
Jeff Rense: African AIDS in USA – UK: Fleeing Blacks are everyone"s problem

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2005-06-03  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 6/3/2005 12:43:35 AM
Jeff Rense: African AIDS in USA – UK: Fleeing Blacks are everyone"s problem

<meta name='keywords' content='Jeff,Rense,African,AIDS,in,USA,,UK,Fleeing,Blacks,are,everyones,problem,I,have,just,completed,an,hour,and,a,half,interview,with,Jeff,Rense,,and,thought,I,would,quickly,send,out,this,informaion



Jeff Rense: African AIDS in USA – UK: Fleeing Blacks are everyone&QUOT;s problem

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 6/3/2005 12:43:35 AM

Jeff Rense: African AIDS in USA – UK: Fleeing Blacks are everyone&QUOT;s problem

[I have just completed an hour and a half interview with Jeff Rense, and thought I would quickly send out this informaion.

While Jeff and I were discussing AIDS (a topic about which he wrote a book some years ago), he quoted from a news article in the USA. It said that African strains of AIDS have now been discovered in Minnesota, in the USA. I don’t have the news item on hand, but I think one will find it on his site at

I mentioned to Jeff that Blacks are fleeing Africa, and they are mainly fleeing to Europe where in certain countries they are causing serious problems. I have heard of organised criminals and prostitutes from Africa causing chaos in Italy for example. And Spain is experiencing a serious problem with “boat people” from Africa.

I was saying to Jeff that Black Africans will probably cause a lot of serious problems in Europe because they are flooding in there in large quantities – bringing AIDS with them.

I noticed that in the UK, recently, the British National Party, put up a link to the farm murders in South Africa. And I would like you to read what they wrote, because it underlines a lot of what I have been saying:

“With the G8 summit planned for 5 weeks time and Bob Geldof forcing Africa and that continent’s suffering high on to the agenda for the summit of world leaders, it behoves the BNP to have a clear stance on the issue of aid to Africa.

In Brimstone, Lee Barnes argues that a stable Africa will be one which retains its own people, rather than giving rise to an exodus of refugees and migrants. If bringing about a stable continent means, amongst other factors, persuading the world banks to “drop the debt” that we should be echoing that message and further making sure that any increase in western aid donations is tied to widespread political change on the continent.

As always Brimstone brings a timely issue to our screens and presents a controversial and thought provoking stance, worthy of debate and discussion.

We make no apology for the disgusting picture of brutality above. The victim was a wife of a South African farmer, she was œlucky, after her operation she survived; a survivor of a savage attack by anti-white racist Blacks, thousands of others haven™t. A fuller story and some truly gruesome pictures of sickening violence and brutality can be found here… [Link to my website].”

End of BNP statement.

I have been saying for a long time, that Blacks are now fleeing from Africa in larger numbers than ever, thanks to the collapse brought on by putting the wrong people in power there (a bunch of Socialists). I would like to remind people around the world about the objections many of us had with regard to people being put in power here, whom we said, upfront, were dictators or mass-murderers-waiting-to-happen. We said these people were not fit to rule countries – and everyone ignored what we had to say on the subject.

But, those who ignored us, will find that things are now rebounding right back on them. Many people in Europe and the USA thought they could ignore Africa and they are now discovering to their horror – that Africa is coming to their own back yard. The problems of yesteryear, the problems of Rhodesia, of South Africa, of Angola, of Nigeria – are all coming to a town or city near you – especially if you live in Europe.

The disaster of Africa is affecting each one of you. If not through Blacks who are fleeing the continent, then through AID that your Government is giving. And if that AID, from your tax money, is not spent properly in Africa, then even more of it will be needed in the future.

So you may think, you could ignore Africa – but you will find, to your horror, that the scale of the disaster here is so enormous, that it will affect you. Many British and European people have already had first-hand experience of seeing masses of Black immigrants coming into their countries and causing serious social problems. It is only a matter of time, before Britain or even Finland become Third World states! (You may think I am joking, but take a look at some studies and information from those countries and you will be shocked at what you will find).

Africa has already become everyone’s problem. The world helped people like Mugabe to come to power. I think the world should also start taking stronger and more effectives steps to solve the problem because Africa’s negative impact on the world could be enormous. And maybe, next time, people should listen a little more closely to those of us who live here, who actually make things over here work, because you will see, that our concerns are not overblown. Jan]
