been a real group effort against this bastard who has unleashed tyranny for so long. Even the South African Govt have been caught badly by this. Mugabe’s position has deteriorated so badly, so quickly… it has been almost miraculous. I remain utterly delighted because in his whole career he has never had as many setbacks and problems as he is experiencing now. If Mugabe goes down, it will send SHOCKWAVES THROUGH THE SOUTH AFRICAN GOVERNMENT. But, I doubt it will be this easy. I still think blood will have to be spilled.
But the odds in favour of the DULY ELECTED GOVERNMENT OF ZIMBABWE – the MDC – have been improving by the hour. Its been amazing. The strength of their position has grown in leaps and bounds in a matter of weeks.
What will have to be seen is who comes to Mugabe’s aid. This is crucial for me. I want to see which scum crawl out of the woodwork to stand by Mugabe. Will South Africa help to bolster him as I have predicted for years? Or will China or even Russia try to save him? Which countries in Africa will stand by him?
Mugabe’s strategic situation now, is in a position I have prayed for, for a long time. His position is one where he is ripe for pushing back. It is very nice indeed. He is in a horrible strategic trap…
As I remarked to my Liberal friend last night, that I wrote a piece wherein I said that the ANC’s biggest mistake in all its existence will be if it tries to save Mugabe. Supporting Mugabe has been the worst mistake of their almost 100 years of existence and if they are not careful, it WILL DESTROY THEM TOO!
I stand by that.
I wrote it in March 2007. Here it is:-
SA:Zim: The ANC’s BIGGEST mistake ever… (and SADC’s too)…
SA: The ANC’s Biggest mistake – Reader comments