
SA Soldier Comments on Iraq – also: Terrorists are entering USA

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2005-07-20  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 7/20/2005
SA Soldier Comments on Iraq – also: Terrorists are entering USA

SA Soldier Comments on Iraq – also: Terrorists are entering USA

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 7/20/2005

SA Soldier Comments on Iraq – also: Terrorists are entering USA

[A friend of mine is an ex Special Forces soldier from the S.African army. He had these comments and thoughts to add to my article about the USA losing the war on terror in the USA.

I concur with Len that the terrorists may now bring the war into America itself. I have heard rumours that Hispanic and Black Muslim street gangs are smuggling terrorists into the USA itself. Al Quaida is getting bolder and is threatening Europe. From what I am hearing it appears as if terrorists are building up in Britain, across Europe and are also being smuggled into the USA. It appears to me terrorists are entering countries and setting up structures. Give them a few years, and then we might start seeing terrorists operating inside Europe and deep inside US territory. Maybe we will yet see suicide bombers right inside the USA?

The slow but steady buildup of terrorists INSIDE Western nations may not yet be apparent. But judging by the news I have seen, I would suspect that once they have comfortably “set up shop” inside the USA and Europe, we will start seeing some steady terrorism hitting the whole Western world.

People are wrong if they think terrorism is going to go away. Indeed, terrorism could be the precursor to much bigger things which may come many years later. One could liken Terrorists to skirmishers in the European wars of old – a swarm of skirmishers preceding the columns of troops. The skirmishers taking pot shots at you – preceding and preparing the way for the real soldiers to come.

The terrorists are sensing a victory in Iraq… and it may embolden them a lot. If the USA isn’t prepare to fight furiously in Iraq, then Americans will have to fight on their own soil. At some point, the USA will have to drop this “Mr Nice Guy image”.

Len’s comments follow. I agree with him. Jan]

Vietnam II:Terrorists Winning: Almost All-Out Civil War in Iraq

Hello Jan
A couple of months ago you and I had a brief discussion about the state of the war on terrorism And America™s involvement in Iraq and I said to you then that there were a number of reasons why the Yanks would not win the war there, I said it then and I say it again: There is no place on the battlefield for democracy when you fight to win, and you must fight to win. With all the methods at your disposal!

The yanks won™t win because they don™t have THE WILL to win, and the bad news is that they are Painting themselves into a corner! If they pull out of Iraq they are going to have to close their borders to ALL FOREIGNERS
As the terrorists will then be taking the fight into America™s backyard.
Currently they are keeping the Terrorists busy in Iraq, with the American™s out of Iraq there will be no foreign battlefield for the
Americans to fight on, and they will be fighting at home!

Crunch time for the Yanks has come, either they finish it once and for all in Iraq (And by finish it I mean FINISH IT!) or they will
Fight a losing drawn out war of attrition.

Winning will include doing some pretty harsh things and it will require the œarmchair Liberals/bunny huggers et al to shut the F_CK up at home! All possible threats will need to be eliminated, anyone not on their side will need to be taken out or rendered effectively œharmless.

The world will need to be made to understand in the clearest, most direct way that anyone who pushes their (America™s) button even softly will
be blasted out of existence no questions asked! The time for diplomacy has passed and the Americans need to do what has to be done to win
If they back down now they will have to fight for their very existence until the last fundamentalist Muslim is dead!

In the meantime I watch with interest the developments in Iraq!
