
Zim: Opposition leader banned from public speaking

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2004-08-06  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 8/6/2004 3:04:00 PM
Zim: Opposition leader banned from public speaking

Zim: Opposition leader banned from public speaking

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 8/6/2004 3:04:00 PM

Zim: Opposition leader banned from public speaking

Harare – Zimbabwe’s main opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai has been barred by police from speaking at a series of meetings of his Movement for Democratic Change party over the past ten days, his spokesman said. Tsvangirai “is very concerned about this new development which casts serious doubt as to whether Zimbabwe can have a free and fair election in 2005,” said his spokesman William Bango. “In the past 10 days, the Zimbabwe Republic Police have barred President Morgan Tsvangirai from addressing 11 meetings convened for grassroots officials,” said Bango. Although national security laws make it obligatory for anyone wishing to hold a public meeting to seek permission from police at least four days before the event, the spokesman stressed that political parties had to merely inform them, “not ask for their approval.” “Tsvangirai believes the police are abusing their powers in denying a political leader of his stature, with millions of supporters and followers, from performing his national duties,” Bango said. He stressed that the meetings were not public rallies but intra-party discussions. Tsvangirai is mulling legal action. Police reportedly refused to clear the meetings citing such reasons as lack of manpower to police the meetings, or because the ruling Zanu PF had already booked the same venue. Tsvangirai, whose four-year old party holds more than a third of the parliamentary seats, has vowed that the MDC will fight for electoral reforms ahead of the elections in March. An array of laws exists which may drastically limit the MDC’s hopes of being on a par with the ruling party in the run-up to the elections. The MDC does not have access to any broadcasting media and the government has closed down three independent newspapers in the past year. In 2002, Tsvangirai lost the presidential polls which were slammed by international rights groups as unfair and is challenging the outcome in court.

Source: WWW.ZwNews.Com
