
Laughing at S.Africa"s Home Coming Revolution

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2004-07-29  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 7/29/2004 10:27:47 AM
Laughing at S.Africa"s Home Coming Revolution

<meta name='keywords' content='Laughing,at,SAfricas,Home,Coming,Revolution,I,was,pondering,the,whole,issue,of,whether,whites,should,stay,or,leave,With,Jani,Allan,,Jeff,Rense,and,CindyLou,working,on,AfricanCrisis,Angels



Laughing at S.Africa&QUOT;s Home Coming Revolution

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 7/29/2004 10:27:47 AM

Laughing at S.Africa&QUOT;s Home Coming Revolution

I was pondering the whole issue of whether whites should stay or leave. With Jani Allan, Jeff Rense and Cindy-Lou working on AfricanCrisis Angels.

I have never openly supported either fleeing or staying since I figured all I’d do is irritate people. In the end, its a personal decision anyway.

There is that woman… can’t remember her name… who started the “Home Coming Revolution” – see I can state, that one of the biggest banks in South Africa now supports the “Home Coming Revolution”.

I laugh though… because the Home Coming Revolution works this way: You get these whites who say…. Yippeee… they didn’t kill us in our beds, and the country is actually running better than we expected… and those of you who left are all feeling so HOME SICK NOW… pack up your bags again and RETURN TO SOUTH AFRICA!!!

Yeah, crime is a bit high, jobs are hard to come by… but you’re really still in “good old South Africa” and we still have the greatest weather on the planet (Its the one thing we really do miss!)… and there is still HOPE that we’re gonna get it all together and life won’t be so bad.

(They ignore Robert Mugabe up in Zim, and the ANC’s silent but determined support for him – they write him off, in their Liberally stupid way as an “abberation”… Yeah.. Mugabe is an ABBERATION… Mbeki could NEVER do that!?!?)

But the “Home Comers” are doing their Ra Ra Sis boom Ba – South Africa is just a GREAT PLACE TO BE… in spite of the crime… etc… 🙂

I don’t know why Whites would want to come back. Look – if you were born in a country, loved it, and did not want to leave, but felt you had no choice (like with us in Rhodesia), then yeah, when you leave, you go with this sense of homesickness… No matter where you go, you yearn back for the old.

I was homesick for Rhodesia for all of 6 years. The cure was simple: I returned to Zimbabwe for 1 month’s holiday. I returned, and after 2 weeks decided – STUFF THIS, I’m leaving this crap place… South Africa is much better!! And that was The End of Jan Lamprecht’s homesickness for Zim. I haven’t been back in 18 years and couldn’t care if I never see it in the rest of my life.

But now you’re getting hundreds of thousands of whites who fled SA who now suddenly are becoming homesick and having second thoughts. And you’re getting these others encouraging them to come back.

Now believe it or not, I’m not too worried whether whites leave or stay. It is a personal decision. But, for those who come back… they’re actually helping to boost our numbers.

In reality, most of them will hate this decision because, financially, coming back will ruin most of them. This is how it works: Leaving cost them a lot of money… They’re hardly set up in their new lives and they decide to run back here… Two major moves in a few short years… will wipe most of them out… Then over here… you have the JOB ISSUE.

The ANC said: Affirmative Action FOREVER AND EVER. Never will it be taken away. Cool… Where I work, we’re scrapping contract workers. They’re mostly white. As each contract worker leaves, he is replaced – according to our racial quotas… by a BLACK!!! Yeah… so these whites are kicked out, and blacks are being put in their place because of the racial quotas. PLUS, I heard, Managers are being given bonuses, etc – based on – how well they stick to their new racial quotas.

So, I ask – What are these whites actually coming back to? If its the same S.Africa they left 5-10 years ago… they’re in for a rude surprise.

I was in downtown Johannesburg sorting out some Municipal bills this morning and I thought I was in Nigeria… Picture this: I parked my car in what used to be a parkade I used often… it was a minibus taxi rank now… there was filth everywhere… the machines that issue the tickets were ripped out… It was amazing. When I finished my business, I could not get out because there were SEVERAL PROTESTS AND DEMONSTRATIONS by our Communist-controlled Trade Unions with the black toyi-toying and bearing sticks, and other paraphernalia. They were blocking the streets. Their problem? They want a 12% pay increase and are DEMANDING IT!!!

Funny, at my place of work, we’re told: Annual Increase 4% – if you’re very good – 6%. That’s it. But… if you’re black and you belong to a trade union… You can scream and shout and protest and you’ll get so much more…

Yeah… so this is modern South Africa.

Then I think about this Home Coming revolution, and I just LAUGH. Why?

Back in Zimbabwe… in the first 5 years… 2/3rds of the whites left… Me being among them. Then, in the 6th year, a new wave of thinking went around among the whites. It went like this: “Life under Mugabe and Zanu(PF) isn’t so bad… You can really return. The blacks are Ok. Just mind your P’s and Q’s and you’ll be alright. AND THERE IS *LOTS OF MONEY TO BE MADE!*” And a certain number of people did indeed return… in the last 1980’s… Thinking it was all going to be great…

And we now know… virtually all the whites have gone in the last 4 years!!! So much for the “Zimbabwean Home Coming Revolution” and so much for “MAKING LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY AND EVERYONE GETTING SUPER RICH!!”.

They forget how jealous the blacks are, and how, the blacks can decide to take it all away from you…

I haven’t met anyone whose come back yet… but I’m sure I will. I will however tell you a story of a friend, of a friend who DID come back.

I know someone whose son left for the USA some years ago. He and his wife visited their son. And their son enjoyed the USA – so it seemed. Suddenly, out of the blue, I heard the son, his wife and children had packed their bags in the USA and RETURNED TO SOUTH AFRICA!!

Damned fools I thought.

Yeah, he was homesick, came back because it wasn’t so bad… so I heard.

Now for the laugh: He was only back here TWO WEEKS… when he said he’d made a bloody mistake. He wished he have never returned.

I rest my case. But some people will be foolish. Problem is… he doesn’t have the money to leave again… now he and his family got themselves trapped back in our hell-hole… worse off than before. But they only have themselves to blame.

However, I suppose, bringing back some whites is good. It helps boost our numbers. I also question how many of them will survive in our job market once they’re here.

Whether people leave or stay… I keep my nose out of it.

But what I will say is this: At least if you stay or leave, do it for the right reason. I pour absolute scorn on those who return BECAUSE THEY THINK THINGS WILL GET BETTER. If they are returning, because they believe there is going to be an armed struggle and they don’t want to miss it – cool – that’s the right attitude. If you’re returning because suddenly you believe in the ANC – now that’s a bloody fool. And if you leave… leave for the right reasons too… Don’t leave the country – if you think it has a FUTURE. I know so many BLACKS who love the ANC, believe in the country and… THEY MOVED TO EUROPE!!!! I kid you not!! I’m still trying to fathom the logic behind that one.

The Home Coming Revolution is so silly… in my view… because its all based on EMOTION and a bag of falsehoods. They pretend the country is just becoming really great now (despite the unbelievable crime statistics and record, all-time unemployment)… and they now want to con themselves and con each other into believing life is just going to be so great.

To me, it is their ability to be stupid enough to lie to themselves and to each other which is why I pour scorn on them. Its not the act of going or coming back – but the BOGUS REASONS behind it… based on EMOTION… overriding LOGIC and REASON.

I wouldn’t call a person a COWARD, if he left S.Africa because he thought it was going to be a mess – because many people are just trying to do what is write for their families and kids. But I’d call him a damned idiot, if he came back thinking that only a bed of Roses awaits him.

Let all of them come back. Let them come. Let them con each other.
One day they will realise it was the stupidest thing they ever did.
