
Palestinian cannibals gleefully eat corpses of slain Israeli soldiers

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2006-03-30  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 3/30/2006
Palestinian cannibals gleefully eat corpses of slain Israeli soldiers

Palestinian cannibals gleefully eat corpses of slain Israeli soldiers

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 3/30/2006

Palestinian cannibals gleefully eat corpses of slain Israeli soldiers

[Israel, as a Jewish state, is going to come to an end, in a manner very similar to how South Africa ended. Israel’s leaders are being pressured, by the USA, Russia and others, into walking the “Liberal walk” towards their version of the “rainbow nation”. Now during that process, like we had, it is completely necessary that the Israelis be held in check and that the slow Liberal brain-washing process begins to convince them that the Arabs do not hate them, and are not their enemies. Hence, the media in Israel behaves like the media in South Africa – they deliberately suppress things which will anger the Israeli Jews and make them want to kill their enemies. That’s why things like this will not be pushed out into the Israeli media.

This goes back to the American Foreign Policy/CIA strategy of “moderation” which I spoke about in the Straight Talk Newsletter (see Israel is being “moderated” so that the Israeli Right Wing doesn’t come into power, and similarly, the terrorists are also being “moderated”.

But practise shows that “moderating” terrorist is not easy and it often requires that the other side just turn a blind eye to what the terrorists are doing – pretending it never happened.

You can already see that process as Israel’s leaders become ever weaker, and Israel’s responses to terror and to national threats becomes less.

The way things are going, Israel is in for a very nasty time. Expect terrorism to INCREASE, rather than decrease as time goes by, while Israeli responses will themselves be on the decrease. Its wild, its scary… its the kind of stuff we lived through at the end of the 1980’s. Jan]

News and Commentary
by David Ha’ivri

Serving the Enemy
The pictures of the Arab masses waving body parts of IDF soldiers in front
of the television cameras is not something which can easily be erased from
our national memory. The internet and foreign stations broadcasted scenes
even more atrocious – that of Arabs eating the flesh of our soldiers.
Israeli T.V. claimed that they refrained from showing this cannibalism, out of consideration for the families of the victims. I don’t believe them. Israeli television was ever one to make such considerations.

The cannibalism of the Arabs is their way of demonstrating their intention
to humiliate and degrade us, to eat us alive. The Israeli media, whose credo is “the right of the public to know” – and will usually broadcast anything and everything, intentionally did not broadcast to the Israeli viewer these pictures because they have another consideration which is more important than “the right of the public to know” – to brainwash the nation that there is still a chance for “peace”, meaning we should withdraw from the land and put an end to the Jewish State. This is why the Israeli media is interested that the picture of Arabs eating the flesh of Jews not be etched in our national memory. They prefer to show us the bandaged Arab boy and his mother standing amidst the ruins of their destroyed home. This is what they want instilled in our national memory, and not that of the Arab barbarian.

Murder, abuse of corpses, rape and cannibalism are nothing new to the Arab. The Hebron slaughter in 1929, the abuse of Israeli prisoners by Egypt and Syria in the Yom Kippur War in the 70’s, the cruel torture and murder of Moshe Tamam and Dani Katz in the 80’s, and more recently, the savage murder by Arab shepherds of Yaakov Oshran and Koby Mendel from Takoa, so beaten, that the morgue was barely able to identify whose body was whose. In short, the Arabs always acted this way. The only difference now, is that these atrocities are now being broadcasted for all eyes to see.

Why Are IDF Commanders Crawling?
As if it wasn’t enough to view the bodies of our soldiers being abused, we
were later shown IDF commanders crawling in the sand searching for pieces of flesh of their comrades. What a national disgrace! And why should our
soldiers be degrading themselves in front of the Arabs and the world? After all, we know where the body parts are. They aren’t in the sand, but in the hands of the cannibals of Gaza. Only when Gaza, the Hamas City, is blown off the face of this earth – only then will the souls of our heroes find rest!!
