
Grrr… Listen to this Arrogant ANC B*tch from The World Bank!

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2006-11-27  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 11/27/2006
Grrr… Listen to this Arrogant ANC B*tch from The World Bank!

Grrr… Listen to this Arrogant ANC B*tch from The World Bank!

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 11/27/2006

Grrr… Listen to this Arrogant ANC B*tch from The World Bank!

[A regular reader, an Afrikaans woman sent me this link saying, wouldn’t it be nice to meet this b*tch in a dark alley some night. I thought she was over-reacting until I read this myself and nearly blew a fuse myself.

Can you believe her POSITION? She is one of the World Bank’s Four Managing Directors? She is screaming about the TRC – saying it should be revived… But what really makes me *FURIOUS* are her insinuations that this anger and brutality (hence crime) in this country is really due to the fact that the fantastic black people who are “materially poor but rich in spirit” were really given a totally raw deal at the TRC. She words it to make it appear as if the blacks were over-generous and the TRC worked 100% in our favour! In short, in her round-about way she is BLAMING THE WHITES for the crime and violence of this country!!! GRRRR… That’s what all this rubbish is about.

These ANC scum… walk the world stage… sipping wine and hobnobbing with the rich and powerful and talking this garbage…

Suddenly these scum want to make out as if they had us whites over a barrel and they could have done with us AS THEY PLEASED. We are so guilty that they could have taken everything from us IF IT SO SUITED THEM. These blacks are arrogant don’t you think – considering that this country was handed to them, thanks to the help of America, Europe and the Communist Bloc. If the Western World had not taken pity of their sorry, lying, undeserving asses and had not helped them… the S.African Defence Force would still be shooting them dead to this day. The only reason these scum today run this country is because OTHER WHITE people… hundreds of millions of them… were morally on their side.

I think, for us, it is no shame that a mere 5.5 million whites held out against 40 million blacks PLUS THE WORLD… for so long. These useless ANC scum overestimate their abilities. But its good. I hope their unfounded arrogance grows! Let them overestimate what they are capable of. Let them reinstate the TRC if they wish, or line us up to shoot us if they feel like it. If they want to scrap the agreements they signed and return to war – I would welcome it with open arms. I think a RE-MATCH against those bastards would be good! Let’s see how well the bastards do 2nd time around. Jan]

South Africans should not be surprised at the anger and brutality that was sweeping the streets when they continued to refuse to acknowledge the socio-economic inequalities in the country, Dr Mamphela Ramphele said on Thursday.

Ramphele, one of the World Bank’s four managing directors, was speaking in Cape Town at a conference reflecting on the work of the former Truth and Reconciliation Commission and its continuing worldwide impact.

She said the drafters of the TRC’s terms of reference had been timid in limiting its mandate to crimes against humanity defined solely in political terms.

Excluding crimes perpetrated in socio-economic terms in South Africa had been a great mistake, because the majority of the people in the country “continue to bleed”, she said.

Their wounds were unrecognised, and their pain was totally unacknowledged.

These people, who were materially poor, but spiritually rich, had given so much to the TRC process “and we can’t even say thank you by providing dignified reparations”, she said.

Taking a dig at African National Congress spokesperson Smuts Ngonyama, who when challenged about his burgeoning business interests said he did not struggle in order to be poor, she said leaders in Parliament and in the private sector all had their rewards.

To argue that freedom should not have come with benefits for poor people was “really dishonest”.

South Africa was not a poor country, and should have placed priority on the issue of reparations as a way of restoring dignity to people who were “so deeply wounded and yet were so generous”.

“Yet we find money to do a whole lot of other things, including things that have got us into trouble like the arms deal,” she said.

The least that could be done was to move out of denial and recognise there had been a mistake. It was through acknowledging a mistake that one learned from it, and could move on to do better.

Speaking at the same session of the conference, Maria Ntuli of Mamelodi, whose son Jeremiah was one of a group of ten would-be exiles kidnapped and killed by apartheid security police in 1986, called for the TRC to be brought back to life.

“Please reopen the TRC, because there are still some people outside who haven’t been in the TRC,” she told the former chairperson of the body, Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

“Some of them, even now they do not know what happened to their beloved ones.”

Ntuli, who was one of a group of women whose feet were recently washed by former law and order minister Adriaan Vlok, said this knowledge would give parents “peace in their hearts”. – Sapa

Source: Daily Mail & Guardian
