WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.
Original Post Date: 2006-10-10 Posted By: Jan
From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 10/10/2006
S.Africa: I am on a murder charge for self defence…
From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 10/10/2006
S.Africa: I am on a murder charge for self defence…
[It was only a matter of time before this nasty situation happened to someone. I’m sure Gerhard is not the first. Well Gerhard, your story is certainly heartrending mate. I really feel deeply sorry for you. You did good, defending yourself and family… but the laws in this country favour the criminals. You could be in serious trouble. I will send you some email addresses of people who run organisations who can help to publicise your problem. I think apart from a legal fight, you need to fight back in public. I will send you details of Gun Owners of South Africa; Gun Owners of America and someone else. And, I am even going to ask you to do something unprecedented. This may sound bizarre, but just DO IT. Write a letter to the American Embassy in Pretoria and tell them what happened to you. Tell them that in your opinion the law favours criminals. Just compose such a letter. Write it up properly and post it. In fact, I think you could just as well, send such a letter ALSO to: the Dutch Embassy, and the Belgian Embassy. Tell them that you fear the justice system is not on your side. It is very important that real Govt officials in the Western world be made aware of this stuff. They watch and know what goes on in this country and they put a bit of heat on the Govt too. I think that we must make as many people aware of your plight, and if possible, find other people to whom this has also happened. I think there are many. And try getting these other organisations and websites to take up your cause. I don’t want to venture a guess as to what your charges are. When I was a teenager in Rhodesia, my mom and I were in a car accident and later, I had 9 – yes NINE black “eyewitnesses” who claimed I was the driver of the car and not my mother. It was a complete lie. And they went to court and swore blind they saw me in the drivers’ seat. I learned from that, also to be more decisive. If you’re in court and someone asks a question be direct in your response. Don’t hum and ha. If they ask you if you’re sure, then be adamant. So the problem you face is that all this scumbag’s buddies will swear blind you were the criminal. They will lie together in unison. If there is any physical evidence you can possibly use to prove that they lied then use it. Please keep us informed here of the progress of your case. I’ll post it. Otherwise, I’ll pray for you. I think you have quite a nasty time ahead. I hope you can get off this. If you do, let us know. But what happened to you, could happen to any one of us. We, the victims will end up in jail for fighting back against those who can to steal from us and kill us. Jan] Sir In the morning after I woke up I did see many police cars and my neighbor phoned telling me there is a dead body in the street. I went down and an Afrikaans Captain who was in charge went to my appartment were I explained what happened. I was not aware that I shot and killed somebody. He said don’t worry, we are happy because it was a bad guy they know, there will be no charge and I can relax now. Anyway they came back after 1 hour and arrested me for murder, threw me in a cell for one night under inhuman conditions with no lights for 7 hours. I was glad that I was alone. Next day I got out on bail and my hearing is in February. The reasons given was that the other burglars, later arrrested who knew that we were in the appartment said that I shot without self-defence their friend. I have a good criminal lawyer and hope I get out of this nightmare. I wonder if you have something in addition to help me because I want never go back into a South African prison again. Thanks and best regards JoAn Replied: I am a friend of Jan’s and I am responding to some of his e-mail. I will see that this reaches him. I am sooo sorry to hear of your frightening circumstances. I am taking the liberty to copy this message of yours and I will also post it to the crime site and to the GOSA people. They have a good group in CapeTown. Please do try and contact Charl Van Wyk at Gun Owners of South AFrica. It is a new group and the leadership of this group is good. Charl is the man who was known as the hero of the St. James Massacre. PLEASE make every effort to contact them and perhaps they can help in some way. At the very least, they can spread your story and make people aware of what is taking place. The honest people must stand together. Tell him that JoAn from the USA told you to contact him. All the very best to you. Please feel free to stay in touch with me if you care to and I will do what I am able to keep the groups I work with updated on your situation. Regards, |