
S.Africa"s former Apartheid Party to join the ANC

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2004-08-10  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 8/10/2004 4:27:22 PM
S.Africa"s former Apartheid Party to join the ANC

<meta name='keywords' content='SAfricas,former,Apartheid,Party,to,join,the,ANC,I,did,say,many,weeks,ago,that,Martinus,Van,Schalkwyk,,who,heads,the,NNP,should,join,the,ANC,And,finally,he,did,



S.Africa&QUOT;s former Apartheid Party to join the ANC

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 8/10/2004 4:27:22 PM

S.Africa&QUOT;s former Apartheid Party to join the ANC

[I did say many weeks ago that Martinus Van Schalkwyk, who heads the NNP should join the ANC. And finally he did.

When this was announced on SABC TV news, the black commentator Vuyo, was literally jumping out of his skin from joy. He was saying this is the sweetest revenge – for the National Party to die at the ANC’s feet – and to reach out to the ANC in its final moment. And I can believe, for the ANC this must be the day they dreamed of. Its their big day. They finally crushed the mighty Afrikaner-dominated National Party and brought it to its knees… and in its final hours, a weak, pathetic, wanker of a white man asked the blacks to save his sorry ass.

This event does not surprise me because in my book, Government by Deception, I’m sure I mentioned an argument I had with my accountant before the 1994 elections which brought the ANC to power. He told me the NP had this great plan (and FW De Klerk hinted at this too), that the ANC would run the country, stuff it up and in 1999, the NP would retake the country and the whites would be in control again.

I told my accountant that that’s not the way things will work. The ANC will stuff the country AND stay in power. I told him the ANC would blame everything on the whites anyway and get away with it.

Apparently, this awesome “strategy” that De Klerk and Company had was based on “the lessons of Zimbabwe”. I still argued with everyone back then that they had learned the WRONG LESSONS from Zimbabwe.

Anyhow… I am pleased to see the National Party dying. They deserved it. They deserved it because they were wishful thinkers who underestimated the ANC.

But maybe some whites have not yet learned their lesson properly. I have noted that there is similar type of thinking – quite in line with this – starting to surface among some Afrikaners again. The theory goes: The ANC is losing control of the country and in a couple of years time Afrikaners can make a comeback. I’ve heard it said that the ANC is weak and it can be beaten.

I have my own analysis of the ANC. I believe the ANC has strengths and weaknesses, but I DISAGREE on what others perceive as its strengths and its weaknesses. I believe that some things which people perceive as its weaknesses are actually its strengths and vica versa. I don’t believe the ANC has to be successful in economic terms in order to survive. The ANC is too good with its propaganda and shifting the blame.

I had similar arguments with people over Zimbabwe. Many said Mugabe was dead. Dead? Mugabe is kicking his opposition’s ass from here to kingdom come. Mugabe is alive and well. He was not as weak as people thought. When he is finished in the next year or two the MDC won’t exist.

The ANC is actually extremely powerful at this time, and its strength is growing in leaps and bounds. Those who believe the ANC will collapse, or that South Africa will collapse from WITHIN are incorrect.

People just don’t understand communism. Castro runs one of the most rotten countries in the world, and he’s in complete control. Communism is DESIGNED for INTERNAL STRENGTH. Its the thing communists are the BEST AT. South Africa will never undergo a civil war or a white rebellion. Nobody will challenge the ANC – UNLESS, masses of blacks start defecting – which I think is most unlikely – not at least for another decade.

The only way South Africa’s political system will ever be changed is in the same way its been done in the past 350 years: FROM WITHOUT. That is the secret of Africa. Africa’s politics for the last 300 years has been driven by EXTERNAL FACTORS and not internal factors. It was external powers who brought colonialism. It was external powers who took it away. If the ANC or Zanu(PF) is to be brought down it will come from external sources. The whites, the Afrikaners, the Zulus, the MDC – none of these groups will ever succesfully challenge the current governments. And those foolish enough to try will either end up dead or lounge in prison.

I smile at those who think the ANC will just collapse in a few years time. Yeah right. Keep telling yourself that. Try that experiment and enjoy your coming stint in jail. Jan]

South Africa’s former apartheid party to join ANC
—————————————————————————The South African party that introduced apartheid and enforced racial segregation for 50 years is to merge with the African National Congress, the party that led the fight to end white rule.

A meeting of the New National Party’s (NNP) Federal Council on Saturday proposed members join the ANC, but retain their party membership, parliamentary and local government seats as a special transitional arrangement until September 2005.

“Individual members of the NNP would be encouraged to join the ANC in their respective localities. The NNP will in future contest elections under the banner of the ANC,” the NNP said in a statement.

The NNP is all that remains of the once mighty National Party, which came to power in 1948 and hardened already discriminatory laws under a system of racial segregation known as apartheid – only to dismantle them in the face of global political and economic pressures.

The NNP, rebranded from the National Party in 1997, was virtually wiped out in April elections with less than 2 percent of the vote, while the ANC won a commanding two-thirds majority.

The NNP and the ANC already had a cooperation agreement, and NNP leaders have admitted that contributed to the party’s dim showing in the April elections.

But in a conciliatory move, President Thabo Mbeki put NNP leader Marthinus van Schalkwyk in his cabinet in charge of environmental affairs and tourism.

The country’s first free elections in 1994 were won by the ANC and Nelson Mandela, icon of the anti-apartheid struggle, was elected as the country’s first black president.
