
RACISM OVER-RIDES THE CONSTITUTION – this story is a tragic one!

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2004-07-24  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 7/24/2004 2:22:48 PM
RACISM OVER-RIDES THE CONSTITUTION – this story is a tragic one!

<meta name='keywords' content='RACISM,OVERRIDES,THE,CONSTITUTION,,this,story,is,a,tragic,one!,,Father,slams,polices,gross,neglect,in,sons,deadly,traffic,accident

RACISM OVER-RIDES THE CONSTITUTION – this story is a tragic one!

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 7/24/2004 2:22:48 PM

RACISM OVER-RIDES THE CONSTITUTION – this story is a tragic one!

Father slams police’s gross neglect in son’s deadly traffic accident
– “Johan Olckers” [email protected] writes:
July 21 2004 – If justice is imortant to you and if you believe in justice for all,then read this letter.Please do not forward it to five or seven people, but to ALL on your mailing list. Help us to obtain equal justice and to prevent similar incidents.
CELL: 082 971 9313, FAX: 013-712 3843
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Is there justice for an Afrikaner person in South Africa, or do some government officials and the South African Police discriminate against our people?
Read this letter and decide for yourselves.

My son, Johan Olckers Jnr, was involved in a car accident on January 25, 2003 at 02h55 in Barberton, Mpumalanga, South Africa.
Below are the facts about the way the police handled the accident and I have proof of every fact.

In brackets are my questions on some of the facts.

1. The police was informed about the accident and Insp. D.M. Mashabane and Srgt. T.B. Shongwe of Barberton, arrived at the scene within five minutes.
2. None of these policemen even tried to give any emergency medical treatment to my son.
3. The accident took place 1,9km from the provincial hospital, where qualified paramedics and ambulances were on standby and available, but they were never informed about the accident.
(The SA Constitution states clearly in Article 27(3): “No one may be refused emergency medical treatment.”
When these policemen failed to call the ambulance, paramedics or doctor, or to provide emergency medical treatment, they denied / refused my son his Constitutional Rights.)
4. The two policemen left my badly injured son in his vehicle, while it was raining, not covering his body, and went and sat in their own vehicle for 25 minutes before the first call for help was made and that call was made to Saffas.
– (Why had they left him like this without help and why did they wait 25 minutes before they called for help?
– Did they wait to make sure that he iwas dead before they called for help?)

5. Insp. Mashabane said in his statement:- – “Met my aankoms by die ongelukstoneel, het ek gevind dat die ongeluk het reeds gebeur .. Die bestuurder van die bakkie was alreeds oorlede.”

– ( Remember that the accident took place only 5 minutes prior to his arrival.
– How did he determined that my son was indeed dead?
– What are his medical qualifications and what instruments was used to determine that my son was dead and not in a coma?
– Two photos were taken of my son in the vehicle, by the owner of the tow-in service, about 50 minutes after the accident took place.
– These photos show how he was still sitting in his seat, with the bonnet over him, without being covered.
– These photos were shown to qualified doctors and paramedics and all agreed that no person, not even medical personnel, could be able to tell with certainty that my son was dead, without using instruments?)
6. According to the statement of Insp. Wilkens, who was called to the scene to assist, he himself tried to find a pulse, but there was nothing. In his statement he also said that he was called out at 03h05, but he was lying. I can prove that he was only called out at 03h37 and arrived at the scene about an hour after the accident took place. By this time my son died, no one had lifted a finger to help him.
(I would like to point out 3 things:
(a) It is medically proven that a person can still be alive, although it is impossible to feel a pulse.
(b) It was also found in a survey that 40% of qualified medical personnel could not find a pulse in a well person.
Please note: Especially untrained people thus cannot feel the pulse of a well-person accurately, and even more difficult for a person without medical qualifications is to feel the pulse of someone who had been involved in a serious accident and had been exposed (cooled down by) to rain.
(c) Even qualified paramedics are not allowed to declare any person dead, purely based on the determination that they cannot detect a pulse — they have to use instruments as well. So how can an untrained policeman, with no medical qualifications, make such a determination without instruments?
7. My son was not declared dead by any person with any medical qualifications before he was sent to the morgue.

The first doctor to see him, was the doctor who performed the Post-Mortem, four days after the accident.
(How can a policemen with no medical qualification be allowed to declare a person dead, while qualified medical personnel were only 1,9km away?)
8. The position of the vehicles were not marked on the road. No photos were taken of the positions of the vehicles. The scematic sketch of the accident was also incorrect and cannot be reconstructed.

(What is the use of having policemen that are not capable of performing elementary police work, yet they want to do the work of paramedics and doctors and decide over life and death?)
9. We, as parents, were not informed about the accident or death of our son, although we are staying only 3,0km. from the scene of the accident.

As it was one of my vehicles, the name of my company was on the back of the vehicle and registered in my name. My cellphone number appeared on the accident report. The bystanders on the scene knew my son and Insp. Wilkens knew me personally.
10. When I enquired about the accident at the policestation, I was chased out by a black officer.

11. When we received my son’s cellphone back from the police, all records for the previous 10 days were deleted. (My son could not have done it.)

We tried to obtain a subpoena from the police to enable us to get the records from Vodacom. It took us 8 months to get the subpoena from the police, just to learn that Vodacom has no records, as they delete all information older than 6 months and the police was aware of this fact, as they received a circular in this regard. (Why have they wasted 8 months before the subpoena was issued? What are they withholding from us?)
12. The doctor who performed the Post-Mortem, asked that my son’s blood be tested for alcohol. The police kept the sample at the local police station for 20 days before handing it in at Forensics.

The police, in their official document which accompanies the sample, asked that the blood be tested for alcohol and drugs.
According to the police document that was signed at February 17, 2003 by a Capt. Twala, the sample was still sealed and handed to Insp. M. S. Sambo.
However, when the sample arrived at Forensics a full twenty days later, on February 18, 2003 it was “in a unsealed container” according to Forensics.
(Why was the blood kept for 20 days at the local police station? Was it to obtain blood with alcohol and drugs? Why was the seal broken?)
– I have also obtained a blood sample from the doctor at the Post-Mortem, which was handed in at an independent laborotary.
– The results of this sample differs completely from the results of the police-supplied sample obtained by Forensics.
– (Was my son’s blood replaced? If the police could tampered with my son’s blood, then one can only wonder how many innocent people are doing a sentence because their blood was also replaced)
Why am I sending this letter out? I am trying for 18 months to get answers from the police. They refuse to answer any of my questions.
They refuse to take any dicciplinary action against any of their members. At three separate occations they :
– have sent a senior police officer to meet with me “
dir. G. van Rooyen of Nelspruit,
Ass. Comm. Dube from Middelburg and
Snr Supt. Steenkamp also from Middelburg.
Each of them assured me that he will investigate the case and then I never heard of him again.

Six letters to Thabo Mbeki:
I have written six letters to President Mbeki, asking for help.
His office keeps telling me that the matter is referred to the Minister of Safety and Security.
The office of minister Nqakula keep saying the matter is under investigation. How long can one investigate this matter?
I am not a policeman and do not have the facilities the police have, but I have finished my investigation months ago. The Nasional Commisioner of Police, Comm. Jackie Selebe and the Provincial Minister of Safety and Security do not even respond to any of my letters.
I have tried the media, newspapers, tv programmes, magazines and radio stations. The Lowvelder (newspaper) placed an article and Radio Pretoria run the story.

This matter is purely one of justice, but some government officials and police has turned it into racism and discrimination the moment they decided to treat this case different from those where the victims were black and the accused white i.e. the Geo Cronje saga and the case where the dog of a white policeman of Mpumalanga bit a black suspect.
In these and other similar cases, the government intervened immediately and the police finished their investigations within days.
In my son’s case, he is anb Afrikaner and the police officers involved in the investigation are Africans, an dno one is willing to do anything.
Not even the President.
Not even for the fact that my son was denied his Constitutional Right on emergency medical treatment.
The government and police, whose duty it is to enforce the Constitution and protect the citizens, are those who denied him his Constitutional Rights and fail to take action against those who denied him his rights.
What is the use of claiming to have the most advanced and modern Constitution, when we fail to enforce the Constitution when the accused is a black African and the victim is a white Afrikaner?
Were is the “rainbow nation and non discrimination” now?
Several policemen were involved in the handling of this case “ from the station commander down to the sergeant.
However, notwithstanding all that happened, this station received the award as the best police station in Mpumalanga.

I want to asked you, if justice is important to you, immaterial your colour or nationality, do not do the same as some government officials and the police did “ do not ignore this letter, but forward it.

This time it was my son — next time it could be your loved ones and the police may leave them to die without getting help. Please do not forward this letter to your five best friends, but forward it to ALL the people on your address list.

If you support this effort to get justice, then also forward this letter to the following two addresses, to show your support.

[email protected]
[email protected]

Immaterial of your decision, my God bless you and protect you and your family from such an ordeal
Yours sincerely
