
S.Africa: Communist Party says Mbeki is a Dictator

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2006-05-26  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 5/26/2006
S.Africa: Communist Party says Mbeki is a Dictator

<meta name='keywords' content='SAfrica,Communist,Party,says,Mbeki,is,a,Dictator,Finally,,the,communists,are,showing,the,direction,in,which,they,really,want,to,go,,and,it,is,the,direction,I,had,been,suspecting,all,along



S.Africa: Communist Party says Mbeki is a Dictator

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 5/26/2006

S.Africa: Communist Party says Mbeki is a Dictator

[Finally, the communists are showing the direction in which they really want to go, and it is the direction I had been suspecting all along.

There are some fascinating twists going on here, which are enough to make one’s head spin.

Mr Vavi, who runs COSATU, the Congress of South African Trade Unions, recently went to Zimbabwe to attend a conference there. Mugabe kicked him out! That was quite amazing.

But COSATU is also nothing more than an extension of the South African Communisty Party (SACP). COSATU do their bidding, when it comes to creating strikes and fomenting violence.

COSATU has stood by Jacob Zuma during his firing and his trial. Vavi stated (correctly) that there is a conspiracy against Zuma.

The SACP has been very quiet, and I’ve been waiting for them to see which side they would side with, since I believe they are a serious power to be reckoned with. Well, they did it… they came out on the side of COSATU and Zuma!

So it is, as I have been saying for quite a while, that the Communists are behind Zuma. And now, it is quite out in the open.

The Tripartite Alliance consists of the SACP, COSATU and the ANC. And it appears that Mbeki’s firing of Zuma has torn them apart. Finally though, the SACP has come out and shown which side it is going to take.

This also falls in line with the theory of the two-stage revolution.

It could be that Mbeki has been trying to lead the alliance away from the 2nd stage of the revolution towards a more moderate type of socialism. But hey, socialism is socialism. In the end, they steal from us whites anyway. The only difference is: Is it 5 years or 20 years? To me the end result is the same, and personally, I’d rather they do it sooner than later. Let’s get all this nonsense over with. I’m tired of all this pussy-footing around.

Anyhow, the Tripartite Alliance may have been irreparably torn asunder, and COSATU and the SACP seem to be now coalescing around Zuma. So to me, it seems as if Zuma will be their man for the 2009 elections.

It could be that their plan is to try to get Zuma to seize even the ANC from under Mbeki’s control, and we will see that in 2007. My guess is this: If Zuma does not grab hold of the ANC (thus the Tripartite Alliance will be back together again – minus Mbeki)… then maybe Zuma will stand for President on a South African Communist Party ticket? That will be really fun to watch!!

Mr Vavi then went on to say that Mbeki is a Dictator and S.Africa is becoming a Zimbabwe!

That’s kind of funny because in reality… the Communists and Mr Vavi are more radical than Mbeki!! The difference is, Mr Vavi, and Mr Zuma will want to sweep up the masses in “democracy” and then carry out Mugabe-like Marxist policies. So to me, the argument of a Dictatorship becomes highly theoretical and completely pointless, since what awaits us “via the masses” might even be worse!!

Frankly, I don’t care which way the chips may fall. My money is on them falling the Zuma/SACP way. But to me, it appears as if… the Commies, COSATU and Zuma are going to take on Mbeki and all those women he surrounded himself with, and they will try to seize power from them in the next election.

Maybe we will see lots of black on black violence in the years ahead as the blacks fight among themselves about how best to put us whites on the menu. The question they’re fighting over is: Which wine goes best with roast-whites? Would that be a white wine, or a red wine? (Do we taste like chicken?) Either way… we are the menu. But it will be delightful watching them fight over whether to roast us or fry us, and whether we should be well-done or … what is that I hear? Medium rare? Jan]
