
From RainbowNation to GatvolNation – Is the Mass Media abandoning the ANC?

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2006-11-24  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 11/24/2006
From RainbowNation to GatvolNation – Is the Mass Media abandoning the ANC?

From RainbowNation to GatvolNation – Is the Mass Media abandoning the ANC?

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 11/24/2006

From RainbowNation to GatvolNation – Is the Mass Media abandoning the ANC?

I had an interesting conversation the other day with a student from a university who contacted me about a thesis he is apparently doing. (At first I almost thought it was Neil Watson in disguise!). We spoke at length and he asked me questions about my website.

His questions centred around the concept of these alternative media websites like mine. He was asking questions about the way in which people believe the Mass Media are NOT doing their job. In essence he was striking at the core reason why websites like mine and others exist. He told me that Neil Watson/Juan Uys had been one of the key people he had wanted to interview – but since he’s gone to ground – he had to abandon chatting to him and so he’s chatting to me and others.

We chatted at length and I explained my point of view, background, etc.

Then he made a remark that this year has been terrible for the ANC and that the Daily Mail & Guardian listed the disasters that had hit the ANC this year. From a PR point of view this year has been a total disaster for the ANC.

He also referred to the “Gatvol (fedup) Culture” and its “sudden appearance”.

I said to him that in my view, if my web statistics are anything to go by the shift in attitudes, especially of white people, possibly began about 2 1/2 years ago.

I told him I thought it was building up for a long time. I told him how white people had changed from attacking me viciously in 2001, to supporting me in 2006.

He said I was still on the fringe. I said I agreed, but that many of my “fringe views” had become far more acceptable to people. I told him it was easier to sell my “fringe” views now than ever before.

What I did not tell him, and which I think EVERYBODY watching my website has underestimated – is that my viewpoints were thought out long before Gatvolness became – almost – mainstream. I told him that I never believed the Rainbownation could last. I never said it this way, but in my personal view, Gatvolness was almost a sucker bet. It was doomed to occur. I was just one of the few people who banked on the fringe becoming the mainstream. It has not happened yet, but I believe it has a strong chance of becoming the mainstream especially among whites!! Whites, I think, are busy mentally DISCONNECTING from the “mainstream”.

I think Gatvolness is going to become THE MAINSTREAM. Could Gatvolness embrace non-whites and if so, will non-whites head in the SAME or a DIFFERENT direction as whites? My bet always was that the blacks would head in the OPPOSITE direction – but there are some non-whites like Coloureds and Indians who might ABANDON the blacks! I’m not 100% sure… but that’s a possibility.

I have sometimes theorised about “the BETTER 1/3rd of South Africa’s population” – comprising Whites/Coloureds and maybe certain other groups and tribes – who will disconnect from the “idiot two-thirds” of the country’s population. I am sure I mentioned them in my book, Government by Deception.

I told him that I think the Mass Media, most ESPECIALLY the newspapers may be abandoning the ANC and the Rainbow-lies because the point is being reached where the problems with this country are so enormous and so OBVIOUS that people HAVE TO ABANDON THE ANC IN ORDER TO SAVE THEIR OWN CREDIBILITY. That is why Riaan Malan and other Liberals who fought AGAINST Apartheid and stood by the ANC now have to ABANDON President Mbeki and the ANC because their own credibility is going to end up in the muck.

So I think the point is being reached where anyone with a brain HAS to start abandoning the ruling party. The Liberal Media structures are taking too much strain. They can no longer endorse the ANC out of danger of looking like CLOWNS themselves. The Alternate media is already on the rise and threatening to compete with the Mass Media.

I did say to him that I believed it was only a matter of time before the ANC destroyed the country anyway. Mbeki represented the slow destruction (as the ANC struggles with its own devils of appeasing the West or going for fully blown communism)… whereas Zuma represents the “Zimbabwe phase” when the country just explodes into pieces.

I did mention to him that I have a small NON-WHITE readership. There are some non-whites who are realising that the country is falling apart. Even odd blacks have said as much on my site.

I have always personally hoped that one day in Africa we could get NON-WHITE CONSERVATIVES. To me, that would be a MAJOR development – a total TURN AROUND counter to the “revolutionary Liberation phase”. Such a development could change the situation from a future Race War into a war between Left and Right. I, personally, would prefer any future wars to be Left Versus Right rather than Black Versus White – because it would work out even better for us white. But it all depends on the NON-WHITES and the views and positions they adopt when the ANC comes crashing down.

I have said many times, that ALL Black African leaders basically make pricks of themselves and end up destroying their own CREDIBILITY COMPLETELY. President Mbeki is well on his way to making a total ass of himself and having ZERO credibility! I think the whole ANC game is coming apart.

The question is how will:-
(a) The ANC itself resolve the war between its own devils? (Mbeki Vs Zuma)
(b) The NON-WHITE population stand? Will all non-Whites stand by the ANC or will some side with us whites? Or will many be fence-sitters – choosing whoever APPEARS strongest?

I am wondering if the Mass Media, especially the PRINT MEDIA who seem to me to be more honest than the TV media… are not moving away from blindly supporting the ANC? Is the ANC’s Media House of Cards actually coming down? And if it does… what ROLE did the small but kick-ass ALTERNATE MEDIA WEBSITES PLAY? Did their small but hard-assed stand show that the ANC can be opposed?

Despite the demise of CrimeExpo – hasn’t CrimeExpo also rocked the foundations ALREADY? CrimeExpo may disappear as a website – but could CrimeExpo’s legacy live on OR BREED NEW THINGS? I think that CrimeExpo has shown people – especially WHITE PEOPLE – that something IS POSSIBLE. Even if Neil Watson/Juan Uys ends up in jail and ends up making a total TWAT of himself… his bizarre attack… may have laid the groundwork for some kind of change in mindset which may outlive him. I think in that sense Neil/Juan’s legacy has yet to be fully appreciated. Don’t, in the heat of the moment think he was nothing. In some ways, Neil Watson/Juan Uys might have lit a flame … almost a revolutionary flame – in the mind of some whites, and after Neil/Juan is gone… perhaps sitting in a jail cell, many whites who were affected by him may long for something new. Perhaps in the near future a NEWER and IMPROVED “Neil Watson” or “Neil Watson CLONES” may appear on the SCENE. Do NOT discount this possibility.

I can’t help but wonder if some of us “Fringe” people haven’t perhaps played some unacknowledged role in the strange TURMOIL that is currently going on in this country?

I think the entire population have had 12 years to assess the ANC and now, inside the brains of 47 million people… changes are taking place… and we will soon see THE NEW TRENDS OF POST-APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA… and those trends might be SHOCKING! Jan.
