WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.
Original Post Date: 2005-11-25 Posted By: Jan
From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 11/25/2005
Namibian Govt Cheap shots & lies about Mass Graves
From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 11/25/2005
Namibian Govt Cheap shots & lies about Mass Graves
[A reader sent me some excellent information including a German article which I’ve translated which gives some real perspective on these “suddenly discovered” mass graves. As I see it, the Namibian Govt knew about these all along. There is no mystery. Everyone acknowledges who is in these graves, when they were dug and why they contain SWAPO guerillas from the Nine Day War. But, the Namibian Govt seem hell-bent on trying to engage in some anti-White propaganda as if they are suddenly “discovering” some kind of “Auschwitz” which was a big secret. So far, one military expert after another, including Peter Stiff, and many others have come out and explained exactly what these Mass Graves are about. It appears to me the Namibian Govt is trying to engage in some cheap propaganda aimed at creating the illusion that the South African Army was up to some Nazi-style activities. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I received this irate email and info from a reader. Jan] The first article is from THE NAMIBIAN:- President makes plea on mass graves * OSWALD SHIVUTE at EENHANA “I was disturbed, when I was in Lesotho last week, to be informed that two mass graves with the remains of the Namibian sons and daughters … He called on anyone who can help identify the skeletons, or know the circumstances of their death, to come forward. “I know there must be Namibians among us, who were working in the then South African colonial forces, who are now in our Army or Police units, who might know about these incidents, and I am calling upon them to come out and tell us, and give us information about this, so that we can know who they are, so that we can arrange for them a proper mass funeral,” the President said. He gave the reassurance that people who come forward with information would not be prosecuted. “We have adopted a spirit of national reconciliation already and those who will come out with information, nothing will be done to them. We just need information, so that we can know who has been buried in these mass graves in order to give them a proper funeral, or funerals,” Pohamba said. The President said forensic investigations will be conducted soon to try and establish the details surrounding the deaths. He said it appeared that this kind of killing and burial had taken place at almost all colonial South African army or police bases. “I am again calling upon those who served in those colonial forces, and know about this … please to come out and tell us,” the President appealed. He also urged people who lost relatives during the liberation struggle, who suspect that they might be buried somewhere in the bush, to contact the Police, the regional governor or regional councillors. The Minister of Defence, Ndahu Namholo, and the Minister of Safety and Security, Peter Tshirumbu Tsheehama, visited the site on Friday afternoon. “I really want to know who is buried here, because as the then Chief of Staff of Plan, I was accountable for all of them. I want know what happened to those who went missing … I could not tell their parents, beloved ones and relatives where they were. Now I know that many of those who went missing have been killed and buried in this way, and I want to know who they are,” Namholo said. “We will not sleep until we know who killed these people, and we will not sleep until we know who these people are who have been buried her like this,” he added URL: http://www.namibian.com.na/2005/November/nati…br> Below is a BabelFish translation of a German article. The entire German article and its URL is contained in this post further down:- Embarrassing awaking by Eberhard Hofmann Those, discovery “of the mass graves with Eenhana in the region Ohangwena caused a frightening. A war wound is broken open. It speaks for president Pohamba that it made itself locally immediately well-informed and took position. He asks former soldiers for information and promises them in the spirit of the avowed reconciliation exemption from punishment. Eenhana lies in the middle in the marching-up area of the heavily armed SWAPO Guerillas, which exceeded width of 450 km in rough injury of selbigen peace plan (armistice and UN resolution 435) on 1 April 1989, on the first day of the execution of the solution plan for the Namibia dispute, with approximately 1600 forces, divided in small groups, over the Angolan border after Namibia. The peace plan was set thereby approximately 30 days out of strength. In the order and not only under consent of the UN made the Guerilla defense of the police (Koevoet) and later some federations of the SWA of territorial armed forces under South African instruction, already kasernierten, again mobilely. They struck down the invasion bloodily. They had the order,, to repair the condition 31 March of the 1989”. When the weapons in the middle of were silent April 1989, at least 343 pleasures were to be deplored: 316 SWAPO Guerillas and 27 – black and white – policemen and soldiers on South African side. In reality it concerns now in no way one, discovery “. The namibische press reported in April 1989 on the rapid funeral of the SWAPO-PLEASED. Soldiers with respiratory protection binding and rubber gloves threw the corpses of trucks into hasty dug pits. Some graves were opened few weeks later because of judicial investigation again, again closed then. Without ceremony. The sources of this process are to be seen from local media and in military archives in Pretoria. Also from Eenhana of it hardly somewhat escaped the population of restaurant. She knows to today. But the SWAPO guidance of 1989 and from today, which sent a part of its forces as cannon fodder over the border, knows allegedly nothing! The party does not know, how it is to go around with 1 April 1989. It is an evidence of incapacity of the commanders of the Peoples ‘ liberation Army OF Namibia, PLAN, and the party leadership until today that they cannot occupy any name, which men sent them on the fatal day over the border and who did not return. It is a dishonor that SWAPO worried not immediately after independence about a honorable funeral or Umbettung of its pleasures of the April days of 1989. At least the new government would have the unmarkierten, but, burial places admitted nevertheless to enclose to be able. 1 April 1989 remains a Fanal of the einaeugigen intending and dead culture of the ruling powers, who beyond the stalinistischen hero field and the intending character of Ongulumbashe do not extend. The original German Article:- Die Entdeckung” der Massengre(164)¤ber bei Eenhana in der Region Ohangwena hat Entsetzen ausgele(182)¶st. Eine Kriegswunde ist aufgebrochen. Es spricht fe(188)¼r Pre(164)¤sident Pohamba, dass er sich vor Ort sofort kundig gemacht und dazu Stellung bezogen hat. Er bittet ehemalige Soldaten um Auskunft und verspricht ihnen im Geiste der erkle(164)¤rten Verse(182)¶hnung Straffreiheit. Eenhana liegt mitten im Aufmarschgebiet der schwer bewaffneten SWAPO-Guerillas, die am 1. April 1989, am ersten Tag der Durchfe(188)¼hrung des Le(182)¶sungsplans fe(188)¼r den Namibia-Disput, mit rund 1600 Kre(164)¤ften, aufgeteilt in kleinen Gruppen, e(188)¼ber eine Breite von 450 km in grober Verletzung selbigen Friedensplans (Waffenstillstand und UN-Resolution 435) die angolanische Grenze nach Namibia e(188)¼berschritten haben. Der Friedensplan war damit rund 30 Tage aue(159)er Kraft gesetzt. Im Auftrag und nicht nur unter Einwilligung der UNO machten die Guerilla-Abwehr der Polizei (Koevoet) und spe(164)¤ter einige Verbe(164)¤nde der bereits kasernierten SWA Territorialstreitkre(164)¤fte unter se(188)¼dafrikanischem Befehl wieder mobil. Sie schlugen den Einmarsch blutig nieder. Sie hatten den Auftrag, ,,den Zustand des 31. Me(164)¤rz 1989″ wieder herzustellen. Als die Waffen Mitte April 1989 schwiegen, waren mindestens 343 Gefallene zu beklagen: 316 SWAPO-Guerillas und 27 – schwarze und weie(159)e – Polizisten und Soldaten auf se(188)¼dafrikanischer Seite. In Wirklichkeit handelt es sich jetzt in keiner Weise um eine ,,Entdeckung”. Die namibische Presse hat im April 1989 e(188)¼ber die rasche Beerdigung der SWAPO-Gefallenen berichtet. Soldaten mit Atemschutzbinden und Gummihandschuhen warfen die Leichen von Lastwagen in eilig ausgehobene Gruben. Einige Gre(164)¤ber wurden wenige Wochen spe(164)¤ter wegen gerichtlicher Untersuchung nochmals gee(182)¶ffnet, dann erneut geschlossen. Ohne Zeremoniell. Die Quellen dieses Verlaufs sind aus hiesigen Medien und im Milite(164)¤rarchiv in Pretoria einzusehen. Auch der Lokalbeve(182)¶lkerung von Eenhana ist davon kaum etwas entgangen. Sie weie(159) bis heute Bescheid. Aber die SWAPO-Fe(188)¼hrung von 1989 und von heute, die einen Teil ihrer Kre(164)¤fte als Kanonenfutter e(188)¼ber die Grenze geschickt hat, weie(159) angeblich nichts! Die Partei weie(159) nicht, wie sie mit dem 1. April 1989 umgehen soll. Es ist ein Armutszeugnis der Befehlshaber der Peoples(194)Â(180)´ Liberation Army of Namibia, PLAN, und der Parteife(188)¼hrung bis heute, dass sie keinerlei Namen belegen ke(182)¶nnen, welche Me(164)¤nner sie an dem verhe(164)¤ngnisvollen Tag e(188)¼ber die Grenze geschickt haben und wer nicht zure(188)¼ckgekehrt ist. Es ist eine Schande, dass SWAPO sich nach der Unabhe(164)¤ngigkeit nicht sofort selbst um eine ehrenvolle Bestattung oder Umbettung ihrer Gefallenen der Apriltage von 1989 geke(188)¼mmert hat. Zumindest he(164)¤tte die neue Regierung die unmarkierten, aber dennoch bekannten, Grabste(164)¤tten einze(164)¤unen ke(182)¶nnen. Der 1. April 1989 bleibt ein Fanal der eine(164)¤ugigen Gedenk- und Totenkultur der Machthaber, die e(188)¼ber den stalinistischen Heldenacker und das Gedenkzeichen von Ongulumbashe nicht hinausreicht. |