
Zimbabwe maize harvest at all time low

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2005-07-18  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 7/18/2005
Zimbabwe maize harvest at all time low

Zimbabwe maize harvest at all time low

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 7/18/2005

Zimbabwe maize harvest at all time low

[I think these figures represent an all time low for Zimbabwe – a meagre 600,000 tons. Excellent. Mugabe is low on cash, S.Africa has got to send in food. Nice! Nice! That Ulcer is starting to bleed. It will get much worse in years to come. It is delightful watching the results of Mugabe’s arrogant anti-White attitude coming home to roost. Beautiful… and the ANC will have to bail him out and… bail him out and… bail him out and… bail him out and… bail him out and… bail him out and… bail him out and… bail him out and… bail him out and… bail him out and… bail him out and… bail him out and… Do you get my drift? The downward spiral is beginning… and the ANC is going to start committing S.Africa.

It does also mean, the ANC must divert more and more money to Zimbabwe as the years go by… Frankly, anything which weakens the ANC makes me happy. And watching Mugabe suffer is a pure delight.

I’m sitting here, grinning like a Chesire Cat as I write this! I am so thoroughly enjoying watching them create a living hell for themselves ever since they decided to kick the productive White Farmers up their bums. May Zanu(PF) and the ANC both rot in hell. Jan]

Johannesburg – Experts in Zimbabwe have cast serious doubts on claims by the Zimbabwe government that it is able to secure 1.2 million tons of maize to feed millions of food insecure households, the United Nations’ Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) said on Monday.

The authorities have been reluctant to launch an official appeal for international aid to stave off widespread food shortages, saying the government was capable of importing adequate stocks to address the shortfall.

Relief agencies have estimated that up to 4.5 million Zimbabweans would need food aid this year, but officials maintain that just 1.5 million people require food assistance, based on a government crop assessment undertaken between December and January, IRIN said.

Recent figures showed that drought conditions had reduced the maize harvest to around 600 000 tons, against a national consumption requirement of 1.8 million tons.

The Grain Marketing Board (GMB) plans to import 600 000 tons to build its strategic reserves.

But a senior European Union food security analyst in Harare expressed serious concerns, saying the figures did not add up and the government, already strapped for hard currency, was unlikely to follow through on its promises.

EU food security programme coordinator Pierre-Luc Vanhaeverbeke said: “The government says it has plans to procure maize for food use, but so far it has not backed up where they would source the funds from to pay for these imports.

“The 1.2 million tons will definitely be adequate to meet the needs of the vulnerable, but so far there hasn’t been any major import of maize, and we are all wondering how true the information is.”

Sources noted that just a fraction of the necessary maize – around 260 000 tons – had been delivered.

Surplus stocks from South Africa are expected to be the main source of imports.

Recurring fuel shortages also threaten to complicate food distribution.

Apart from needing foreign exchange to import food, the county has to find enough money to bring in fuel, electricity, medical supplies and other essentials.

Zimbabwe public service, labour and social welfare minister Nicholas Goche told IRIN: “All I can say is that we are importing large quantities of grain, particularly from South Africa.

“I cannot give you the exact budget for importing and distributing the grain around the country, but the GMB already has a system which we shall make use of.”

Source: News24.Com
