
Demons Cause Havoc in Namibia

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2005-11-28  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 11/28/2005
Demons Cause Havoc in Namibia

<meta name='keywords' content='Demons,Cause,Havoc,in,Namibia,I,wonder,if,the,demons,accept,credit,cards?,Id,like,to,hire,them!,Jan



Demons Cause Havoc in Namibia

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 11/28/2005

Demons Cause Havoc in Namibia

[I wonder if the demons accept credit cards? I’d like to hire them! Jan]

Many people in the North are fearful about a spate of incidents
where what they call demons are terrorising people with mysterious

More than 10 pastors and school authorities are struggling to deal
with cases of bewitchment at schools and in villages.

A 17-year-old schoolgirl from Oshidhiya village in Ohangwena Region,
in Grade 8 at Ozizi Combined School, says she cannot wear clothing
because it catches fire spontaneously.

Johannes Nghidipo (21) from Elyalyatika village in the Omusati
Region is in the Oshakati Hospital with feet so burnt that they may
have to be amputated.

And 41 schoolchildren – 39 girls and two boys – at Mumbwenge
Combined School near Oshigambo in Ohangwena are falling to the ground
in school, screaming for Satan to leave them alone.

“We really do not know what to do,” Helena Makili, the Principal of
Mumbwenge Combined School, told The Namibian yesterday.

She said that the whole school – 514 pupils from Grade 1 to 10, 16
teachers, two cleaners and a secretary – is stunned by the phenomenon.

“This has never happened at our school and we are praying to our
Lord to stop these demons as soon as possible,” Makali said.

She said the incidents started on July 8 among children in Grade 3
and it has now spread to other classes, except in Grade 1 and 10.

“We have reported the incident to our School Inspector, Linus
Nakamwe, and to our Director of Education for Ohangwena region, Josia
Udjombala, who still has not come to see us,” she said.

The school has called in parents and had meetings, and then decided
to take the concerned children to Onandjokwe Hospital, where no
illness was found.

The principal decided to contact pastors from different churches and
seven have come to pray over the children.

Pastors Titus Kasindani Ngula, Hosea Namupala, Simon Iitula, Kleopas
Amaambo, Nikodemus Ngula, Efraim Angula and Salom Elago all tried
praying, laying hands on the children who are falling and screaming,
but nothing has stopped the “demons”.

Children continue to fall, and to scream.

The school then called in pastors from Jesus Centre Church and from
the Universal Church who also came and prayed for the victimised
children, but without success.

“All those pastors who came couldn’t stop the demons and the
children continue to be molested by these demons,” Makili told The

She said that the children are seeing a black thing with a long stick.

“Go away Satan, leave us and our teachers, Satan, we were sent to
school by our parents to learn and not to be molested by you,” the
children apparently call and scream when this starts, said Makili.

“We are still calling to all Namibians and the whole world to come
and help us in this big problem,” Makili said.

She said education at the school has been seriously hampered this
year and she did not know whether “they will harvest fruit, in
results,” as usual.

The Principal of Ozizi Combined School, Armas Kashiimbi, told The
Namibian that one of the schoolgirls is being molested by some
mysterious phenomenon.

Her clothing always catches fire when she is at her parents’ home.

But she is better when she is at school, according to Kashiimbi.

A source from this girl’s village (Oshidhiya) told The Namibian,
that when this starts, she has to be naked to avoid getting burnt.

“The family is really in a big problem and is seeking help from the
spiritual leaders,” the villager said.

Klaudia Silas (45) from Epangu village near Okahao in Omusati Region
told The Namibian that her son, Johannes Nghidipo, mysteriously burnt
both his feet at a witchdoctor’s house at Okapyakambidhi in Omusati
last Thursday night.

She said Nghidipo was staying at her uncle Iita Namashana at
Elyalyatika village near Ogongo when this happened.

She said on November 2, a woman named Angelika from Elyalyatika
village asked Namashana for permission to allow her son to help her
take a black cow to a certain witchdoctor at Okapyakambidhi, where
she wanted to graduate as a witchdoctor.

(Black cows are traditionally given as a compensation to
witchdoctors who are grooming other witchdoctors).

While there, Silas told The Namibian, her sons feet were
mysteriously burnt, probably while he was sleeping with others.

“We took him to Oshikuku Roman Catholic Hospital and he was
transferred to Oshakati State Hospital. I was told by his doctors
that both feet will be amputated on Friday (today). I really do not
know what that witchdoctor has done to my son,” Silas said.

She reported the incident to the Ogongo Police but they apparently
told her that this is a traditional thing and she should go to her
traditional headman.

“We went to the headmen, but were told to go to hospital,” she said.

Silas said the headmen do not want to deal with this case because
they are afraid of becoming bewitched.

Nghidipo told The Namibian that he did not know what happened to him
during the night of Thursday 3 November.

Speaking from his hospital bed in Oshakati State Hospital, Nghidipo
said that on November 2, he and his nephew John Mathew helped the
woman named Angelina to take her cow to the witchdoctor Kaputu’s
house at Okapyakambidhi.

“That evening, the cow was slaughtered by Angelika, because she had
to do it.

After she had drunk the blood of the cow and eaten other inside
meat, uncooked, meat was then cooked for all of us and the graduation
ceremony continued. Witchdoctor Kaputu accepted meme Angelika as a
witchdoctor. The feast continued the next day.”

On Thursday night, they went to sleep and when he woke up the next
morning he noticed that both his feet were seriously burnt.

“I didn’t feel pain, although I was seriously burnt, only later I
started to feel pain. Nobody could explain how was I burnt and why,”
Nghidipo said.

