
[7 Pics] S.Africa’s Secret WAR against Swaziland

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2006-11-27  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 11/27/2006
[7 Pics] S.Africa’s Secret WAR against Swaziland

[7 Pics] S.Africa’s Secret WAR against Swaziland

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 11/27/2006

[7 Pics] S.Africa’s Secret WAR against Swaziland

[I have been mentioning this topic on and off for years now. Swaziland is a small country which borders on S.Africa. It is ruled by a black King. As often happens in Africa he is far from perfect. He might in fact be the ONLY remaining monarch on the African continent who truly rules his own tribe. I tend to have a soft spot for the black chiefs because sometimes I think they do better for their own people than this Liberation bunch of lying scum who come with a lot of big talk and who then proceed to ruin a country.

I have noticed for some years a strange unrest in Swaziland, but what is interesting is how other members of the Tripartite Alliance (i.e. others who are aligned with our ruling ANC), seem to have been sticking their nose uncomfortably deeply into Swaziland’s affairs. I was especially struck by the interest of the COMMUNISTS!

I have been saying for some years now that the Communists want to overthrow the King of Swaziland – and as always, it does not matter how bad the King was, I guarantee you the COMMUNISTS will be 100 times WORSE!

A few days ago, The Saturday Star newspaper ran a story which I think is extremely important. Now, for the first time, someone has come forward claiming that S.Africa is TRAINING small groups of insurgents and sending them into Swaziland. In effect, S.Africa is actually running a mini-war in SECRET against that Govt.

Now they only have one person who has come forward so far, and pretty much everything he says seems to check out. But like I say, I’ve been suspecting for years now that S.Africa actively wants to DESTROY the Swazi monarchy – and here is the first hard evidence.

Pudemo seems to be a party of trouble-makers whom the King of Swaziland banned and now it appears, various members of the Tripartite Alliance are quietly working together to worsen the unrest in Swaziland (heck, I would not be surprised if they STARTED the unrest to begin with). Pudemo are the people the S.African Govt and Communists are backing and want to get into power. Now they seem to be moving to the next level which is to stir up more unrest and to then start an INSURGENCY and LOW INTENSITY WARFARE.

Personally, I think this should be splashed on the front page of every newspaper in the WORLD because this makes the ANC Govt of ours an AGRESSOR. Our trigger finger which has been so limp against Zimbabwe, is suddenly working when it comes to Swaziland. Below the original article I will also post an item I wrote almost 2 1/2 years ago, where I mentioned that the Communists want to take down Swaziland.

What is interesting is how quiet the Swazi ambassador is about the situation. I’m not sure if he’s trying to be polite to his gigantic neighbour or what… very weird… but you never know who is in whose pocket and why he makes the strange statements he makes. But as far as I’m concerned mighty S.Africa is out to FORCE at gunpoint a change of regime in non-communist Swaziland.

I would love nothing more than to see the Communist efforts in Swaziland completely railroaded and derailed. These small groups of insurgents and trouble-makers sent in by S.Africa should be hunted down and killed. Jan]

Here is a map of S.Africa where I marked with an arrow the location of Swaziland. It is surrounded by S.Africa and Mozambique.

[7 Pics] S.Africa's Secret WAR against Swaziland

This is the side which the Communists and other members of the Tripartite Alliance are supporting. Don’t be fooled. If other members of the Tripartite Alliance are involved then they’re doing it with the help and assistance of the ANC – our ruling party.

[7 Pics] S.Africa's Secret WAR against Swaziland

Here was the story on the front page of The Saturday Star.

[7 Pics] S.Africa's Secret WAR against Swaziland

Look at this map also from The Saturday Star showing the safe houses, etc where these insurgents are being trained!

[7 Pics] S.Africa's Secret WAR against Swaziland

Here is the full story.

[7 Pics] S.Africa's Secret WAR against Swaziland

[7 Pics] S.Africa's Secret WAR against Swaziland

Here was the heading on the main page. My A4 scanner could not scan it all, but the top line reads: “Young Communist League trains Swazi Recruits”. The Young Communist League are of course an extension of the S.African Communist Party and thus part of the Tripartite Alliance. COSATU (Congress of S.African Trade Unions), also a member of the Tripartite Alliance and hence an ally of the ANC were also involved.

[7 Pics] S.Africa's Secret WAR against Swaziland

Source: The Saturday Star, 25 November 2006, Pages 1 & 7
