
UK Blog: Britain IS run by Marxists – Tony Blair the Communist

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2006-11-27  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 11/27/2006
UK Blog: Britain IS run by Marxists – Tony Blair the Communist

UK Blog: Britain IS run by Marxists – Tony Blair the Communist

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 11/27/2006

UK Blog: Britain IS run by Marxists – Tony Blair the Communist

[I’ve been saying the same for years. Few people realise that in his younger days Tony Blair was a radical revolutionary! I spotted a document about Tony Blair’s “younger days” some years ago. Sadly, I never posted it because it appears to me that Tony Blair’s Marxist views are hidden to most people.

Technically, the British Labour Party under Tony Blair is no different to S.Africa under the ANC or Zimbabwe under Mugabe. The common thread of Marxists running the show is there.

Perhaps someone should investigate the writings of: Chris Palmer – who seems to have uncovered a lot of the links between Communism and the British Left in politics.

Much of what James writes below falls in line with what I’ve been thinking for years. I have said many times that the Democrats in the USA and the Labour Party in Britain were taken over by Communists. There is no difference, in my mind, between Bill Clinton and Tony Blair except that I think Tony Blair is the BETTER communist in sheep’s clothing. That Tony Blair has fooled the “sophisticated(?)” and experienced British public for longer than Clinton fooled the American public has always been quite a source of amazement to me. That Maggie Thatcher, nor anyone in the British Conservative party has ever investigated or pointed out the communist agents in the British Labour party has always been a source of disappointment to me.

Robb Ellis (aka TheBeardedman) and also the author of Without Honour, who now lives in the UK, has said to me many times that he will *NEVER* vote for the Labour Party because of what those scumbags did to Rhodesia. I am delighted with his principled stand on the matter.

There used to be rumours decades ago that scumbag Wilson, was also a communist agent. The idea that Tony Blair is the first “communist Prime Minister of Britain” is wrong. It could be that Tony Blair is the second one. I must tell you that in some of my reading of Rhodesian history they speak about the influence of communists on Harold Wilson. It is due to those communists that Britain shafted Rhodesia. Of course, if ever I get my chance to shaft some of these communist scum myself, I will do it with delight and with every ounce of energy I have!! Jan]

Yes……Britain IS run by Marxists

A letter that was uncovered in the House of Common archives on 15/06/06 has come back to haunt Tony Blair this week, with the letter stating that he was an enthusiastic admirer of Karl Marx (the founder of Communism).
The letter (written over 24 years ago) is written by Blair to socialist politician Michael Foot, urging him to adopt radical Left-Wing policies and not to become a “prisoner of the right”. A few captions have been listed below explaining the content of this letter, written on July 28th, 1982. Tony Blair wrote:

o “Like many middle-class people, I came to Socialism through Marxism… I found it illuminating in so many ways”.

o “We [the Labour Party] have a constitution and we have firm principles on which that constitution is founded” (ie: renationalisation).

o “Socialism ultimately must appeal to the better minds of the people”.

o “In a party of the Left there should always be room for differences of opinion”.

Blair also wrote about how the Labour party should adopt “radical, socialist policies”, and how Karl Marx himself had “irreversibly alerted” his views on society.

Now, with this letter in mind, not only am I deeply concerned about our Prime-Ministers political roots and beliefs, but im also concerned about how he has changed his mind again and again just to appeal to the British public.

Despite his support for Marx in his letter, he was actually quoted a few weeks later saying he rejected Marxism because he found it “stifling”. In addition, in 1981, Blair stated that he admired Margaret Thatcher, but later accused her of “rigid populism” and “economic madness” in the letter a year later.

So much for the old “Dave the Chameleon” campaign criticising him of “flip-flopping” between policies I guess.

Even former Labour minister Peter Kilfoyle said that Mr.Blair:
“…has carried his journey all the way across the political spectrum. I wonder where he will go next”?

So, not only does it seem that we have a Prime-Minister who has communist roots (and potentially might still do)… but we also have a Prime-Minister who merely changes his political opinion just to suit his popularity needs with the British public (something which he criticised David Cameron for doing in the local election campaign on May 2006).

Chris Palmer (another political blogger) has frequently written about the far left within British politics, disguising themselves as Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party. At first, I always thought that perhaps he was exaggerating such a theory, but when this letter is brought to the House of Commons (potentially next week in PMQT), it may be the case that his theories were not so radical after all. Either way, the possibility also arises that British political thought could now change towards “New Labour”… and you never know, we may even see a general election fought like that in 1924 (with the Conservatives versus the Pro-Soviet Labour Party under Ramsay MacDonald).

So much for a “new, modernised” Labour party I guess!

Blair: New Labour Politician or Marxist enthusiast?

posted by James.R.Skinner at 11:08 AM 19

