
Give Blacks 15% of America!

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2006-10-04  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 10/4/2006
Give Blacks 15% of America!

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Give Blacks 15% of America!

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 10/4/2006

Give Blacks 15% of America!

[Good idea! I wonder what other Americans think? Jan]

Hi Verena,
I found this article in the Conservative Voice archives;

NEW AFRICA. Enough With Equal”Time to Separate?
September 28, 2005 09:54 AM EST

In his anger over the hippy press and their constant bludgeoning of the white man, my dad once said, œI know how to solve all of this.

The blacks make up about 15% of America™s population. Since they hate us so much, and want everything on their own, I say give them 15% of this country, put Jesse Jackson in charge, and leave them on their own. Any bets on how long they™d last before imploding?

Since they have such pride in their œAfrican heritage, I suggest we call their land New Africa. Given their hatred for America, this would make it so they wouldn™t have to be hyphenated anymorethey could just be straight out African. Can you feel the love?

Now we all know that your average black man isn™t about to go back to Africa, in spite of all his posturing. So this may well be a viable solution.

When my dad first mentioned it, I spouted my Politically Castrated speech”I was still in high school then, a product of the American Commie Education System”œWe all need to learn how to get alongthat™s the answer, not separating everybody.

Once again, I think Dad was right. At least it would appear so given the disgusting behavior of the majority blacks in New Orleans. See, there™s a problem with everyone getting along when only one side is willing to change.

The liberal left has had carte blanche when it comes to blacks for more than 40 years now. Their policies have been a dismal failure. So you commies reading this, sit down and shut the hell up. We™ve tried it your wayso much so that it has damned near destroyed us. Time for a new way.

For 45 years we have been beaten into thinking that were it not for whitey, blacks would be so advanced they wouldn™t need a œhand. Whites hung their heads, genuinely ashamed for slavery and the cruelty forced on many blacks before and after the Civil War. This guilt”the primary weapon of the left and later of liberal blacks”opened the door for massive social programs and new discriminations against whites and men, all in the name of some sort of twisted œfairness. How switching discrimination”which we had as a nation decided was just plain wrong”from blacks to white is fair is still beyond me. That™ll teach the race and sex that wrote the Constitution!

So to make up for the sins of our fathers, we began handing massive amounts of welfare over to blacks, who promptly began to abuse the system by having more and more kids, multiple wives/husbands, large building projects and neighborhoods”which they quickly trashed and made unlivable”abandoning marriage, God, and any form of civility and decency for drugs, stealing, and Islam. Crime rates skyrocketed among young black males, and with time, females. The unwed pregnancy rate exploded, with black males distributing DNA like it was water, and girls barely into menses bearing babies they couldn™t care for. Gone were the hard-working blacks that we saw in the first half of the 20th century, replaced with the repugnant angry black male, robbing, raping, and murdering more than any other group in America while receiving more money per capita than any other group in America. These were not people just wanting the chance to prove themselves; these were animals wanting to make us who never did anything to them pay for what was never done to them.

Politically Castrated government began forcing blacks and whites together in the fifties, totally ignoring the fact that most blacks prefer the company of other blacks and most whites prefer the company of other whites. This had nothing to do with racism and everything to do with comfort”you are simply more at ease in familiar surroundings. Blacks are more likely than whites to die of AIDS, drug overdose, and the number one cause of death among young black males is young black males. Black leaders have encouraged the continuation of black slavery to its welfare master while making money blackmailing white businesses and shaking down guilt-ridden white liberals, who then demand laws to œpunish all white Americans who don™t believe that they are the reason for the horrendous failure of black society.

Given that blacks as a group take more from society than they give, cutting them away into their own country would instantly create a slush fund of billions. Crime rates, drug rates, and murder rates would drop drastically, and we the people could actually keep more of our own money instead of throwing it down a hole that continues to demand more and more while producing absolutely no positive results. Whites agreed that blacks should be able to vote, own property, patronize any business they wanted, ride the bus, use the bathroom, walk the streets, sit where they want, work where they want, live as they want. We believed it so much, in fact, that whites have died for it, whites have introduced and voted for it, and whites have passed them as laws. Not blacks”whites, and Republican whites at that. No amount of marching and singing did any of itit was old white European men who decided to right a wrong, and it was young black African men who decided that just wasn™t enough.

So black America, go to New Africa and build away. Prove whitey wrong. Prove to him that he actually did hold you backthat all you needed was your own country and the freedom to do things your way. Build your society, till the earth, advance yourselves as whites, Asians, Jews, Indians”not Native Americans, but real Indians”and even Hispanics have managed to do with the freedom America gave to them and to you. Do it all, only do it alone”we don™t want you anymore.

Of course this scenario is ridiculous. However, do you have a better one? I resent paying for mothers who teach their children to become professional welfare lumps, fathers who can™t run away fast enough, and liberals who blame society and not the parents who are failing en masse. I resent being told it™s my fault that black Johnny can™t read, when the harsh truth is black Johnny won™t readit isn™t nearly as glamorous as selling drugs or dismantling the English language with some ebonics-filled rap song decrying whitey and encouraging blackey and his criminal tendencies. I resent the fact that your behavior hurts the wonderful blacks I know. They are as ashamed of you as I am. I resent your crimes, your welfare, and so do millions of others. And most of all, I resent the fact that your continued vile behavior gives credibility to the one group more despicable than you”the Neo Nazis. You are proving these Hitler Heil-ing people and their evil ideals more and more correct each and every day, and for that I despise you. We defeated these minions some sixty years ago”black behavior has resurrected them with a vengeance. Your conduct is going to make believers of many easily-led but foolish whites. This is perhaps your greatest failing.

As you continue to choose to serve Massah™ Welfare State, remember one of the few in your ranks who rose above the black stereotype. œPeople marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we’ve got these knuckleheads walking aroundThe lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don’t know a thing about Africa. With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and all of them are in jailWe have to start holding each other to a higher standard. We cannot blame the white people any longer.”Bill Cosby

For the first time since my dad died 9 months ago, I™m glad he didn™t live to see this.

Keep the faith, bros, and in all things courage.

Source: The Conservative Voice
This woman, Resa Kirkland, seems to one tough cookie:) – and she likes the military… something that would definitely warm the cockles of Jan’s heart:)

She’ also has a webpage – – where other articles can be found.

Boere groete
AB, Dubai

VERENA Replied:
Hi and thanks for the article….
