WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.
Original Post Date: 2004-06-23 Posted By: Jan
From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 6/23/2004 11:28:45 AM
More Namibian Farmers to lose land – German industrialist to disinvest
From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 6/23/2004 11:28:45 AM
More Namibian Farmers to lose land – German industrialist to disinvest
[The Zimbabweans called a major German industrialist’s staff “White Pigs”. Now here we see the similarities between Zimbabwe and Namibia (and South Africa). I know a few things about Wilfred Pabst which are worth relating because this will show what Racist Black Pigs the blacks can be!! (To use their own terms against them!). American and other investors can learn a lot from the horrible experiences of Pabst. Pabst is a very high-powered German industrialist with major investments all over Southern Africa. Pabst did not come here to make trouble with the blacks. I am not sure how long he has invested in Southern Africa – but it must have been for quite some time. He represents the sort of top-notch, first-class Western investor which blacks should be falling over their feet to wine and dine – the sort of person who can help save this backward continent from returning to the Stone Age. Instead, for his risks and efforts he gets a kick up his butt. Pabst is the sort of high-powered businessman who meets directly with the presidents of countries. From what I have heard he knows Mbeki personally, and he has had a number of meetings with the Vice President of Zimbabwe (but never Mugabe). He is on close terms with the Chancellor of Germany, who listens to him, and has even addressed the German parliament about Zimbabwe (in January 2004). Pabst owns the Save Conservancy in Zimbabwe. His conservancy is to be grabbed in the latest land grab. He has been fighting for his business there for years. But as you will see, the arrogant black Zimbabweans treat his staff with racist contempt. A co-worker told me that Pabst was recently on RSG – a major South African radio station discussing the problems in Namibia. He said that Namibia is going the same way as Zimbabwe, and that South Africa is going the same way. He has investments in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. He said he is considering pulling out of Southern Africa altogether. He also made some remarks against the Affirmative Action racial quotas in South Africa. He said something to the effect that we are moving into the Middle Ages where the government instructs him who he can and can’t employ. As a businessman he wants to make these decisions himself (after all it is his risk). Pabst has struggled for years to keep his conservancy in Zimbabwe – but in the end the black racists have stabbed him in the back. Pabst is no white racist. He is an industrialist whose only interest is in running his businesses and getting on with his interests. He has no quarrel with these people and complies with the laws, but they made a business out of maltreating him and stabbing him in the back. But the blacks will pay the price for their despicable treatment of a good-willed European investor. Other investors will also start seeing that Africa is a rotten continent not worth investing in because it is run by power-hungry Black Racists who are out to cheat and steal from all whites – no matter where they are from. Jan] Namibia’s white farmers are increasingly concerned about their future after President Sam Nujoma’s government began targeting a second group of farms for expropriation under its land reform programme. A second batch of letters was sent to white farmers last week, on the heels of a first bunch in early May, notifying farm owners to set a price for the sale of their land to the State. “My neighbour received a notice three days ago,” said a farmer who asked not to be named. “Four more farmers in my area have also received a letter signed by Lands Minister Pohamba.” “We don’t know what to do if we also receive such a notice. Our children are teenagers, maybe we should emigrate to Australia,” said the farmer, who inherited his farm from his grandfather. Fearing the worst, the farmer said he was cutting back on expenses and only purchasing goods that are essential to run his farm. A lands ministry official declined to comment on the new notices. “I cannot comment on that and I cannot disclose any figures at this stage”, the official said. Land is a sensitive issue in southern Africa, where,as in other part of Africa, most of the arable land is in the hands of a small group of white farmers. In Namibia, they number around 3 800. The example of Zimbabwe, where thousands of white-owned farms were seized and handed over to new black farmers, was hailed in some quarters as a justified solution to the decades-old conundrum. Since 1996, the Namibian government has bought 130 farms under its “willing seller, willing buyer” principle and resettled about 40,000 people on them. In addition, 700 white-owned commercial farms were bought on the open market by black Namibians since independence through affirmative action loans from the agricultural bank. The government in the former German colony, which came under South African rule until independence in 1990, maintains that the expropriations will be carried out in strict accordance with its laws. But the assurances appear to have fallen on deaf ears. “I am aware of the uncertainty prevailing among the farmers. Already companies selling agricultural equipment are feeling the pinch, because farmers hold back with investments to improve their infrastructure,” Jan de Wet, outgoing president of the largest commercial farmers’ organisation told about 60 white farmers last week. De Wet’s organisation, the Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU), has won an extension of the deadline given to the first group of farmers to respond to the notices, to June 30. “We are for a fair expropriation process, but the government has not even made known the criteria to expropriate in the public interest,” says Sigi Eimbeck, co-founder of a new group called the Namibia Farmers’ Support Initiative created earlier this year. The planned farm expropriations are thought to be having a ripple effect on foreign investment. German businessman Wilfried Pabst said that he had frozen investment in Namibia after running into problems in Zimbabwe. Pabst complained of being harrassed by Zimbabwean local officials who called him and his staff “white pigs”. “Now President Sam Nujoma is using similar socialist vocabulary like Robert Mugabe and farm expropriations are to happen in Namibia. “I don’t need another Zimbabwe in my life,” said Pabst. – Sapa-AFP Source: Daily Mail & Guardian |