
S.Africa: A Black Guy replies regarding Uhuru – Night of the Long Knives

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2007-02-26 Time: 00:00:00  Posted By: Jan

[I decided to ask one of the many blacks I’ve worked with in the past, who now works for another company in Johannesburg, (and who has no idea that I have a website) – what the views on Uhuru are among the blacks. He has no idea what my real views are on politics. I have always encouraged him to talk and speak his mind to me.

This guy is also an ardent Jacob Zuma supporter by the way… and Jacob is of course a black politician who is pretty much preaching his own Communist Uhuru for us whites (“Bring me my machinegun”).

This is the reply I got from my former black co-worker.

Can it be trusted? I can’t say. I actually got him to trust me in a way he never trusted other whites. From time to time we’d discuss Zuma and many other things, and he said a lot to me.

Does his answer mean that Uhuru will never come?

I don’t think so. Many blacks don’t know the history of Africa that well. I personally believe that it is INEVITABLE that at some point in the future – my guess is in the period 5-50 years, there is a good chance that there will be a black-white punch-up in Africa. And given the troubles in the ANC you never know how soon it could happen.

I just can’t see how whites, especially Afrikaners and blacks can co-exist for centuries without a punchup at some point.

I’d say I think this guy believes what he is writing… but whether what he believes will in fact pan out… remains to be seen. I’m not convinced.

It is always good to keep your eyes and ears peeled for the signs of REAL TROUBLE (as opposed to the complete nonsense put out by the “suidlanders” and their spokes-liar, Tanya Du Preez.

In my book, Government by Deception, and right throughout the history of this website I have said I feel that Whites and Blacks will clash once more in S.Africa. I have also said I think the blacks will initiate it. The ANC will *NEVER* go down without a fight. Like Mugabe, the unspoken rule is that only the ANC will be allowed to rule this country.

Whether future clashes will be purely black vs white or whether it will be more complex with whites having various non-white including black allies is an open question. What if Whites Coloureds, certain tribes form some sort of Alliance? The longer it takes… the stranger the next war will be. Jan]

Hi Jan,

I don't believe that South Africa will end up into the Zimbabwe-type of situation; more blacks are getting educated to think about chasing white people from this country. Many white folks believe that it was Mandela decision to reconcile with white people, I don't really think so, and it was a decision that was taken by the NEC committee at that time which Mandela was also part of it. Maybe in the past people thought about it but I don't still believe that there are black people out there that believe they will just get a white man house just like that. Maybe Political party like PAC still have that mentality however I doubt if they still think that way.

South Africa will move from this race issue agenda and more Afrikaners will also start accepting black people, will also have faith on our black leaders, because the way I see it, certain Afrikaners don't believe that blacks can rule the country.