
Zim police want white farmer

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2004-08-05  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 8/5/2004 3:24:18 PM
Zim police want white farmer

Zim police want white farmer

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 8/5/2004 3:24:18 PM

Zim police want white farmer

Harare – Five men have been arrested in Zimbabwe for trying to smuggle farm equipment worth millions of dollars to neighbouring Zambia where most of the white farmers have resettled, police said on Thursday.

“The five were arrested this week in connection with the attempted smuggling of farm equipment to Zambia using forged documents,” Assistant Police Commissioner Wayne Bvudzijena said.

Under new laws that came into effect in December last year, it is an offence for a farmer to get rid of any equipment without authorisation from the lands minister.

The law was passed after the government accused white farmers who lost their land under Zimbabwe’s controversial land reforms of trying to export, lock away or destroy their equipment.

“The tip of the iceberg”

President Robert Mugabe’s government ruled that it would “compulsorily acquire” any farming equipment and material left behind by white farmers.

Bvudzijena said the equipment was seized in the western city of Bulawayo and that the five who worked with two private freight companies and the customs department will appear in court to face charges once the investigation is finalised.

“It’s a lot of equipment which includes tractors, planters and electrical gadgets,” he said.

Police were searching for a Harare-based white farmer, who allegedly organised the export of the equipment.

“We are still looking for the white farmer,” said Bvudzijena.

“We suspect this could be just a tip of the iceberg. There could be a racket going on between the farmers, freight agents and ZIMRA (customs) officers,” said Bvudzijena.

In 2000, the government embarked on the controversial reform programme to acquire millions of hectares of land from whites and redistribute it to blacks.

About 4 500 white farmers owned 70% of prime farmland in the country, but now only around 500 remain as many have resettled in Zambia, Mozambique, Uganda and Nigeria or have moved to Australia or New Zealand.

In April, the government started selling farming equipment to the new black farmers. Land Minister John Nkomo said the machinery used to be owned by white farmers “who are largely hostile and unsupportive to the land reform programme”. – AFP

Edited by Andrea Botha

Source: News24.Com
